Saturday, July 27, 2024
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious parties (if applicable) Defeated parties (if applicable)
c. 3250 BC c. 3250 BC Campaign by King Scorpion (I) against King “Taurus”
Existence disputed
Upper Egypt under Scorpion I Forces of Taurus (Bull)
c. 3100 BC c. 3100 BC Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt Upper Egypt under Narmer Lower Egypt
c. 3100 BC c. 3100 BC Hor-Aha’s Nubia Campaign Egypt Nubia
c. 2900 BC c. 2900 BC Civil war between Horus Bird and Sneferka[1][2][3]
Existence disputed
c. 2650 BC c. 2650 BC Kish-Elam War Kish Elam
c. 2600 BC c. 2600 BC Enmerkar’s Siege of Aratta
Existence disputed
Uruk(Sumer) Aratta
c. 2600 BC c. 2600 BC Aga’s Siege of Uruk
Existence disputed
Kish (Sumer) Uruk
c. 2600 BC c. 2600 BC Campaigns of Sneferu Egypt Nubia
c. 2600 BC c. 2600 BC Campaigns of Enshakushanna Uruk Hamazi
c. 2500 BC c. 2500 BC Campaigns of Eannatum Lagash Ur
Umma and others
c. 2500 BC c. 2500 BC Lugal-Anne-Mundu’s Campaign on Ur Adab Ur
c. 2450 BC c. 2450 BC Umma’s First War of Independence Lagash Umma
c. 2400 BC c. 2400 BC Umma’s Second War of Independence Lagash
c. 2294 or 2230 BC c. 2270 or 2206 BC Campaigns of Lugal-zage-si Umma Kish
c. 2334 BC c. 2279 BC Formation of the Akkadian Empire Akkad
Kish (after being conquered)
Kish (before being conquered)
c. 2270 BC c. 2270 BC Sargon’s Campaigns Northeast of the Akkadian Empire Akkadian Empire Mari
c. 2270 BC c. 2270 BC Invasion of Elam Akkadian Empire Elam
c. 2230 BC c. 2230 BC Naram-Sin’s Campaign on the Lullubi Akkadian Empire Lullubi
c. 2220 BC c. 2150 BC Gutian raids and conquests in the Akkadian Empire Gutian Akkadian Empire
c. 2050 BC c. 2050 BC Fall of the Gutian dynasty Uruk Gutian dynasty of Sumer
c. 2040 BC c. 2040 BC Ur-Nammu’s conquest of Lagash Neo-Sumerian Empire Lagash
c. 2000 BC c. 2000 BC Fall of the Neo-Sumerian Empire Elam
Neo-Sumerian Empire
c. 2000 BC c. 2000 BC War in Persenbet Unclear Unclear
c. 1822 or 1758 BC c. 1763 or 1699 BC Campaigns of Rim-Sin I Larsa Uruk
c. 1801 BC c. 1770 BC Elam’s Invasion into Mesopotamia Elam Eshnunna
minor city states
c. 1770 BC c. 1760 BC Conquests of Hammurabi Babylon
Larsa (before c. 1763 BC)
Mari (before c. 1763 BC)
minor city states
Larsa (after c. 1763 BC)
Mari (after c. 1763 BC)
minor city states
c. 1770 BC c. 1763 BC Elamite attack on Babylon
Part of the Conquests of Hammurabi
c. 1763 BC c. 1763 BC Hammurabi’s Conquest on Larsa
Part of the Conquests of Hammurabi
1762 BC 1760 BC War between Babylon, Eshnunna and Mar [fr]
c. 1760 BC c. 1760 BC Hammurabi’s Conquests in the North
Part of the Conquests of Hammurabi
Babylon Mari
minor city states
c. 1760 BC c. 1760 BC Hammurabi’s War with Assyria
Part of the Conquests of Hammurabi
minor city states
minor city states
c. 1740 BC c. 1595 BC Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire Hittite Empire
troops of Puzur-Sin
Sealand Dynasty
c. 1740 BC c. 1570 BC Kassite invasions into Babylon
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
Kassites Babylon
Remnants of the Babylonian Empire (after c. 1595 BC)
c. 1732 BC c. 1732 BC Puzur-Sin’s Uprising
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
troops of Puzur-Sin
c. 1732 BC c. 1726 or 1720 BC Assyrian Civil War
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
troops of Adasi troops of Puzur-Sin
troops of Ashur-apla-idi
troops of Nasir-Sin
troops of Sin-namir
troops of Ipqi-Ishtar
troops of Adad-salulu
c. 1732 BC c. 1732 BC Foundation of the Sealand Dynasty
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
troops of Ilum-ma-ili Babylon
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious parties (if applicable) Defeated parties (if applicable)
c. 1700 BC c. 1700 BC Babylonian attack on the Sealand Dynasty
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
Sealand Dynasty Babylon
c. 1675 BC c. 1675 BC Xia–Shang War Shang rebel forces Xia Dynasty
c. 1595 BC c. 1595 BC Sack of Babylon
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
Part of the Campaigns of Mursili I
Hittite Empire Babylon
c. 1650 BC c. 1620 BC Campaigns of Hattusili I Hittite Empire Alalakh
smaller Syrian city states
c. 1650 BC c. 1580 BC Hyksos invasion Hyksos Ancient Egypt
c. 1600 BC c. 1595 BC Campaigns of Mursili I Hittite Empire Yamhad
smaller Syrian city states
c. 1523 BC c. 1517 BC Conquest of the Hyksos Egypt Hyksos
c. 1506 BC c. 1502 BC Campaigns of Thutmose I Egyptian Empire Nubia
c. 1493 BC before c. 1479 BC Campaigns of Thutmose II Egyptian Empire Nubia
c. 1457 BC c. 1428 BC Campaigns of Thutmose III Egyptian Empire
c. 1457 BC c. 1456 BC First Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
Tel Megiddo
c. 1456 BC c. 1455 BC Second Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
c. 1455 BC c. 1454 BC Third Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
c. 1454 BC c. 1453 BC Fourth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
c. 1450 BC c. 1449 BC Fifth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
c. 1449 BC c. 1448 BC Sixth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Byblos
c. 1448 BC c. 1447 BC Seventh Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Retjenu
c. 1447 BC c. 1446 BC Attack on Mitanni (Eighth Syria Campaign)
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Mitanni
c. 1445 BC c. 1444 BC Ninth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Nuhašše
c. 1444 BC c. 1443 BC Tenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Mitanni
c. 1443 BC c. 1442 BC Eleventh Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire unknown
c. 1442 BC c. 1441 BC Twelfth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire unknown
c. 1441 BC c. 1440 BC Thirteenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Nuhašše
c. 1440 BC c. 1439 BC Fourteenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Shasu
c. 1439 BC c. 1438 BC Fifteenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire unknown
c. 1438 BC c. 1437 BC Sixteenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire unknown
c. 1437 BC c. 1436 BC Seventeenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Mitanni
c. 1429 BC c. 1428 BC Nubian Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Nubia
c. 1430 BC c. 1200 BC Kaska invasions into the Hittite Empire Hittite Empire Kaska
c. 1400 BC c. 1400 BC Battle of the Ten Kings TrtsuBharata Alina
Matsya Kingdom
c. 1315 BC c. 1315 BC Arzawa Revolt Arzawa
Hittite Empire
c. 1279 BC c. 1213 BC Wars of Ramesses II Egypt
c. 1278 BC c. 1278 BC Battle against Sherden sea pirates
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Shardana
Lukka peoples
Shekelesh peoples
c. 1276 BC c. 1275 BC First Syrian Campaign
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Canaan
Amurru kingdom
c. 1274 BC c. 1274 BC Second Syrian campaign
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
c. 1270 BC c. 1270 BC Third Syrian Campaign
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Hittite Empire
c. 1270 BC c. 1269 BC Later campaigns in Syria
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
c. 1260 BC c. 1260 BC Campaigns in Nubia
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Nubia
c. 1260 BC c. 1255 BC Piyama-Radu Revolt Piyama-Radu
Hittite Empire
c. 1260 BC c. 1180 BC Trojan War Achaeans (mainly Mycenaens and Spartans) Troy
c. 1250 BC c. 1250 BC Campaigns in Libya
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Libya
c. 1237 BC c. 1237 BC Battle of Nihriya Assyria Hittite Empire
c. 1206 BC c. 1150 BC Late Bronze Age collapse
c. 1190 BC c. 1190 BC Destruction of Ugarit
Part of the Late Bronze Age collapse
unknown (probably the Sea Peoples) Ugarit
c. 1175 BC c. 1175 BC Battle of the Delta
Part of the Late Bronze Age collapse
Egypt Sea Peoples
c. 1118 BC c. 1118 BC Diauehi-Assyrian war Assyria Diauehi
c. 1110 BC c. 1110 BC Babylonian War with Elam Babylonia Elam
c. 1046 BC c. 1046 BC Shang–Zhou War Zhou rebel forces Shang Dynasty
c. 1042–BC c. 1039 BC Rebellion of the Three Guards King Cheng of Zhou Shu Du of Cai


Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious parties (if applicable) Defeated parties (if applicable)
854 BC 846 BC Assyrian conquest of Aram Assyrian Empire Aram
757 BC 723 BC Colchis conquer Diauehi Colchis Diauehi
740 BC 720 BC First Messenian War Sparta Messenia
736 BC 732 BC Syro-Ephraimite War Assyrian Empire
Kingdom of Judah
Kingdom of Israel
733 BC 733 BC Pekah-Ahaz War [he] Judah Israel
732 BC before 721 BC Nubian Conquest of Egypt Nubia
Upper Egypt
Middle Egypt
Lower Egypt
725 BC 725 BC Colchian-Scythian war Colchis Scythia
722 BC 481 BC Wars of the Chinese Spring and Autumn period Han
Those were the remaining major states
Smaller states
(consumed by other states)
714 BC after 706 BC Urartu–Assyria War Neo-Assyrian Empire Urartu
710 BC 650 BC Lelantine War Eretria and allies Chalcis and allies
703 BC 689 BC Sennacherib’s War with Babylon Neo-Assyrian Empire Babylonia
701 BC 701 BC Sennacherib’s campaign in Judah Kingdom of Judah
Kushite Egypt
Neo-Assyrian Empire
685 BC 668 BC Second Messenian War Sparta
Cretan mercenaries
671 BC after 664 BC Esarhaddon’s War against Egypt Neo-Assyrian Empire Egypt
Kingdom of Kush
655 BC 639 BC Assyrian conquest of Elam Neo-Assyrian Empire Elam
652 BC 648 or 646 BC Shamash-shum-ukin’s Civil War Neo-Assyrian Empire Assyrian Babylon
Mesopotamian Sealands
Amurru kingdom
Arab tribes
643 BC 642 BC War of Qi’s succession Faction of Prince Zhao Faction of Prince Wukui
Faction of Prince Pan
Faction of Prince Shangren
Faction of Prince Yuan
Faction of Prince Yong
642 BC 338 BC Roman-Latin wars Roman Kingdom
Roman Republic
632 BC 632 BC Cylonian Affair Athens Cylon of Athens
626 BC 626 BC Revolt of Babylon (626 BC) Babylonia Neo-Assyrian Empire
625 BC 615 BC Lydian-Miletus war [ru]
614 BC 614 BC Fall of Assur  Neo-Babylonian Empire
Neo-Assyrian Empire
c. 612 BC c. 612 BC Battle of Nineveh (612 BC) Medes (including: Persians and Elamites)
Neo-Babylonian Empire
Neo-Assyrian Empire
608 BC 608 BC Fall of Harran  Neo-Babylonian Empire
Neo-Assyrian Empire
c. 605 BC c. 605 BC Battle of Carchemish  Neo-Babylonian Empire Egypt
Remnants of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
601 BC 586 BC Jewish–Babylonian war  Neo-Babylonian Empire
 Kingdom of Judah
590 BC 585 BC Median-Lydian war [ru]
595 BC 585 BC First Sacred War Amphictyonic League of Delphi,


between 560 and 540 BC between 560 and 540 BC Achaemenid Colchis war  Achaemenid Empire of Persia Colchis
552 BC 539 BC Wars of Cyrus the Great  Persis/Achaemenid Empire of Persia Median Empire
Neo-Babylonian Empire
Lydian Empire
Gandhara Empire
552 BC 550 BC Persian Revolt
Part of the Wars of Cyrus the Great
 Persis Median Empire
547 BC 547 BC Cyrus’ Conquest of the Lydian Empire
Part of the Wars of Cyrus the Great
 Achaemenid Empire of Persia Lydia
540 BC 539 BC Cyrus’ Conquest of Elam
Part of the Wars of Cyrus the Great
 Achaemenid Empire of Persia Elam
539 BC 539 BC Cyrus’ Conquest of Babylonia
Part of the Wars of Cyrus the Great
 Achaemenid Empire of Persia Neo-Babylonian Empire
between 540 and 535 BC between 540 and 535 BC Battle of Alalia Carthage
Greek Phocaean
Colonies of Alalia
518 BC 518 BC Achaemenid invasion of the Indus Valley  Achaemenid Empire of Persia Haryanka dynasty
499 BC 494 BC Ionian Revolt
Part of the Persian Wars
 Persia Ionia
499 BC 448 BC Greco-Persian Wars Greek city states:

·         Athens

·         Sparta

·         Thespians

·         Thebans

·         Other Greek Forces

Delian League
Other pro-Greek Forces

 Achaemenid Empire of Persia
Other pro-Persian Forces
498 BC 493 BC Latin War (498–493 BC)  Roman Republic Latin League
492 BC 490 BC First Persian invasion of Greece
Part of the Persian Wars
 Persia Ionia
480 BC 479 BC Second Persian invasion of Greece
Part of the Persian Wars
Greek city states led by Athens and Sparta  Persian Empire
487 BC 448 BC Greek counterattack
Part of the Persian Wars
480 BC 480 BC First Sicilian campaign (Battle of Himera)
Part of the Sicilian Wars
477 BC 477 BC Battle of the Cremera Veii  Roman Republic
475 BC 221 BC Wars of Warring States period in China
474 BC 474 BC Battle of Cumae Syracuse
464 BC 464 BC Helot Revolt during the 464 BC Sparta earthquake Sparta

Peloponnesian League

460 BC 445 BC First Peloponnesian War
460 BC 454 BC Rebellion of Inaros II
449 BC 448 BC Second Sacred War

Part of the First Peloponnesian War

440 BC 440 BC Samian War Athens Samos
431 BC 404 BC Peloponnesian War Peloponnesian League Delian League
411 BC 411 BC Athenian coup of 411 BC The Four Hundred Athens
410 BC 340 BC Second Sicilian War
Part of the Sicilian Wars
Delian League
480 BC 479 BC Second Persian invasion of Greece Greek city states including Athens and Sparta Persian Empire
395 BC 387 BC Corinthian War Athens
Persian Empire
Other allies
Peloponnesian League
390 BC (traditional)
387 BC (probable)
390 BC (traditional)
387 BC (probable)
Battle of the Allia Gauls Roman Republic
385 BC 385 BC Artaxerxes’ II Cadusian Campaign Cadusii  Persian Empire
385 BC 385 BC Dardanian invasion of Epirus Kingdom of Dardania

Supported by:

SpartaSupported by:
382 BC 379 BC First Olynthian War [dekyrusr]
378 BC 372 BC Boeotian War Thebes
372 BC 362 BC Revolt of the Satraps Achaemenid Empire Rebel satrapies
371 BC 371 BC First Spartan Revolt against the Boeotian League Boeotian League Sparta
362 BC 362 BC Second Spartan Revolt against the Boeotian League
360 BC 360 BC Perdiccas III‘s expedition in Upper Macedonia[4] Kingdom of Dardania Macedonia
358 BC 336 BC Wars of the Rise of Macedon
357 BC 355 BC Social War Chios
Second Athenian League
356 BC 346 BC Third Sacred War Amphictyonic League Phocis
343 BC 341 BC First Samnite War
Part of the Samnite Wars
 Roman Republic
340 BC 338 BC Latin War  Roman Republic
Latin League
339 BC 338 BC Philip II’s campaign in Greece (Fourth Sacred War) Macedon Athens
327 BC 304 BC Second Samnite War
Part of the Samnite Wars
 Roman Republic
334 BC 323 BC Wars of Alexander the Great Macedon Persian Empire
Greek city states
332 BC 331 BC Rebellion against Macedonian Rule Macedon Sparta
Thracian tribes
323 BC 322 BC Lamian War Macedon Athens
Aetolian League
Achaean League
321 BC 320 BC Conquest of the Nanda Empire Maurya Empire Nanda Empire
315 BC 307 BC Third Sicilian campaign
Part of the Sicilian Wars
312 BC 312 BC Antigonid–Nabataean confrontations
Part of the Wars of the Diadochi
Nabataean Kingdom Antigonid dynasty
311 BC 309 BC Babylonian War
Part of the Wars of the Diadochi
Seleucid Empire Antigonid dynasty
311 BC 309 BC Bosporan Civil War The Siraceni Bosporans


305 BC 304 BC Siege of Rhodes (305–304 BC)
Part of the Wars of the Diadochi
Ptolemaic Kingdom
Seleucid Empire
Antigonid dynasty
305 BC 303 BC Seleucid-Mauryan War Maurya Empire Seleucid Empire
c. 300 BC c. 300 BC Gojoseon–Yan War Yan Gojoseon
298 BC 290 BC Third Samnite War
Part of the Samnite Wars
281 BC 279 BC Gallic invasion of the Balkans Aetolian League
280 BC 275 BC Pyrrhic War Roman Republic
Magna Graecia
274 BC 200 BC Syrian Wars
274 BC 271 BC First Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
Ptolemaic Kingdom Seleucid Empire
260 BC 255 BC Second Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
245 BC 241 BC Third Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
Ptolemaic Kingdom Seleucid Empire
219 BC 217 BC Fourth Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
Ptolemaic Kingdom Seleucid Empire
202 BC 200 BC Fifth Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
267 BC 261 BC Chremonidean War Macedon Greek states, notably Athens and Sparta
Ptolemaic Egypt
265 BC 263 BC Kalinga War Maurya Empire Kalinga
264 BC 146 BC Punic Wars
264 BC 241 BC First Punic War
Part of the Punic Wars
Roman Republic Ancient Carthage
218 BC 202 BC Second Punic War
Part of the Punic Wars
Roman Republic Carthage
149 BC 146 BC
(ceremonial peace, 1985)
Third Punic War
Part of the Punic Wars
Roman Republic Carthage
240 BC 238 BC Mercenary War Ancient Carthage Carthage’s mercenary army of the First Punic War
238 BC 238 BC Parni conquest of Parthia Parni Parthia
237 BC 219 BC Barcid conquest of Hispania Carthage Turdetani
Greek colonists
Tartessian tribes
Celtiberian tribes
c. 230 BC c. 220 BC Overthrow of Diodotus II Troops of Euthydemus I Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
230 BC 221 BC Qin’s wars of unification Qin Han
230 BC 230 BC Conquest of Han
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Han
229 BC 228 BC First Illyrian War
229 BC 222 BC Cleomenean War Achaean League
228 BC 228 BC Conquest of Zhao
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Zhao
226 BC 226 BC First Conquest of Yan
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Yan
225 BC 222 BC Bella Gallica cisalpina [lade] Roman Republic
225 BC 225 BC Conquest of Wei
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Wei
225 BC 223 BC Conquest of Chu
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Chu
222 BC 222 BC Second Conquest of Yan
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Yan
222 BC 222 BC Conquest of Dai
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Dai
222 BC 222 BC Conquest of Wu
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Wu
221 BC 221 BC Conquest of Qi
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Qi
220 BC 219 BC Second Illyrian War
220 BC 220 BC Lyttian War Polyrrhenia
Achaean League
Aetolian League
215 BC 215 BC Qin’s campaign against the Xiongnu Qin dynasty Xiongnu
215 BC 168 BC Macedonian Wars Roman Republic Macedonian Empire
215 BC 205 BC First Macedonian War
Part of the Macedonian Wars
Roman Republic
Aetolian League
Achaean League
214 BC 214 BC Qin’s campaign against the Yue tribes Qin dynasty Baiyue
c. 210 BC c. 206 BC Seleucid invasion of Bactria Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Seleucid Empire
209 BC 206 BC Fall of the Qin dynasty Rebel forces of the six states Qin dynasty
209 BC 209 BC Dazexiang uprising
Part of the Fall of the Qin dynasty
Qin dynasty Chen Sheng‘s and Wu Guang‘s troops
revived Kingdom of Chu
209 BC 208 BC Xiang Liang’s Rebellion
Part of the Fall of the Qin dynasty
Qin dynasty Xiang Liang‘s troops
revived Kingdom of Chu
209 BC 206 BC Liu Bang’s Insurrection against the Qin dynasty
Part of the Fall of the Qin dynasty
Liu Bang‘s troops
Qin dynasty
209 BC 88 BC Seleucid–Parthian wars Parthian Empire Seleucid Empire
208 BC c. 206 BC Siege of Bactra
Part of the Seleucid invasion of Bactria
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Seleucid Empire
206 BC 202 BC Chu-Han contention Han Western Chu
205 BC 200 BC Cretan War Rhodes
Spartan pirates
200 BC 196 BC Second Macedonian War
Part of the Macedonian Wars
Roman Republic
200 BC 198 BC Han invasion of the Xiongnu Xiongnu Han dynasty
195 BC 195 BC Roman-Spartan War Roman Republic
Achaean League
191 BC 188 BC Roman-Syrian War Roman Republic
Achaean League
Seleucid Empire
Aetolian League
189 BC 189 BC Galatian War Roman Republic
180 BC 175 BC Bactrian Expansion into India Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Shunga Empire
Remnants of the Maurya Empire
179 BC 175 BC Dardanian-Bastarnae war Kingdom of Dardania Bastarnae

Supported by:
Kingdom of Macedonia
Odrysian Kingdom

171 BC 168 BC Third Macedonian War
Part of the Macedonian Wars
Roman Republic
170 BC 170 BC Usurpation of Eucratides Troops of Eucratides I Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
c. 167 BC c. 167 BC Parthian invasion into Bactria Parthian Empire
Loyalists to the Euthydemid dynasty
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
167 BC 160 BC Maccabean Revolt Judea Seleucid Empire
162 BC c. 70 BC Nomadic invasions into Bactria Yuezhi
Scythians, mainly the Saka
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
155 BC 139 BC Lusitanian War Roman Republic Lusitanian tribes
154 BC 154 BC Rebellion of the Seven States Han Dynasty Wu
138 BC 111 BC Han campaigns against Minyue
Part of the Han wars against the Baiyue
Han Dynasty Minyue
135 BC 71 BC Roman Servile Wars Roman Republic Revolting slaves
135 BC 132 BC First Servile War
Part of the Roman Servile Wars
Roman Republic Slaves of Sicily
133 BC 89 BC Han–Xiongnu War Han empire Xiongnu
123 BC 121 BC Roman conquest of the Balearic Islands Roman Republic Balearic pirates
122 BC 105 BC Jugurthine War Roman Republic Numidia
113 BC 101 BC Cimbrian War Roman Republic CimbriTeutons
111 BC 111 BC Han–Nanyue War
Part of the Han wars against the Baiyue
Han Dynasty Nanyue
109 BC 109 BC Han campaigns against Dian
Part of the Han wars against the Baiyue
Han Dynasty Dian Kingdom
109 BC 108 BC Gojoseon–Han War Han Dynasty Wiman Joseon
107 BC 88 BC Civil War of Ptolemy Lathyros Egypt (Ptolemy IX Soter)
Egypt (Cleopatra III)
Judea (103-93)
Nabatea (103-93)
104 BC 101 BC War of the Heavenly Horses Han Dynasty Dayuan
104 BC 100 BC Second Servile War
Part of the Roman Servile Wars
Roman Republic Slaves of Sicily
93 BC 93 BC Battle of Gadara Nabataean Kingdom Hasmonean dynasty
93 BC 87 BC Judean Civil War Sadducees Pharisees
91 BC 88 BC Social War Roman Republic Cities of Italy under Marsi and Samnium
89 BC 63 BC Mithridatic Wars Roman Republic Kingdom of Pontus
89 BC 85 BC First Mithridatic War
Part of the Mithridatic Wars
Roman Republic
Kingdom of Bithynia
Kingdom of Pontus
Greek rebels
88 BC 87 BC Sulla’s first civil war
87 BC 85 BC Armenian–Parthian War  Kingdom of Armenia Parthian Empire
84 BC 84 BC Battle of Cana Nabataean Kingdom Seleucid Empire
83 BC 82 BC Second Mithridatic War
Part of the Mithridatic Wars
Roman Republic Kingdom of Pontus
82 BC 81 BC Sulla’s second civil war Optimates Populares
73 BC 71 BC Third Servile War
or Spartacist Rebellion
Part of the Roman Servile Wars
Roman Republic Army of escaped slaves under Spartacus
74 BC 63 BC Third Mithridatic War
Part of the Mithridatic Wars
Roman Republic
Kingdom of Pontus
Kingdom of Armenia
67 BC 63 BC Hasmonean Civil War
Part of the Mithridatic Wars
Roman Republic
Nabatean Kingdom
66 BC 217 AD Roman–Parthian Wars Roman Republic Parthian Empire
65 BC 65 BC Pompey’s campaign in Iberia and Albania Roman Republic Iberian Kingdom
Caucasian Albania
58 BC 50 BC Gallic Wars Roman Republic Gallic tribes
Belgic tribes
British tribes
Aquitanian tribes
Germanic tribes
Iberian tribes
55 BC 54 BC Caesar’s invasions of Britain Roman Republic
53 BC 51 BC Parthian War
of Marcus Licinius Crassus
Parthian Empire Roman Republic
49 BC 45 BC Caesar’s Civil War Julius Caesar and supporters
Roman Senate
48 BC 47 BC Pontic War [ru] Roman Republic



Kingdom of Pontus
44 BC 30 BC Roman civil wars
44 BC 44 BC Post-Caesarian civil war
Part of the Roman civil wars
44 BC 42 BC Liberators’ civil war
Part of the Roman civil wars
Second Triumvirate Liberatores
44 BC 36 BC Sicilian revolt
Part of the Roman civil wars
Roman Republic Sextus Pompeius and his troops
41 BC 40 BC Perusine War Roman Republic Forces of Fulvia and Lucius Antonius
41 BC 40 BC Fulvia’s civil war
Part of the Roman civil wars
Roman Republic Forces of Fulvia and Lucius Antonius
32 BC 30 BC Final War of the Roman Republic
Part of the Roman civil wars
Roman Republic (supporters of Octavian) Ptolemaic Egypt and the supporters of Mark Antony
40 BC 33 BC Antony’s Parthian War
29 BC 19 BC Cantabrian Wars Roman Empire Cantabri
19 BC 19 BC War with the Garamantes Roman Empire Garamantes



Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
6 AD 9 AD Bellum Batonianum Roman Empire
Odrysian Kingdom
9 AD 9 AD Battle of the Teutoburg Forest Cherusci Roman Empire
6 AD 21 AD Goguryeo-Dongbuyeo Wars Goguryeo Dongbuyeo
17 AD 18 AD Maroboduus’ War with Arminius Arminius‘ troops Marcomanni
c. 17 AD 23 AD Lülin Rebellion Lülin Xin dynasty
17 AD 24 AD Tacfarinas’ Rebellion Roman Empire Musulamii
c. 17 AD 26 AD Red Eyebrows Rebellion Red Eyebrows movement Xin dynasty
Gengshi Emperor
42 AD 43 AD Trung sisters’ rebellion Han dynasty Yue
43 AD 96 AD Roman conquest of Britain Roman Empire British tribes
47 AD 47 AD Iceni revolt against Publius Ostorius Scapula Roman Empire Iceni
50 AD 53 AD War between Armenia and Iberia Kingdom of Iberia Kingdom of Armenia
c. 58 AD c. 58 AD Hermunduri-Chatti War Hermunduri Chatti
58 AD 63 AD Roman–Parthian War of 58–63
60 or 61 AD 60 or 61 AD Roman conquest of Anglesey Roman Empire Celtic Britons
60 or 61 AD 60 or 61 AD Boudica’s Uprising Roman Empire IceniTrinovantes, and other British tribes.
66 AD 73 AD First Jewish–Roman War Roman Empire Judean rebels: Sadducees and Volunteers from Adiabene
69 AD 69 AD Year of the Four Emperors
69 AD 70 AD Revolt of the Batavi Roman Empire Batavi
73 AD 73 AD Battle of Yiwulu Han dynasty Northern Xiongnu
89 AD 93 AD Destruction of the Xiongnu state Han dynasty
Southern Xiongnu
Northern Xiongnu
101 AD 102 AD First Dacian War
105 AD 106 AD Second Dacian War Roman Empire Dacian Kingdom
115 AD 117 AD Trajan’s Parthian campaign Roman Empire Parthian Empire
115 AD 117 AD Kitos War
Part of Trajan’s Parthian Campaign
Roman Empire Jews of CyprusCyrenaicaAegyptusMesopotamia and Iudaea
132 AD 136 AD Bar Kokhba revolt Roman Empire Jews of Iudaea under Simon Bar Kokhba
161 AD 166 AD Roman–Parthian War of 161–166
166 AD 180 AD Marcomannic Wars Roman Empire Marcomanni
184 AD 205 AD Yellow Turban Rebellion Han Dynasty Yellow Turban rebels
190 AD 191 AD Campaign against Dong Zhuo
193 AD 193 AD Year of the Five Emperors Severan dynasty
194 AD 199 AD Sun Ce’s conquests in Jiangdong Sun Ce Shanyue
Various warlords
196 AD 197 AD Clodius Albinus’ Failed Usurpation Roman Empire Clodius Albinus‘ legions
202 AD 203 AD Conquest of Garama Roman Empire Garamantes
208 AD 211 AD Roman invasion of Caledonia 208–210 Roman Empire Caledonians
216 AD 216 AD Parthian war of Caracalla
225 AD 225 AD Zhuge Liang’s Southern Campaign Shu Han Shu rebels
228 AD 234 AD Zhuge Liang’s Northern Expeditions
232 AD c. 268 AD Civil Wars during the Crisis of the Third Century Illyriciani Various Barracks emperors
Various Usurpers, co-emperors, high officials and claimants to the throne
Sassanid Empire
244 AD 245 AD Goguryeo-Wei War Cao Wei Goguryeo
247 AD 262 AD Jiang Wei’s Northern Expeditions
249 AD 253 AD Gothic War (249–253)
259 AD 260 AD Invasion of Raetia by the Juthungi
Part of the Crisis of the Third Century
Roman Empire Juthungi
263 AD 263 AD Conquest of Shu by Wei Cao Wei Shu Han
268 or 269 AD 268 or 269 AD Battle of Naissus
Part of the Crisis of the Third Century
Roman Empire Goths
270 AD 271 AD Establishment of the Palmyrene Empire
Part of the Crisis of the Third Century
Palmyrene Empire Roman Empire
270 AD 274 AD Wars of Emperor Aurelian Roman Empire Vandals
rebellious mint workers
Palmyrene Empire
troops of Firmus
Province of Egypt
Sassanid Empire
Gallic Empire
270 AD 271 AD Campaigns against Germanic tribes
Part of the Wars of Emperor Aurelian
Roman Empire Vandals
271 AD 271 AD Suppression of the Uprising led by Felicissimus
Part of the Wars of Emperor Aurelian
Roman Empire rebellious mint workers
272 AD 273 AD Conquest of the Palmyrene Empire
Part of the Wars of Emperor Aurelian
Roman Empire Palmyrene Empire
troops of Firmus
Province of Egypt
Sassanid Empire
274 AD 274 AD Conquest of the Gallic Empire
Part of the Wars of Emperor Aurelian
Roman Empire Gallic Empire
279 AD 280 AD Conquest of Wu by Jin Jin Dynasty Eastern Wu
286 AD 296 AD Carausian Revolt Roman Empire Carausius
291 AD 306 AD War of the Eight Princes
306 AD 324 AD Civil wars of the Tetrarchy Constantine I‘s legions
306 AD 312 AD War of Constantine and Maxentius
Part of the Civil wars of the Tetrarchy
Constantine I‘s legions Maxentius‘ legions
313 AD 313 AD War of Licinius and Maximinus Daia
Part of the Civil wars of the Tetrarchy
Licinius‘ legions Maximinus Daia‘s legions
314 or 316 AD 324 AD Wars of Constantine and Licinius
Part of the Civil wars of the Tetrarchy
Constantine I‘s legions Licinius‘ legions
Martinianus‘ legions
351 AD 352 AD Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus Eastern Roman Empire Jewish rebels
367 AD 367 AD Great Conspiracy Roman Empire Picts
Roman deserters
376 AD 382 AD Gothic War (376–382) Eastern Roman Empire Ostrogoths
378 AD 378 AD Tanukh revolt against Rome Tanukhids Eastern Roman Empire
378 AD 379 AD Conquests of Siyaj K’ak’ Teotihuacan Waka’
El Zotz
383 AD 383 AD Battle of Fei River Eastern Jin dynasty Former Qin
395 AD 410 AD Conquests of Alaric I
395 AD 397 AD Visigothic Invasion of Greece
Part of the Conquests of Alaric I
c. 398 AD c. 398 AD Stilicho’s Pictish War Western Roman Empire Picts
398 AD 398 AD Gildonic revolt Western Roman Empire troops of Gildo
c. 401 AD c. 403 AD Visigothic First Invasion of Italy
Part of the Conquests of Alaric I
Western Roman Empire Visigoths
406 AD 406 AD Battle of Mainz (406) Vandals
408 AD 410 AD Visigothic Second Invasion of Italy
Part of the Conquests of Alaric I
Visigoths Western Roman Empire
410 AD 410 AD Sack of Rome (410)
Part of the Conquests of Alaric I
Visigoths Western Roman Empire
421 AD 422 AD Roman–Sasanian War (421–422)
426 AD 426 AD Conquest of Copán and Quiriguá Teotihuacan Copán
432 AD 432 AD Battle of Ravenna (432) Bonifacius Flavius Aetius
434 AD 453 AD Hunnic invasion of Europe Hunnic Empire Eastern Roman Empire
Western Roman Empire
minor Germanic and Gallic tribes
451 AD 451 AD Battle of Avarayr Sassanid Empire Christian Armenian Rebels
before 453 AD 454 AD Germanic-Hunnic Wars Gepids
455 AD 455 AD Sack of Rome (455) Vandals Western Roman Empire
468 AD 468 AD Battle of Cap Bon (468) Vandals Western Roman Empire
Eastern Roman Empire
479 AD 479 AD Prince Hoshikawa Rebellion
480 AD 480 AD Italian conquest of Roman Dalmatia Kingdom of Italy Roman Dalmatia
484 AD 484 AD Battle of Herat (484) Hephthalite Empire Sassanid Empire
484 AD 484 AD Sukhra’s Hephthalite campaign Sassanid Empire Hephthalite Empire
486 AD 486 AD Battle of Soissons (486) Salian Franks of Tournai and Cambrai Kingdom of Soissons
488 AD 493 AD Conquest of Italy by Theoderic the Great Ostrogoths
Kingdom of Italy
492 AD 508 AD Franco-Visigothic Wars Franks Visigoths
494 AD 534 AD Basus War Taghlib Banu Bakr
502 AD 506 AD Anastasian War
511 AD 515 AD Revolt of Vitalian Byzantine Empire Vitalian loyalists
Chalcedonian Christian rebels
526 AD 532 AD Iberian War
527 AD 527 AD Iwai Rebellion
c. 531 AD c. 531 AD Battle of Unstrut Franks Kingdom of Thuringia
533 AD 534 AD Vandalic War Byzantine Empire Vandalic Kingdom
534 AD 537 AD Wars against the Moors
535 AD 554 AD Gothic War (535–554) Byzantine Empire Ostrogothic Kingdom
Frankish Kingdom
537 AD 572 AD First Tikal-Calakmul War Calakmul Tikal
541 AD 562 AD Lazic War
after 550 AD before 590 AD Bhavavarman I‘s invasion of Funan Chenla Funan
551 AD 555 AD Conquest of Spania Byzantine Empire
Visigoths under Athanagild
Visigothic Kingdom
c. 555 AD 624 AD Decline and Visigothic conquest of Spania Visigothic Kingdom Byzantine Empire
556 AD 556 AD First Tikal-Caracol War
Part of the Tikal-Caracol Wars
Tikal Caracol
557 AD 557 AD Battle of Bukhara Sassanid Empire
Western Turkic Khaganate
Hephthalite Empire
562 AD 562 AD First “Star War” (Second Tikal-Caracol War)
Part of the Tikal-Caracol Wars
Part of the “Star Wars”
567 AD 567 AD Lombard–Gepid War (567) Lombards
Pannonian Avars
Byzantine Empire
570 AD 570 AD Siege of Sana’a (570) Sassanid Empire Kingdom of Aksum
572 AD 591 AD Byzantine–Sasanian War of 572–591 Byzantine Empire
Sassanid Persian Empire
575 AD 575 AD Sassanid reconquest of Yemen Sassanid Empire Kingdom of Aksum
580 AD 584 AD Hermenegild’s revolt Visigothic Kingdom Hermenegild‘s loyalists
Chalcedonian Christian rebels
581 AD 603 AD Göktürk civil war
582 AD 602 AD Maurice’s Balkan campaigns Byzantine Empire Avar Khaganate
588 AD 588 AD First Perso-Turkic War Sassanid Persians Hephthalite principalities
Western Turkic Khaganate
598 AD 614 AD Goguryeo–Sui Wars Goguryeo Sui Dynasty
600 AD 793 AD Frisian–Frankish wars Frankish Empire Frisian Kingdom
602 AD 602 AD Sui–Former Lý War Sui Dynasty Early Lý Dynasty
602 AD 628 AD Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628
613 AD 628 AD Transition from Sui to Tang
614 AD 628 AD Jewish revolt against Heraclius Byzantine Empire Sasanian Empire
Jewish rebels
619 AD 619 AD Second Perso-Turkic War
622 AD 630 AD MuslimQuraysh War Muslims Quraysh tribe
627 AD 629 AD Third Perso-Turkic War
627 AD 627 AD First Caracol-Naranjo War
Part of the Caracol-Naranjo Wars
Caracol Naranjo
628 AD 628 AD Second Caracol-Naranjo War
Part of the Caracol-Naranjo Wars
Caracol Naranjo
628 AD 632 AD Sasanian civil war of 628–632
629 AD 630 AD Tang campaign against the Eastern Turks Tang Dynasty Eastern Turkic Khaganate
630 AD 630 AD Battle of Hunayn Muslims
Quraysh tribe
631 AD 631 AD Battle of Wogastisburg Samo’s Empire Francia
631 AD 631 AD Second “Star War” (Third Caracol-Naranjo War)
Part of the Caracol-Naranjo Wars
Part of the “Star Wars”
Caracol Naranjo
632 AD 633 AD Ridda wars
633 AD 644 AD Muslim conquest of Persia
Part of the Muslim conquests
Rashidun Caliphate Sassanid Empire
Arab Christians
634 AD 638 AD Muslim conquest of the Levant
Part of the Byzantine–Arab Wars
Rashidun Caliphate Byzantine Empire
636 AD 636 AD Third “Star War” (Fourth Caracol-Naranjo War)
Part of the Caracol-Naranjo Wars
Part of the “Star Wars”
Caracol Naranjo
634 AD 635 AD Emperor Taizong’s campaign against Tuyuhun Tang Dynasty Tuyuhun
638 AD 638 AD Tibetan attack on Songzhou Tang Dynasty Tibetan Empire
639 AD 642 AD Muslim conquest of Egypt Rashidun Caliphate Byzantine Empire
640 AD 657 AD Tang campaigns against the Western Turks Tang Dynasty Western Turkic Khaganate
640 AD 648 AD Tang campaign against the oasis states
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty States of the Tarim Basin
640 AD 640 AD Tang campaign against Karakhoja
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty Gaochang
644 AD 644 AD Fourth “Star War”
Part of the “Star Wars”
Tortuguero unknown
644 AD 644 AD Battle of Rasil Rashidun Caliphate Rai dynasty
644 AD 648 AD Tang campaigns against Karasahr
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty Karasahr
644 AD 668 AD Goguryeo–Tang War Tang Dynasty
647 AD 709 AD Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
Part of the Byzantine–Arab Wars
Rashidun Caliphate
Umayyad Caliphate
Byzantine Empire
648 AD 648 AD Tang campaign against Kucha
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty Kucha
645 AD 646 AD Emperor Taizong’s campaign against Xueyantuo Tang Dynasty Xueyantuo
650 AD 695 AD Second Tikal-Calakmul War Tikal Calakmul
656 AD 661 AD First Fitna Aisha‘s forces
Muawiya‘s forces
Rashidun Caliphate
657 AD 657 AD Conquest of the Western Turks
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty Western Turkic Khaganate
657 AD 672 AD Fifth and Seventh “Star War” (Tikal-Dos Pilas War)
Part of the “Star Wars”
Tikal Dos Pilas
660 AD 663 AD Baekje–Tang War Tang
670 AD 676 AD Silla–Tang Wars Silla
Former Goguryeo armies
Former Baekje armies
672 AD 672 AD Jinshin War
672 AD 672 AD Sixth “Star War”
Part of the “Star Wars”
Palenque unknown
672 AD 672 AD Nuun Ujol Chaak’s Conquest of Dos Pilas Tikal Dos Pilas
673 AD 751 AD Muslim conquest of Transoxiana Umayyad Caliphate (until 748)
Abbasid Caliphate (from 748)
Principalities of Tokharistan
Sogdian principalities
Türgesh Kaghanate
Tang Dynasty
677 AD 677 AD Eighth “Star War”
Part of the “Star Wars”
La Corona Tikal
677 AD 679 AD War against Nuun Ujol Chaak Calakmul
Dos Pilas
680 AD 680 AD Ninth “Star War” (Fifth Caracol-Naranjo War)
Part of the Caracol-Naranjo Wars
Part of the “Star Wars”
Naranjo Caracol
680 AD 1355 AD Byzantine–Bulgarian Wars
680 AD 692 AD Second Fitna Umayyad Caliphate Zubayrids
687 AD 711 AD Palenque-Toniná Wars Toniná Palenque
695 AD 695 AD Jasaw Chan K’awiil I’s Campaign on Calakmul Tikal Calakmul
702 AD 702 AD Battle of Varnakert  Kingdom of Armenia Umayyad Caliphate
705 AD 705 AD Tenth “Star War”
Part of the “Star Wars”
Dos Pilas Caracol
711 AD 711 AD Eleventh “Star War”
Part of the “Star Wars”
Tonina Palenque
711 AD 718 AD Umayyad conquest of Hispania Umayyad Caliphate Visigothic Kingdom
715 AD 718 AD Frankish Civil War Charles Martel Neustrian Nobility
717 AD 718 AD Siege of Constantinople (717–18)
Part of the Byzantine–Arab Wars
Byzantine Empire
Bulgar Khanate
Umayyad Caliphate
719 AD 759 AD Islamic invasion of Gaul Merovingian Franks Umayyad Caliphate
720 AD 721 AD Hayato Rebellion Japan Hayato
720 AD 744 AD Third Tikal-Calakmul War Tikal Calakmul
720 AD 832 AD Bashmurian revolts Umayyad Caliphate
Abbasid Caliphate
Coptic rebels
735 AD 735 AD Twelfth “Star War”
Part of the “Star Wars”
Dos Pilas Seibal
735 AD 737 AD Marwan ibn Muhammad’s invasion of Georgia Byzantine Empire
Bulgar Khanate
Umayyad Caliphate
736 AD 736 AD Yik’in Chan K’awiil’s Conquest of Calakmul
Part of Yik’in Chan K’awiil’s Conquests
Tikal Calakmul
738 AD 738 AD K’ak’ Tiliw Chan Yopaat’s War against Copán Quiriguá Copán
739 AD 743 AD Berber Revolt Berber rebels Umayyad Caliphate
740 AD 740 AD Zaydi Revolt Umayyad Caliphate Zayd ibn Ali
740 AD 740 AD Fujiwara no Hirotsugu Rebellion Japan Fujiwara no Hirotsugu
743 AD 743 AD Yik’in Chan K’awiil’s Conquest of Waka’
Part of Yik’in Chan K’awiil’s Conquests
Tikal Waka’
744 AD 744 AD Yik’in Chan K’awiil’s Conquest of Naranjo
Part of Yik’in Chan K’awiil’s Conquests
Tikal Naranjo
746 AD 750 AD Abbasid Revolution Abbasid Caliphate Umayyad Caliphate
751 AD 751 AD Battle of Talas Abbasid Caliphate Tang Dynasty
Karluk mercenaries
755 AD 763 AD An Lushan Rebellion Tang Empire Yan
762 AD 763 AD Jinshin War
762 AD 763 AD Alid Revolt (762–63) Abbasid Caliphate Alids
764 AD 764 AD Fujiwara no Nakamaro Rebellion Empress Kōken Fujiwara no Nakamaro
772 AD 804 AD Saxon Wars Frankish Empire Saxons
775 AD 775 AD Battle of Bagrevand Abbasid Caliphate Armenian Princes
778 AD 778 AD Tan Te’ K’inich’s War Aguateca unknown
781 AD 781 AD Thirteenth “Star War”
Part of the “Star Wars”
Piedras Negras unknown
781 or 782 AD 781 or 782 AD Rebellion of Elpidius Byzantine Empire Elpidius‘ loyalists
786 AD 786 AD Battle of Fakhkh Abbasid Caliphate Alids
793 AD 796 AD Qaysi–Yamani war (793–96) Yamani Tribal Federation
Abbasid Caliphate
Mudhari (Qaysi) Tribal Federation
793 AD 850 AD Viking Raids on the British Isles Vikings Anglo-Saxons
795 AD 902 AD Viking Invasion of Ireland Vikings Irish Kingdoms
c. 795 AD 940 AD Viking Invasion of Francia Vikings Frankish Kingdom
807 AD 814 AD Khan Krum’s Wars Bulgarian Empire Byzantine Empire
c. 830 AD c. 830 AD Paphlagonian expedition of the Rus’ Rus’ Khaganate Paphlagonia
835 AD 835 AD Sweet Dew Incident Eunuchs Emperor Wenzong of Tang
839 AD after 844 AD Viking Raids in Spain Kingdom of Asturias
Emirate of Córdoba
842 AD 1247 AD Era of Fragmentation Yumtän Ösung
844 AD 844 AD Viking Raid in Portugal Vikings Emirate of Córdoba
860 AD 860 AD Rus’–Byzantine War (860) Rus’ Khaganate Byzantine Empire
862 AD 973 AD Hungarian invasions of Europe Magyar tribes Kingdom of Italy
East Francia
Middle Francia
Great Moravia
Byzantine Empire
Catalan Counties
First Bulgarian Empire
West Francia
Principality of Pannonian Croatia
Principality of Littoral Croatia
Kingdom of Croatia
Principality of Serbia
865 AD 954 AD Viking Invasion and Occupation of the British Isles Vikings Anglo-Saxons
866 AD 896 AD Kharijite Rebellion Abbasid Caliphate Kharijite rebels
869 AD 883 AD Zanj Rebellion Abbasid Caliphate Zanj
872 or 878 AD 872 or 878 AD Battle of Bathys Ryax Byzantine Empire Paulicians
882 AD 884 AD Frankish-Moravian War Great Moravia East Francia
894 AD 896 AD Byzantine–Bulgarian war of 894–896 Bulgarian Empire
Byzantine Empire
907 AD 907 AD Rus’–Byzantine War (907) Kievan Rus’ Byzantine Empire
913 AD 927 AD Byzantine–Bulgarian war of 913–927 Bulgarian Empire Byzantine Empire
Principality of Serbia
913 AD 913 AD Caspian Expedition of the Rus’ (913) Tabaristan
Caucasian Albania
Volga Bulgaria
Rus’ Khaganate
914 AD 915 AD Fatimid invasion of Egypt (914–915) Abbasid Caliphate Fatimid Caliphate
914 AD 980 AD Second Viking Invasion of Ireland Irish Kingdoms Vikings
Kingdom of Dublin
924 AD 924 AD Battle of Sevan  Kingdom of Armenia Sajids
926 AD 926 AD Croatian-Bulgarian battle of 926 Kingdom of Croatia Bulgarian Empire
929 AD 929 AD Battle of Lenzen East Francia Veleti
938 AD 938 AD Battle of Bạch Đằng (938) Tĩnh Hải quân rebels Southern Han
940 AD 940 AD Tengyō no Ran Japan Taira no Masakado
941 AD 941 AD Rus’–Byzantine War (941) Byzantine Empire Kievan Rus’
943 AD 943 AD Caspian Expedition of the Rus’ (943) Caucasian Albania Rus’ Khaganate
955 AD 955 AD Battle of Lechfeld
Part of the Hungarian invasions of Europe
Kingdom of Germany
965 AD 968 or 969 AD Destruction of Khazaria Rus’ Khaganate Khazars
966 AD 966 AD Second Viking Raid in Portugal Emirate of Córdoba Vikings
967 or 968 AD 971 AD Sviatoslav’s invasion of Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Kievan Rus’
968 AD 1018 AD Byzantine conquest of Bulgaria Byzantine Empire
Kievan Rus’ (968–969)
Kingdom of Hungary
Principality of Duklja
Kingdom of Croatia
Bulgarian Empire
Kievan Rus’ (970–971)
977 AD 978 AD War of the Three Henries (977–978) Holy Roman Empire Henry II
980 AD 1012 AD Second Viking Invasion of the British Isles Vikings Anglo-Saxons
981 AD 981 AD Battle of Bạch Đằng (981) Early Lê dynasty Song dynasty
987 AD 989 AD Rebellion of Bardas Phokas the Younger Byzantine Empire
Kievan Rus’
Phokas clan
Principality of Tao-Klarjeti
Buyid Dynasty
Faction of Bardas Skleros
993 AD 993 AD First conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War Liao Dynasty  Goryeo
996 AD 996 AD Peasants’ revolt of 996 in Normandy Duchy of Normandy Peasants
996 AD 996 AD Koppány’s Revolt Kingdom of Hungary Somogy
999 AD 999 AD Battle of Svolder Denmark
Earls of Lade
999 AD 1000 AD Leinster revolt against Brian Ború Kingdom of Meath
Kingdom of Munster
Kingdom of Leinster
Kingdom of Dublin
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1000 1139 Norman conquest of southern Italy County of Apulia
County of Aversa
Kingdom of Sicily (1130-1139)
Principality of Salerno
Principality of Benevento
Principality of Capua
Republic of Amalfi
Duchy of Naples
1001 1001 Battle of Peshawar Ghaznavids Kabul Shahi
1002 1018 German–Polish War (1002–18) Kingdom of Poland Holy Roman Empire
1008 1008 Hungarian–Ahtum War Kingdom of Hungary Voivodship of Ahtum
1008 1008 Battle of Chach Ghaznavids Kabul Shahi
1007/8 1007/8 Battle at Herdaler Kingdom of Norway Finnish tribes
1009 1031 Fitna of al-Andalus Hammudid dynasty
Caliphate of Córdoba
1010 1011 Second conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War Liao Dynasty Goryeo
1014 1014 Battle of Clontarf High King of Ireland Leinster
DublinVikings of Orkney and Man
1015 1016 Cnut the Great’s conquest of England Denmark


1015 1016 Pisan–Genoese expeditions to Sardinia Republic of Pisa
Republic of Genoa
Sardinian judicati
Taifa of Dénia
1015 1060s Byzantine–Georgian wars Byzantine Empire Kingdom of Georgia
1016 1016 Battle of Pontlevoy County of Anjou
County of Maine
County of Blois
1018 1018 Boleslaw I’s intervention in the Kievan succession crisis, 1018 Kievan Rus’ allied to Poland and Hungary Kievan Rus’ allied to Yaroslav I
1018 1018 Battle of Vlaardingen West Frisia Holy Roman Empire
1018 1018 Battle of Carham Kingdom of Scotland
Kingdom of Strathclyde
Kingdom of England
1018 1019 Third conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War Goryeo Liao Dynasty
1019 1019 Toi Invasion Goryeo
Jurchen pirates
1019 1024 Chola expedition to North India Chola Empire Eastern Chalukyas
Pala Empire
1025 1025 Chola invasion of Srivijaya Chola Empire Srivijaya
1030 1030 Battle of Azaz (1030) Mirdasid Emirate of Aleppo Byzantine Empire
1030 1030 Battle of Stiklestad Peasant Army Kingdom of Norway
1033 1058 The Civil War in Georgia Kingdom of Georgia Byzantine Empire
Duchy of Anacopia
Duchy of Kldekari
Duchy of Klarjeti
1035 1042 Stefan Vojislav‘s Uprising Duklja Byzantine Empire|
1040 1040 Battle of Dandanaqan Seljuk Turks Ghaznavid Empire
1040 1041 Uprising of Peter Delyan Byzantine Empire Bulgarian rebels
1040 1041 Czech-Germany war Holy Roman Empire Duchy of Bohemia
1040 1185 Byzantine–Norman wars Byzantine Empire
Republic of Venice
Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of Sicily
Kingdom of France
Lombard duchies
Papal States
Serbs (Duklja and Raška)
1043 1043 Rus’–Byzantine War (1043) Byzantine Empire Kievan Rus’
1046 1046 Vata pagan uprising Peter Orseolo Hungarian pagans
1048 1308 Byzantine–Seljuq wars Great Seljuq Empire (1048–1092)
Sultanate of Rum (1077–1308)
Byzantine Empire,
Empire of Nicaea (1204–1261)
Empire of Trebizond (1204–1308)
Crusader States
1051 1063 Former Nine Years War Japan Abe clan
1061 1091 Norman conquest of Sicily County of Apulia
County of Sicily (1071-1091)
Emirate of Sicily
Zirids (1063-1068)
1064 1064 Crusade of Barbastro Kingdom of Aragon
County of Urgell
Duchy of Aquitaine
Papal states
Taifa of Lérida
1064 1066 Breton–Norman War Kingdom of England
Duchy of Normandy
Duchy of Brittany
1065 1067 War of the Three Sanchos Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of Navarre
Kingdom of Aragon
1066 1066 Battle of Stamford Bridge Kingdom of England Norway

Earldom of Orkney

English Rebels

1066 1088 Norman conquest of England Normandy Kingdom of England
1066 1165 Norman invasion of Wales Welsh kingdoms Normandy
1066 1067 Battle on the Nemiga River Principality of Kiev
Principality of Chernigov
Principality of Pereiaslavl’
Principality of Polotsk
1068 1068 Battle of the Alta River Cumans Principality of Kiev
Principality of Chernigov
Principality of Pereiaslavl’
1068 1068 Battle of Kerlés Kingdom of Hungary Pechenegs
1068 1069 Kiev uprising of 1068 Kievan Rus’ Veche of kiev
1071 1071 Battle of Pedroso Kingdom of Galicia County of Portugal
1072 1072 Battle of Golpejera Kingdom of Castille Kingdom of Leon
1072 1073 Uprising of Georgi Voiteh Byzantine Empire Bulgarian rebels
1073 1073 Battle of Kerj Abu Dulaf Seljuk Empire Kerman Seljuk Sultanate
1073 1075 Saxon Rebellion Holy Roman Empire Duchy of Saxony
1074 1203 Georgian–Seljuk wars Kingdom of Georgia (1089–1125),
Georgian Empire (1184–1213)
Great Seljuq Empire
Atabegs of Azerbaijan
Sultanate of Rum
1075 1077 Lý–Song War Lý dynasty (Indecisive result) Song dynasty
1075 1075 Revolt of the Earls Normandy English rebels
1075 1082 Varendra Rebellion Varendra Pala Empire
1077 1088 Great Saxon Revolt Holy Roman Empire Saxon Nobility
1083(disputed) 1089(disputed) Gosannen War Kiyohara Clan Mutsu Province
1088 1088 Rebellion of 1088
1096 1099 First Crusade
Part of the Crusades

Kingdom of France

·         County of Auvergne

·         Counts of Blois

·         Count of Toulouse

·         County of Boulogne

·         Duchy of Burgundy

·         County of Flanders

·         Duchy of Normandy

·         Diocese of Le Puy-en-Velay

·         Duchy of Brittany

·         Vermandois

Holy Roman Empire

·         Republic of Genoa

County of Sicily

·         Principality of Taranto

County of Apulia and Calabria

Eastern Christian Allies

Byzantine Empire

Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia

Muslim Forces

Fatimid Caliphate

Seljuk Empire

·         Sultanate of Rum

·         Danishmends

·         Seljuk Emirate of Aleppo

·         Seljuk Emirate of Damascus

·         Abbasid Caliphate

1097 1097 Chola invasion of Kalinga (1097) Chola Empire Kalinga
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
Summer of 1101 Summer of 1101 Crusade of 1101
Part of the Crusades
Sultanate of Rum


Seljuk Emirate of Aleppo



Kingdom of France

·         Duchy of Burgundy

·         Counts of Blois

·         County of Nevers

·         County of Vermandois

Duchy of Aquitaine

Holy Roman Empire

·         County of Burgundy

·         Duchy of Bavaria

·         Margraviate of Austria

·         Republic of Genoa

Byzantine Empire

Papal States

1101 1101 Battle of Ramla (1101)
Part of the Crusades
Kingdom of Jerusalem Fatimid Caliphate
1102 1102 Battle of Ramla (1102)
Part of the Crusades
Fatimids of Egypt Kingdom of Jerusalem
1107 1110 Norwegian Crusade
Part of the Crusades
Kingdom of Norway
Kingdom of Jerusalem
Republic of Venice
Muslim Kingdoms


Taifa of Mallorca

Fatimid Caliphate

1110 1110 Chola invasion of Kalinga (1110) Chola Empire Kalinga
1113 1115 1113–15 Balearic Islands expedition
Part of the Crusades
Republic of Pisa
Catalan counties
County of Provence
Giudicato of Torres
Papal States
Taifa of Majorca
1122 1124 Venetian Crusade
Part of the Crusades
Republic of Venice
Kingdom of Jerusalem
County of Tripoli
Fatimid Caliphate
1107 1119 Muhammad Tapar’s anti-Nizari campaign Seljuq Empire Nizari Ismaili state
1125 1208 Jurchen campaigns against the Song Dynasty Jin dynasty Song Dynasty
1127 1129 Byzantine-Hungarian War (1127–29) Byzantine Empire Kingdom of Hungary
Grand Principality of Serbia
1130 1240 Civil war era in Norway Pretenders Aristocrates
1135 1154 The Anarchy Stephen of Blois Empress Matilda
Henry Plantagenet
1144 1162 Baussenque Wars House of Barcelona House of Baux
1145 1149 Second Crusade
Part of the Crusades
Sultanate of Rûm
Almoravid Dynasty
Zengid DynastyAbbasid Caliphate
Fatimid Caliphate
Kingdom of Jerusalem
Kingdom of FranceHoly Roman Empire
Kingdom of Portugal
Kingdom of Castile
County of Barcelona
Kingdom of León
Byzantine Empire
Kingdom of Sicily
Kingdom of England
1147 1242 Northern Crusades
Part of the Crusades
Sword-BrothersTeutonic Order
Polabian Slavs
1156 1156 Hōgen Rebellion Emperor Go-Shirakawa Emperor Sutoku
1160 1160 Heiji Rebellion Taira clan Minamoto clan
1169 1175 Norman invasion of Ireland Normandy Ulster


1169 1177 Pandyan Civil War (1169-1177) Faction of Parakrama Pandyan II
Kingdom of Polonnaruwa
Faction of Kulasekhara
Chola dynasty
1171 1172 Byzantine–Venetian War of 1171 Byzantium Venice
1173 1174 Revolt of 1173–74 English royalists English rebels
Kingdom of France
Kingdom of Scotland
County of Flanders
County of Boulogne
Duchy of Brittany
1177 1177 Battle of Montgisard
Part of the Crusades
Kingdom of Jerusalem Ayyubid Dynasty
1179 1179 Battle of Loděnice Soběslav II, Duke of Bohemia Duchy of Bohemia
Frederick, Duke of Bohemia
1179 1179 Battle of Marj Ayyun
Part of the Crusades
Ayyubid Dynasty Kingdom of Jerusalem
Knight’s Templar
1179 1179 Battle of Jacob’s Ford
Part of the Crusades
Ayyubid Dynasty Kingdom of Jerusalem
1180 1185 Genpei War Minamoto clan Taira clan
1182 1182 Battle of Belvoir Castle
Part of the Crusades
Kingdom of Jerusalem Ayyubid Dynasty
1183 1183 Battle of Al-Fule
Part of the Crusades
Kingdom of Jerusalem Ayyubid Dynasty
1185 1204 Uprising of Asen and Peter Bulgarian Empire Byzantine Empire
1187 1187 Battle of Cresson
Part of the Crusades
Ayyubid Dynasty Kingdom of Jerusalem
1187 1187 Battle of Hattin
Part of the Crusades
Ayyubid Dynasty Kingdom of Jerusalem

County of Tripoli
Principality of Antioch

1189 1192 Third Crusade
Part of the Crusades
Kingdom of Jerusalem

Kingdom of England
Kingdom of France
Holy Roman Empire
Knights Templar
Kingdom of Sicily

Ayyubid Dynasty

Zengid Dynasty
Byzantine Empire

1191 1191 Conquest of Cyprus Kingdom of England Isaac Komnenos of Cyprus
1197 1198 Crusade of 1197
Part of the Crusades
Holy Roman Empire Ayyubid Dynasty
1198 1290 Livonian Crusade
Part of the Crusades

Livonian Order
Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom of Sweden

Finno-Ugric people

·         Livonians

·         Estonians

o    Oeselians

Baltic people

·         Latgallians

·         Selonians

·         Curonians

·         Semigallians

Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1201 1219 War of the Antiochene Succession  Forces of Bohemond IV of Antioch
Knights Templar
Ayyubid Emirate of Aleppo
Kingdom of Jerusalem
Sultanate of Rum
 Forces of Raymond-Roupen of Antioch
Kingdom of Cilicia
Knights Hospitaller
1202 1204 Fourth Crusade
Part of the Crusades
 Holy Roman Empire

Republic of Venice

 Byzantine Empire
1204 1206 Intervention in Chaldia Kingdom of Georgia Byzantine Empire
1202 1204 Anglo-Norman War (1202–04)  Kingdom of France
Duchy of Brittany
House of Lusignan
 Kingdom of England
1202 1214 Anglo-French War of 1202–1214  Kingdom of France  England
1203 1206 Loon War  Holland
House of Welf
1204 1261 Bulgarian–Latin wars  Bulgarian Empire  Latin Empire
1206 1337 Mongol invasions and conquests Mongol Empire 夏 Western Xia

金 Jin dynasty
大理國 Dali Kingdom
Khwarizmian Empire
Kara-Khitan Khanate
宋 Song Dynasty
Kievan Rus’
Volga Bulgaria
Byzantine Empire
Kingdom of Poland
Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia
Kingdom of Serbia
Bulgarian Empire
Sultanate of Rûm
Empire of Trebizond
Crusader states
Đại Việt
Sukhothai Kingdom
Mamluk Sultanate
Abbasid Caliphate
Pagan Kingdom
Chăm Pa

1208 1209 Lombard Rebellion  Latin Empire

·          Kingdom of Thessalonica

Rebel barons
1209 1229 Albigensian Crusade
Part of the Crusades
 Kingdom of France  Counts of Toulouse

Crown of Aragon

1211 1211 Welsh uprising of 1211  Kingdom of England  Llywelyn the Great
1213 1221 Fifth Crusade
Part of the Crusades
 Ayyubid Dynasty  Latin Empire of Constantinople

Kingdom of Cyprus
Sultanate of Rûm
Holy Roman Empire
Archduchy of Austria
Knights Templar
Teutonic Knights
Knights Hospitaller
Kingdom of Hungary
County of Holland
Kingdom of France
Papal States

1214 1214 Battle of Bouvines  Kingdom of France  Welfs


1215 1217 First Barons’ War  Kingdom of England Rebel Barons

Kingdom of France

1216 1218 Mongol conquest of the Qara Khitai Mongol Empire Qara Khitai
1216 1222 War of the Succession of Champagne  County of Champagne
Kingdom of France
Holy Roman Empire
Duchy of Burgundy
County of Bar
Papal States
 Most of the local barons in the eastern and southern borderlands of Champagne, united under Erard of Brienne claiming succession by marrying Theobald IV’s cousin Philippa.
Duchy of Lorraine
1228 1229 Sixth Crusade
Part of the Crusades
 Holy Roman Empire
Teutonic Knights
 Kingdom of Cyprus
House of IbelinAyyubid Dynasty
1228 1243 War of the Lombards  Kingdom of Cyprus
Anti-Imperial faction in the Kingdom of JerusalemRepublic of Genoa
Knights Templar
 Holy Roman Empire
Pro-Imperial faction in the Kingdom of Jerusalem
Principality of Antioch and County of Tripoli
Republic of Pisa
Knights Hospitaller
Teutonic Knights
1230 1233 Friso-Drentic War  Bishopric of Utrecht
FrisiansTown of Groningen
Province of Groningen
1230 1333 Dernbacher Feud  Landgraviate of Hesse  House of Nassau
1233 1234 Stedinger Crusade
Part of the Crusades
Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen
1235 1242 Bosnian Crusade
Part of the Crusades
Kingdom of Hungary Banate of Bosnia
1239 1245 Teltow War
1242 1242 Saintonge War  Kingdom of France  Kingdom of England
1240 1242 Livonian campaign against Rus’
Part of the Northern Crusades
Novgorod Republic
 Livonian order
1242 1249 First Prussian Uprising
1244 1254 War of the Flemish Succession
1247 1264 War of the Thuringian Succession Sophie of Thuringia Henry III, Margrave of Meissen
1248 1250 Genoese occupation of Rhodes Empire of Nicaea  Republic of Genoa
Principality of Achaea
1248 1254 Seventh Crusade
Part of the Crusades
 Ayyubid Dynasty
 Kingdom of France
Knights Templar
1251 1251 Shepherds’ Crusade (1251)  Kingdom of France Peasants
1256 1258 War of the Euboeote Succession  Principality of Achaea
Republic of Genoa
 Republic of Venice
Lordship of Athens and Thebes
Triarchs of Negroponte
Lordship of Salona
Marquisate of Bodonitsa
1256 1270 War of Saint Sabas  Republic of Venice
Count of Jaffa
Knights Templar
 Republic of Genoa
Philip of Monfort
John of Arsuf
Knights Hospitaller
1257 1259 Rebellion of Arbanon Empire of Nicaea Principality of Arbanon
1257 1259 Epirote–Nicaean conflict (1257–59) Empire of Nicaea Despotate of Epirus
1260 1264 Toluid Civil War Kublai Khan Ariq Böke
1260 1274 Great Prussian Uprising
1260 1323 Mongol invasions of the Levant  Ilkhanate
Armenian Kingdom of CiliciaKingdom of Georgia
Principality of Antioch
County of Tripoli
Golden Horde of the Mongol Empire (1259-1264)
Kingdom of England
Knights Templar
 Mamluk Sultanate

Golden Horde of the Mongol Empire (after 1264)
Karamanid Rebels
Abbasid Caliphate

1262 1262 Berke–Hulagu war  Golden Horde  Ilkhanate
1262 1266 Scottish–Norwegian War  Kingdom of Scotland


1264 1267 Second Barons’ War  Pro-Monarchy Forces  Anti-Monarchy Barons
1266 1266 Battle of Benevento
Part of Guelphs and Ghibellines
 Guelphs  Ghibellines
1268 1268 Mačva War  Kingdom of Hungary  Kingdom of Serbia
1268 1301 Kaidu–Kublai war  Chagatai Khanate
Golden Horde
 Yuan dynasty
1269 1269 Catalan Crusade [ca]
1270 1270 Eighth Crusade
Part of the Crusades
 Hafsids  Kingdom of France
Kingdom of Sicily
Kingdom of Navarre
1270 1273 Sambyeolcho Rebellion Goryeo
Yuan dynasty
Sambyeolcho Army
1271 1272 Ninth Crusade
Part of the Crusades
 Bahris  Anjou

Kingdom of Cyprus
Principality of Antioch
Kingdom of England

1272 1278 War of the Cow
1274 1281 Mongol invasions of Japan  Japan Mongol Empire
1275 1275 Manx revolt of 1275 Kingdom of Scotland Kingdom of Mann
1276 1278 6000-mark war  Denmark  Sweden
1277 1280 Uprising of Ivaylo  Bulgarian nobility
Byzantine Empire
Golden Horde
Peasants under Ivaylo of Bulgaria
1277 1283 Conquest of Wales by Edward I  Kingdom of England  Principality of Wales
1277 1288 First Mongol invasion of Burma  Yuan dynasty Pagan Kingdom
1282 1302 War of the Sicilian Vespers  Crown of Aragon

Kingdom of Trinacria

 Kingdom of Naples

Kingdom of France
Kingdom of Majorca

1283 1289 War of the Limburg Succession  Duchy of Brabant
County of Berg
County of Mark
County of Loon
County of Jülich
County of Tecklenburg
County of Waldeck
 Electorate of Cologne
County of Guelders
County of Luxembourg
Lordship of Ligny
County of Nassau
1289 1296 War of the Outlaws  Norway
Danish outlaws
1294 1294 Battle of Red Ford Clan MacDougall Clan Campbell
1294 1303 Anglo-French War of 1294–1303  Kingdom of France  Kingdom of England
1295 1299 War of Curzola Republic of Venice Republic of Genoa
Byzantine Empire (1295)
1296 1302 Byzantine–Venetian War (1296–1302)  Republic of Venice  Byzantine Empire
1296 1328 First War of Scottish Independence  Kingdom of Scotland  Kingdom of England
1297 1305 Franco-Flemish War  Kingdom of France  County of Flanders
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1300 1301 Second Mongol invasion of Burma Myinsaing Kingdom  Yuan dynasty
c. 14th century c. 14th century K’aissape–Hvalsey war Inuit under K’aissape Norsemen under Ungortoq
1303 1303 Conquest of Sylhet Independent Bengal (Delhi Sultanate breakaway) Gaur Kingdom of Srihatta
1308 1308 Teutonic takeover of Danzig (Gdańsk)  Teutonic Knights  Margraviate of Brandenburg
1309 1309 Crusade of the Poor Duchy of Brabant Crusaders
1311 1312 Rebellion of mayor Albert Władysław I the Elbow-high Kraków
1311 1318 Dehli-Seuna War Delhi Sultanate Seuna Empire
1314 1318 Esen Buqa–Ayurbarwada war  Yuan dynasty
 Chagatai Khanate
1315 1315 Battle of Morgarten Swiss Confederation:


1315 1318 Bruce campaign in Ireland  Lordship of Ireland

Kingdom of England

 Kingdom of Scotland
1320 1320 Shepherds’ Crusade (1320)  Kingdom of France Peasants
1321 1322 Swedish–Novgorodian Wars  Kingdom of Sweden  Republic of Novgorod
1321 1322 Despenser War
1323 1328 Peasant revolt in Flanders 1323–28  Flanders
Kingdom of France
Peasant Army
1324 1326 War of Metz  Republic of Metz  Electorate of Trier
Duchy of Lorraine
Duchy of Bar
1326 1328 First War of the Rügen Succession Gerhard of Holstein Henry II of Mecklenburg
1326 1329 War of Hum  Bosnian Kingdom  Serbian Kingdom
1326 1332 Polish–Teutonic War (1326–32)  Teutonic Knights  Kingdom of Poland
1327 1327 Tver Uprising of 1327 Golden Horde
1328 1332 War of the Two Capitals Khanbaliq Faction Shangdu Faction
1331 1331 Serbian civil war of 1331 Faction of Stefan Dušan Faction of Stefan Uroš III
1331 1333 Genkō War Imperial Loyalists Kamakura Shogunate
1331 1337 Eltz Feud  Electorate of Trier Ehrenburg
1332 1357 Second War of Scottish Independence  Kingdom of Scotland
Kingdom of France
Kingdom of England
1337 1453 Hundred Years’ War  Kingdom of France

Crown of Castile
Kingdom of Scotland
Republic of Genoa
Kingdom of Majorca
Kingdom of Bohemia
Crown of Aragon
Duchy of Brittany

 Kingdom of England

Duchy of Burgundy
Kingdom of Portugal
Kingdom of Navarre
County of Hainaut
Holy Roman Empire

1340 1349 Trapezuntine Civil War Michael Komnenos
John III
Manuel II of Trebizond
Anna Anachoutlou
Lazic nobility
Georgian mercenaries
1340 1392 Galicia–Volhynia Wars  Kingdom of Poland
local factions
Kingdom of Hungary
Duchy of Masovia
 Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Golden Horde
local factions
Duchy of Lodomeria
1340 1396 Bulgarian–Ottoman Wars  Ottoman Empire  Bulgarian Empire
1341 1364 War of the Breton Succession
Part of the Hundred Years’ War
 Kingdom of England  Kingdom of France
1341 1347 Byzantine civil war of 1341–47  John VI Kantakouzenos  John V Palaiologos
1342 1342 Battle of Zava Kartids Sarbadars
1342 1346 Thuringian Counts’ War House of Wettin House of Schwarzburg
1342 1354 Second War of the Rügen Succession Duchy of Pomerania-Wolgast House of Mecklenburg
1343 1346 St. George’s Night Uprising Teutonic Order
1347 1352 Neapolitan campaigns of Louis the Great  Kingdom of Hungary  Kingdom of Naples
1348 1349 Byzantine–Genoese War (1348–49)  Byzantine Empire  Republic of Genoa
1350 1490 Hook and Cod wars Hook League Cod League
1351 1368 Red Turban Rebellion Ming dynasty
Kingdom of Dazhou
Empire of Tianwan
Empire of Daxia
Yuan dynasty
1352 1357 Byzantine civil war of 1352–57  John V Palaiologos  John VI Kantakouzenos
1353 1354 Delhite invasion of Bengal (1353–1354)  Bengal Sultanate  Delhi Sultanate
1356 1375 War of the Two Peters  Crown of Aragon
With the support of:
Henry of Trastámara
Kingdom of France
 Crown of Castile
With the support of:
Kingdom of England
Republic of Genoa
Kingdom of Portugal
Kingdom of Navarre
Kingdom of Granada
1357 1366 Ispah rebellion Yuan dynasty Semu Muslim rebels
1358 1358 Jacquerie  Kingdom of France French peasants
1358 1360 Delhite invasion of Bengal (1353–1354)  Bengal Sultanate  Delhi Sultanate
1362 1457 War of the Bands Gamboíno Families Oñacino Families
1363 1368 Revolt of Saint Titus  Republic of Venice Cretan Feudatories
1366 1369 Castilian Civil War  Pedro of Castile
Kingdom of England
 Henry of Trastámara
Kingdom of France
1370 1388 War of the Lüneburg Succession Magnus II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg Wenceslaus I, Duke of Saxe-Wittenberg
1371 1379 War of the Guelderian Succession  Duchy of Jülich
Bronckhorst faction
Heeckeren faction
1373 1379 Byzantine civil war of 1373–79  John V Palaiologos
Ottoman Empire
Republic of Venice
 Andronikos IV Palaiologos
Savcı Bey
Republic of Genoa
1375 1378 War of the Eight Saints  Papal States  Florence
1378 1381 War of Chioggia  Republic of Venice  Republic of Genoa
1378 1384 Tuchin Revolt
Part of the Hundred Years’ War
 Kingdom of France Workers
1380 1380 Battle of Kulikovo  Grand Duchy of Moscow

Principality of Beloozero
Principality of Rostov
Principality of Yaroslavl
Principality of Suzdal—Nizhny Novgorod
Principality of Murom

 Golden Horde
1381 1381 Peasants’ Revolt Kingdom of England English peasants
1381 1384 Lithuanian Civil War (1381–84)  Grand Duchy of Lithuania  Teutonic Knights
1381 1382 Ming conquest of Yunnan Ming dynasty Yuan dynasty
1382 1382 Harelle  Kingdom of France French peasants
1382 1383 Despenser’s Crusade  Kingdom of France
County of Flanders
Avignon Papacy
Kingdom of England
Papal States
1382 1385 Greater Poland Civil War Grzymała Nałęcz
1383 1385 1383–85 Crisis  Kingdom of Portugal

Kingdom of England

 Crown of Castille

Kingdom of France

1380s Early 1390s Tokhtamysh–Timur war Timurid Dynasty  Golden Horde
1385 1402 Dohna Feud  Margravate of Meissen Burgravate of Dohna
1385 1424 Forty Years’ War Peace between:
Kingdom of Ava
Kingdom of Hanthawaddy
1386 1404 Timur’s invasions of Georgia Timurid Dynasty Kingdom of Georgia
1387 1389 War of the Cities (1387–1389) Duchy of Bavaria Swabian League of Cities
1389 1389 Kronberger feud [de]
1398 1398 Crusade of Tedelis [ca] Crown of Aragon Zayyanid dynasty
1399 1400 Epiphany Rising  Kingdom of England English rebels
1399 1402 Jingnan Campaign Prince of Yan Ming Dynasty under the Jianwen Emperor
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1400 1400 English invasion of Scotland  Kingdom of Scotland  Kingdom of England
1400 1420 Glyndŵr Rising  Kingdom of England  Welsh rebels
Kingdom of France
1402 1402 Battle of Ankara Timurid Empire  Ottoman Empire
Lordship of Sati and Dagnum
Jonima Estate
Principality of Dukagjini
Despotate of Serbia
Wallachian contingents
1402 1413 Ottoman Interregnum Faction of Mehmed I Faction of İsa Çelebi
Faction of Musa Çelebi
Faction of Süleyman Çelebi
Faction of Mustafa Çelebi
1402 1496 Conquest of the Canary Islands  Union of Castile and Aragon Guanches
1403 1403 Percy Rebellion  Kingdom of England  English rebels
1404 1406 Paregreg war Western court Eastern court
1405 1405 Scrope Rebellion  Kingdom of England English rebels
1405 1413 First Scutari War  Zeta  Republic of Venice
1406 1407 Ming–Hồ War Ming Dynasty Hồ dynasty
1407 1435 Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War
Part of the Hundred Years’ War
 Armagnac party  Burgundian party
1407 1427 Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam Ming Dynasty Hồ Dynasty
1409 1411 Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War  Kingdom of Poland
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
 Teutonic Knights
1410 or 1411 1410 or 1411 Ming–Kotte War Ming Dynasty  Kingdom of Kotte
1413 1413 Cabochien Revolt
Part of the Hundred Years’ War
 Armagnacs Cabochiens
1413 1415 Great Frisian War Skieringers
van Bronckhorsts
tom Broks
1413 1418 Korbach Feud Henry VII, Count of Waldeck Lords of Padberg
1414 1414 Hunger War  Kingdom of Poland
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
 Teutonic Order and mercenaries
1414 1414 Oldcastle Revolt  Kingdom of England Lollards
1418 1427 Lam Sơn uprising Lam Sơn Ming Dynasty
1419 1419 Ōei Invasion  Sō clan  Joseon Dynasty[1]
1419 1423 Second Scutari War  Zeta (until 1421)
Serbian Despotate (after 1421)
Albanian nobility
 Republic of Venice
1419 1434 Hussite Wars  Holy Roman Empire
moderated Hussites (Utraquists)
Serbian mercenaries[2]
Hussites 1419–1423,
Radical Hussites (Taborites and Orebites) 1423–1434
1420 1422 Bavarian War Bavaria-Landshut
1421 1422 War of the Oxen
Part of the Bavarian War
Bavaria-Landshut County Haag
1422 1422 Siege of Constantinople (1422)  Byzantine Empire  Ottoman Empire
1422 1430 Siege of Thessalonica (1422-1430)  Ottoman Empire  Byzantine Empire
Republic of Venice
1422 1422 Gollub War  Kingdom of Poland
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Principality of Moldavia
 Teutonic Order and mercenaries and various knights from the rest of Europe
1423 1424 War of L’Aquila L’Aquila
Duchy of Milan
Kingdom of Naples
Papal States
Braccio da Montone
1425 1453 Muscovite Civil War Party of Vasily the Blind Party of Vasily Kosoy
Party of Dmitry Shemyaka
1425 1454 Wars in Lombardy  Duchy of Milan  Republic of Venice
1426 1435 Dano-Hanseatic War (1426–35)  Hanseatic League
 Kalmar Union
1427 1427 Mainz-Hessian War [de]
1428 1428 Shocho uprising Peasants Muromachi Shogunate
1428 1443 Neville–Neville feud Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury
1431 1435 Polish–Teutonic War (1431–35)  Kingdom of Poland  Teutonic Order
1431 1435 First Irmandiño Kingdom of Galicia Peasants
1431 1435 Lithuanian Civil War (1431–35)  Western Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Samogitian EldershipTrakai VoivodeshipVilnius VoivodeshipPodlasie)

Kingdom of Poland

 Eastern Grand Duchy of Lithuania (PolotskVitebskSmolenskKievVolhynia)

Teutonic Knights
Livonian Order
Golden Horde

1432 1436 Albanian Revolt of 1432–36  Ottoman Empire Albanian rebels
1434 1436 Engelbrekt rebellion Swedish rebels  Kalmar Union
1436 1437 Pukefejden Party of Charles VIII of Sweden Party of Erik Puke
1436 1449 Luchuan–Pingmian campaigns Tai Tribesmen Ming dynasty
1437 1438 Transylvanian peasant revolt Transylvanian aristocracy Transylvanian peasants and petty nobles
1438 1441 Dutch–Hanseatic War Burgundy:

·          Burgundian Netherlands

 Hanseatic League







1440 1440 Praguerie Kingdom of France French nobility
1440 1446 Old Zürich War   Old Swiss Confederacy  Imperial City of Zurich
Habsburg Further Austria
1444 1444 Battle of Torvioll  League of Lezhë  Ottoman Empire
1444 1449 Soest Feud Soest Dietrich II of Moers
1446 1451 Saxon Fratricidal War Frederick II, Elector of Saxony William III, Landgrave of Thuringia
1446 early 1500s Flower war Aztec Empire Tlaxcala
1447 1448 Albanian–Venetian War  League of Lezhë  Republic of Venice

Ottoman Empire

1447 1454 Milanese War of Succession  House of Sforza
Duchy of Milan (1450–4)
Republic of Florence (1452–4)
Kingdom of France (1452–4)
 Ambrosian Republic (1447–50)
Duchy of SavoyRepublic of Venice
Margravate of Mantua
1449 1449 Tumu Crisis Oirats Ming Dynasty
1449 1450 First Margrave War  Imperial City of Nuremberg  Principality of Ansbach
1449 1453 Revolt of Ghent (1449–53)  Duchy of Burgundy  Ghent
1449 1454 Kotte conquest of the Jaffna Kingdom  Kingdom of Kotte Jaffna kingdom
1450 1450 Jack Cade Rebellion  Kingdom of England English peasants
1451 1455 Navarrese Civil War John II of Aragon and Navarre Charles, Prince of Viana
1453 1453 Fall of Constantinople  Ottoman Empire  Byzantine Empire
Republic of Genoa
1453 1454 Morea revolt of 1453–1454 Despotate of the Morea Peasants
1453 1454 Percy–Neville feud House of Neville House of Percy
1454 1466 Thirteen Years’ War (1454–66)  Prussian Confederation

Kingdom of Poland

 Teutonic State
1454 1519 Flower war Mexica Empire
1455 1455 Bonville–Courtenay feud Thomas de Courtenay, 5th Earl of Devon William Bonville, 1st Baron Bonville
1455 1487 Wars of the Roses  House of Lancaster  House of York
1456 1456 Siege of Belgrade (1456)  Kingdom of Hungary
European Crusaders
 Ottoman Empire
1456 1474 Ayutthaya-Lan Na War  Kingdom of Ayutthaya Kingdom of Lanna
1457 1457 Koshamain’s War Ainu Wajin
1459 1463 Bavarian War (1459–63) Margraviate of Brandenburg Bavaria-Landshut
1461 1461 Rebellion of Cao Qin Ming Dynasty Cao Qin
1462 1462 The Night Attack  Wallachia  Ottoman Empire
1462 1472 Catalan Civil War  Crown of Aragon  Principality of Catalonia
1464 1472 War of the Succession of Stettin Margraviate of Brandenburg Duchy of Pomerania
1465 1465 1465 Moroccan revolt Sharifs of Fez Marinids
1465 1465 Ballaban’s campaign of 1465 League of Lezhë Ottoman Empire
1465 1465 War of the Public Weal Duchy of Burgundy Kingdom of France
1465 1468 Wars of Liège Duchy of Burgundy Prince-Bishopric of Liège
1467 1469 First Irmandiño Kingdom of Galicia Peasants
1467 1477 Ōnin War Hosokawa clan
Hatakeyama clan
Shiba clan
Yamana clan
Ōuchi clan
Hatakeyama clan
1467 1479 War of the Priests  Kingdom of Poland Prince-Bishopric of Warmia
1468 1478 Bohemian War (1468–78)  Kingdom of Hungary  Kingdom of Bohemia
1468 1469 Böckler war [de] Duchy of Bavaria Böcklerbund
1470 1471 Dano-Swedish War (1470–71)  Sweden  Denmark
German Knights
1470 1474 First Utrecht Civil War Utrecht Hooks Utrecht Cods
1471 1471 Cham–Vietnamese War (1471) Lê Dynasty Dai Viet Champa
1474 1477 Burgundian Wars  Swiss Confederation  Duchy of Burgundy
1475 1479 War of the Castilian Succession  Isabella Supporters
Crown of Aragon
 Juana Supporters
Kingdom of Portugal
Kingdom of France
1476 1746 Ottoman-Moldavian War of 1476
1477 1488 Austrian–Hungarian War (1477–88)  Kingdom of Hungary  Holy Roman Empire
1479 1480 Vietnamese-Laotian War (1479–80) Đại Việt Lan Xang

Muang Phuan

Lan Na

1480 1480 Siege of Rhodes (1480) Knights Hospitaller  Ottoman Empire
1480 1510 Saltpeter War (Mexico) Tarascan state Purépecha
1481 1483 Second Utrecht Civil War Utrecht Hooks Utrecht Cods
1482 1484 War of Ferrara  Republic of Venice
Papal States
 Duchy of Ferrara
Kingdom of Naples
1482 1492 Granada War  Union of the Crown of Castile and Crown of Aragon  Emirate of Granada
1483 1483 Buckingham’s rebellion  Kingdom of England English rebels
1483 1485 1483 Flemish Revolt Habsburg Netherlands Flemish separatists
1484 1484 Mieres Uprising  Castile-Aragon Union Catalan peasants
1485 1488 Mad War  Kingdom of France Rebel Barons
1486 1486 Stafford and Lovell Rebellion  Kingdom of England Francis Lovell
1486 1487 Simmel Rebellion  Kingdom of England English rebels
1487 1488 Kaga Rebellion Ikkō-ikki
Motoori clan
Yamagawa clan
Togashi clan
1487 1492 1487 Flemish Revolt  Holy Roman Empire Flemish separatists
1487 1487 War of Rovereto
1489 1489 Yorkshire rebellion 1489  Kingdom of England Tax Resisters
1492 1494 First Muscovite–Lithuanian War  Grand Duchy of Moscow
Crimean Khanate
 Grand Duchy of Lithuania
1493 1517 Bundschuh movement
1494 1498 Italian War of 1494–98  Papal States
Republic of Venice
Kingdom of Naples
Duchy of Milan
Holy Roman Empire
1495 1497 Russo-Swedish War (1495–97)  Grand Duchy of Moscow  Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom of Sweden
1497 1497 Cornish Rebellion of 1497  Kingdom of England Cornish Rebels
1497 1497 Second Cornish Uprising of 1497  Kingdom of England Cornish Rebels
1497 1497 Warbeck Rebellion  Kingdom of England English rebels
1499 1499 Swabian War Swiss Confederacy,
Three Leagues of the Grisons
Swabian League
Holy Roman Empire
1497 1497 Conquest of Melilla  Union of Castile and Aragon  Morocco
1499 1501 Rebellion of the Alpujarras (1499–1501)  Union of Castile and Aragon  Muslims of Granada
1499 1503 Ottoman–Venetian War (1499–1503)  Ottoman Empire  Republic of Venice
1499 1504 Italian War of 1499–1504  Duchy of Milan
Kingdom of Naples
Spain (after 1501)
Republic of Venice
Spain (until 1501)
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1500 1503 Second Muscovite–Lithuanian War
Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars
 Grand Duchy of Moscow  Grand Duchy of Lithuania
1500 1500 Battle of Hemmingstedt Peasantry of Dithmarschen  Kalmar Union


1501 1512 Dano-Swedish War (1501–12)

Part of the Dano-Swedish Wars

Free City of Lübeck (from 1509)
Norwegian rebels (to 1504)
 Kalmar Union

·          Denmark

·          Norway

1502 1510 Persian-Uzbek Wars  Persian Empire
Timurid Empire
 Shaybanid dynasty
1502 1543 Guelders Wars  Holy Roman Empire Duchy of Guelders
1503 1505 War of the Succession of Landshut  Duchy of Bavaria-Munich  Duchy of Bavaria-Landshut
Electorate of the Palatinate
1505 1517 Portuguese–Mamluk naval war  Portugal  Mamluk Sultanate
Ottoman Empire
1507 1508 Third Muscovite–Lithuanian War
Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars
 Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Kingdom of Poland
 Grand Duchy of Moscow
Lithuanian rebels led by Michael Glinski
1508 1516 War of the League of Cambrai
Part of the Italian Wars and Anglo-French wars
Papal States
Holy Roman Empire
Duchy of Ferrara
Duchy of Ferrara
Duchy of Ferrara
Papal States
Papal States
Holy Roman Empire
Swiss mercenaries
Papal States
Holy Roman Empire
Duchy of Milan
Swiss mercenaries
1509 1509 Battle of Diu (1509)
Part of the Portuguese battles in the Indian OceanPortuguese–Mamluk naval war and Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts
 Portuguese Empire Gujarat Sultanate
Mamlûk Sultanate
Kozhikode Zamorin Raja
Ottoman Empire
Republic of Venice
Republic of Ragusa
1509 1512 Ottoman Civil War  Forces of Selim I
Forces of Bayezid II
 Forces of Ahmed
1510 1510 Prince of Anhua rebellion Ming dynasty Prince of Anhua
1510 1514 Hvar rebellion  Republic of Venice  Hvar rebels
1510 1510 Portuguese conquest of Goa
Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts
 Portuguese Empire Bijapur Sultanate
Ottoman Empire
1511 1511 Friulian Revolt of 1511 Friulian nobility Friulian peasants
1511 1511 Şahkulu rebellion  Ottoman Empire Shia Rebels
1511 1529 Spanish–Taíno War of San Juan–Borikén  Castile Taínos
1511 1641 Malayan–Portuguese war  Portuguese Empire  Malacca Sultanate
Ming dynasty
Dutch East India Company
Johor Sultanate
1512 1516 Bengali conquest of Chittagong  Bengal Sultanate Kingdom of Mrauk U
1512 1522 Fourth Muscovite–Lithuanian War
Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars
 Grand Duchy of Moscow
Livonian Order
 Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Kingdom of Poland
Crimean Tatars
1512 1521 Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre  Crown of Castile
Crown of Aragon
 Kingdom of Navarre
1514 1514 Poor Conrad Rebellion  Duchy of Württemberg Württemberg peasants
1514 1514 György Dózsa Rebellion  Kingdom of Hungary Hungarian peasants
1514 1514 Battle of Chaldiran  Ottoman Empire  Safavid Empire
1515 1515 Slovene Peasant Revolt  Holy Roman Empire Slovene rebels
1515 1523 Arumer Zwarte Hoop  Habsburg Netherlands Frisian peasants
1516 1517 Ottoman–Mamluk War (1516–17)
Part of the Ottoman–Mamluk wars
 Ottoman Empire  Mamluk Sultanate
1516 1521 Trần Cao rebellion Lê dynasty Trần Cao rebels
1519 1519 Prince of Ning rebellion Ming dynasty Prince of Ning
1519 1521 Polish–Teutonic War (1519–21)
Polish–Teutonic Wars
 Kingdom of Poland  Teutonic Knights
1519 1521 Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire  Spanish conquistadors
 Aztec Triple Alliance
1519 1522 Revolt of the Brotherhoods Royalists of Aragon Agermanats rebels
1519 1523 Hildesheim Diocesan Feud  Bishopric of Hildesheim
County of Schaumburg
County of Diepholz
County of Hoya
 Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Principality of Calenberg
1519 1659 Jelali revolts  Ottoman Empire Alevi peasants
1520 1521 Revolt of the Comuneros Royalist Castilians Comuneros rebels
1521 1521 First Battle of Tamão Ming dynasty  Portuguese Empire
1521 1523 Swedish War of Liberation
Part of the Swedish War of Secession
Free City of Lübeck (from 1522)
Kalmar Union
1521 1526 Italian War of 1521–26
Part of the Italian Wars
 Empire of Charles V:

·          Spain

·          Holy Roman Empire

Kingdom of England
Papal States

Republic of Venice
1521 1532 Musso War  Three Leagues  Duchy of Milan
1522 1538 First Civil War (Kazakh Khanate) Tugim Khan (Until 1538)

Supported by:


Buydash Khan
1522 1522 Knights’ Revolt  Holy Roman Empire Brotherly Convention’ of Knights
1522 1522 Second Battle of Tamão Ming dynasty  Portuguese Empire
1522 1522 Siege of Rhodes (1522)  Ottoman Empire  Knights Hospitaller
Republic of Venice
1523 1523 Franconian War  Swabian League Robber Barons
1524 1525 German Peasants’ War  Swabian League  German Peasant Army
1524 1533 Dalecarlian rebellions  Sweden Dalarna peasants
1525 1525 Amicable Grant Revolt  Kingdom of England English Rebels
1526 1530 War of the League of Cognac
Part of the Italian Wars
 Empire of Charles V:

·          Spain

·          Holy Roman Empire

Republic of Genoa

Papal States
Republic of Venice
Republic of Florence
Kingdom of England
Duchy of Milan
1526 1526 Battle of Mohács  Ottoman Empire  Kingdom of Hungary

Kingdom of Croatia
Kingdom of Bohemia
Holy Roman Empire
Duchy of Bavaria
Papal States
Kingdom of Poland

1527 1638 Sinhalese–Portuguese War  Portuguese Empire  Kingdom of Sitawaka
Kingdom of Kandy
1527 1697 Spanish conquest of Yucatán  Spanish conquistadors Maya
1527 1528 Hungarian campaign of 1527–28
Part of the Ottoman–Habsburg wars
 Archduchy of Austria
Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of Bohemia
Kingdom of Croatia
Papal States
Ferdinand’s Hungarian kingdom
Voivodian Serbs
 Ottoman Empire
John Szapolyai’s Hungarian kingdom
1529 1543 Ethiopian–Adal war  Ethiopian Empire
Portuguese Empire
 Adal Sultanate
Ottoman Empire
1529 1529 Westrogothian rebellion  Sweden Swedish Catholics
1529 1529 First War of Kappel Protestants:




1529 1529 Balkan campaign of 1529  Ottoman Empire
John Szapolyai’s Hungarian kingdom
 Archduchy of Austria
Holy Roman Empire
Spanish Empire
Kingdom of Bohemia
Papal States
Kingdom of Croatia
Ferdinand’s Hungarian kingdom
1529 1529 Siege of Vienna  Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of Bohemia
Electorate of the Palatinate
 Ottoman Empire
1529 1532 Inca Civil War  Inca Empire under Huáscar
Inca Empire under Atahualpa
1530 1552 Little War in Hungary
Part of the Ottoman–Habsburg wars
 Archduchy of Austria
Holy Roman Empire
Papal States
Kingdom of Bohemia
Kingdom of Croatia
Ferdinand’s Hungarian kingdom[1]
 Ottoman Empire
John Szapolyai’s Hungarian kingdom
Serbian Despotate
1531 1531 Second War of Kappel Catholics:




1532 1572 Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire  Spanish conquistadors  Inca Empire
Neo-Inca State
1532 1555 Ottoman–Safavid War (1532–55)
Part of the Ottoman–Persian wars
 Ottoman Empire  Safavid Empire
1533 1929 Yaqui Wars
Part of the Mexican Indian Wars and the American Indian Wars
 Crown of Castile (1533–1716)

Spain (1716–1821)

Mexico (1821–1929)

United States (1896–1918)



·         Mayo

·         Opata

·         Pima

1533 1677 Lê–Mạc War Revival Lê dynasty Mạc dynasty
1534 1534 Silken Thomas rebellion  Kingdom of England  Irish rebels
1534 1535 Münster rebellion  Prince-Bishopric of Münster Anabaptists
1534 1536 Count’s Feud  Christian III
Duchy of Schleswig
Duchy of Prussia
 Christian II
Christopher of Oldenburg
Free City of Lübeck
1534 1537 Fifth Muscovite–Lithuanian War
Part of the Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars
 Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Kingdom of Poland
Crimean Tatars
 Grand Duchy of Moscow
1534 1541 Taungoo–Hanthawaddy War (1534–41) Toungoo dynasty  Hanthawaddy Kingdom
1534 1546 Iguape War  Captaincies of Brazil Spanish colonists
1536 1537 Pilgrimage of Grace  Kingdom of England English Roman Catholics
1536 1538 Italian War of 1536–38  Holy Roman Empire
Ottoman Empire
1537 1537 Bigod’s rebellion  Kingdom of England English Roman Catholics
1537 1548 Conquistador Civil War in Peru  Governorate of New Castile
Viceroyalty of Peru
 Governorate of New Toledo
1538 1538 Yemeni Expedition of 1538

Part of the Yemeni–Ottoman Conflicts

 Ottoman Empire Zaidis
1538 1545 Taungoo–Ava War (1538–45) Toungoo dynasty Ava Kingdom
Confederation of Shan States
Mrauk-U Kingdom
Prome Kingdom
1538 1557 Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1538–57)  Portuguese Empire
Ethiopian Empire
 Ottoman Empire
Adal Sultanate
Ajuran Sultanate
Gujarat Sultanate
1539 1540 Revolt of Ghent (1539–1540)  Holy Roman Empire Ghent
1540 1540 Peasant’s Rebellion in Telemark  Denmark–Norway Norwegian peasants
1540 1542 Mixtón War  Spanish conquistadors Caxcans
1542 1543 Dacke War  Sweden Småland peasants
1542 1546 Italian War of 1542–46
Part of the Italian Wars
 Empire of Charles V:

·          Spain

·          Holy Roman Empire

Kingdom of England

Ottoman Empire
1542 1551 Rough Wooing
Part of the Anglo-Scottish Wars
 Kingdom of Scotland
Kingdom of France
 Kingdom of England
1543 1568 Koch–Ahom conflicts Kamata Kingdom  Ahom kingdom
1545 1547 Taungoo–Mrauk-U War (1545–47) Kingdom of Mrauk U Toungoo dynasty
1546 1547 Schmalkaldic War  Empire of Charles V:

·          Spain

·          Holy Roman Empire

Duchy of Saxony
Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Bohemia and other Lands of the Bohemian Crown

Schmalkaldic League:

Electorate of Saxony
Electorate of the Palatinate
Free City of Lübeck
Other German territories

1547 1549 Burmese–Siamese War (1547–49)  Ayutthaya Kingdom Toungoo Dynasty
1547 1565 Jiajing wokou raids Ming dynasty Wokou
1548 1549 Revolt of the Pitauds  France Tax Resisters
1549 1549 Prayer Book Rebellion  Kingdom of England Catholic rebels
1549 1549 Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire rising of 1549  Kingdom of England English rebels
1549 1549 Kett’s Rebellion  Kingdom of England English peasants
1550 1590 Chichimeca War Chichimeca  Spanish Empire
1551 1559 Italian War of 1551–59  Spanish Empire
Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of England
Republic of Florence
Duchy of Savoy
 Kingdom of France
Republic of Siena
Ottoman Empire
1552 1556 Second Margrave War  Margravate of Brandenburg-Kulmbach  Imperial City of Nuremberg
Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg
Imperial City Schweinfurt
Bishopric of Würzburg
Archbishopric of Mainz
Archbishopric of Trier
Bishopric of Speyer
Electorate of Saxony
Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Kingdom of Bohemia
Margravate of Meissen
1552 1552 Tuggurt Expedition (1552)  Regency of Algiers
Kingdom of Ait Abbas
 Sultanate of Tuggurt
1552 1552 Siege of Kazan  Tsardom of Russia
Qasim Khanate
Taw yağı
 Kazan Khanate
Cheremis and Ar warriors
Nogay cavalry
1552 1556 Kazan Rebellion of 1552–1556  Tsardom of Russia
Hill Cheremisa
People of Kazan
Meadow Cheremisa
Hill Cheremisa
Ar people
Nogai Horde
1554 1554 Wyatt’s rebellion  Kingdom of England Rebels under Thomas Wyatt
1554 1557 Russo-Swedish War (1554–57)  Tsardom of Russia  Sweden
1555 1558 Saukrieg Party of Hans von Carlowitz Party of John IX of Haugwitz
1555 1567 France Antarctique  Portuguese Empire
Tamoio People
Tupinambá People
1557 1578 Ottoman conquest of Habesh  Ottoman Empire Habesh
1558 1566 Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1558–66)  Portuguese Empire  Ottoman Empire

·         Egypt

Barbary States

1558 1567 Shane O’Neill‘s Rebellion  Kingdom of England  Irish Rebels
1558 1583 Livonian War  Livonian Confederation
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
(before 1569 the Polish–Lithuanian union)
Zaporozhian Cossacks
Principality of Transylvania (after 1577)[5]
 Tsardom of Russia
Kingdom of Livonia
1560 1621 Portuguese conquest of the Jaffna kingdom  Kingdom of Portugal Jaffna Kingdom
1562 1598 French Wars of Religion  Politiques Protestants:
Catholic League
Duchy of Savoy
1563 1564 Burmese–Siamese War (1563–64) Toungoo Dynasty  Ayutthaya Kingdom
1563 1570 Northern Seven Years’ War  Sweden  Denmark–Norway

Free City of Lübeck

1564 1567 Mughal conquest of Garha Mughal Empire Garha Kingdom
1567 1872 Philippine revolts against Spain  Spain
Filipino Loyalists
 Dagohoy rebel group
other Filipino rebel groupsBritish supporters
1568 1570 Burmese–Siamese War (1568–70) Toungoo Dynasty
Burmese Controlled Thai States
Lan Xang
1568 1571 Morisco Revolt  Spain Moriscos
1568 1573 Marian civil war King‘s Men Queen‘s Men
1568 1648 Eighty Years’ War  United Provinces
German Protestants
 Spanish Empire
Holy Roman Empire
1569 1573 First Desmond Rebellion  Kingdom of England
Kingdom of Ireland
allied Irish clans
 FitzGeralds of Desmond
allied Irish clans
1569 1570 Rising of the North  Elizabeth I of England

English and Welsh Protestants
Scottish Protestants

 Partisans of Mary, Queen of Scots

English and Welsh Catholics

1570 1574 War of the League of the Indies  Portuguese Empire Sultanate of Bijapur
Ahmadnagar SultanateZamorin of Calicut
Aceh Sultanate
1570 1573 Ottoman–Venetian War (1570–73)  Ottoman Empire Holy League:
Republic of Venice
Papal States
Kingdom of Naples
Republic of Genoa
Kingdom of Sicily
Grand Duchy of Tuscany
Duchy of Urbino
Duchy of Savoy
Knights of Malta
1570 1580 Ishiyama Hongan-ji War  Forces of Oda Nobunaga Ikkō-ikki
Saika Ikki
Mōri clan
1571 1571 Russo-Crimean War (1571)  Crimean Khanate  Tsardom of Russia
1572 1576 Mughal invasion of Bengal Mughal Empire  Bengal Sultanate
1573 1573 Croatian–Slovene Peasant Revolt  Holy Roman Empire Croatian peasants
Slovene peasants
1575 1577 Danzig rebellion  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Principality of Transylvania
1578 1578 Castilian War  Bruneian Empire  Spanish Empire
1578 1578 Battle of Alcácer Quibir (also known as “Battle of Three Kings” or “The Battle of Alcazar“)  Marinid Sultanate  Kingdom of Portugal

Thomas Stukley
Abu Abdallah Mohammed II Saadi

1578 1590 Ottoman–Safavid War (1578–90)  Ottoman Empire  Safavid Empire
Kingdom of Kartli
1579 1581 Tenshō Iga War  Oda clan Iga
1579 1583 Second Desmond Rebellion  Kingdom of England
Kingdom of Ireland
allied Irish clans
 FitzGeralds of Desmond
Papal States
allied Irish clans
1580 1583 War of the Portuguese Succession  Spanish Empire
Portugal loyal to Philip
 Portugal loyal to António, Prior of Crato
United Provinces
1580 1589 Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1580–89)  Portuguese Empire  Ottoman Empire
Ajuran Sultanate
1581 1585 Conquest of the Khanate of Sibir  Tsardom of Russia  Khanate of Sibir
1583 1588 Cologne War  Ernst of Bavaria Prince-Elector, Cologne, 1583–1612
House of Wittelsbach
Free Imperial City of Cologne
Philip of Spain, and for him:
House of Farnese
House of Isenburg-Grenzau
House of Mansfeld (main line)
House of Berlaymont-Flyon
and others
 Gebhard, Truchsess von Waldburg, Prince-Elector, Cologne 1578–1588
House of Neuenahr-Alpen
House of Waldburg
House of Palatinate-ZweibrückenHouse of Nassau
House of Solms-Braunfels and others
1584 1593 Burmese–Siamese War (1584–93)  Siam Burma
1585 1604 Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604)  Spanish Empire  Kingdom of England
United Provinces
Portuguese loyal to Prior of Crato
1587 1588 War of the Polish Succession (1587–88)  Faction of Sigismund III Vasa  Faction of Maximilian III
1589 1589 Beylerbeyi event  Ottoman Empire Janissaries
1590 1595 Russo-Swedish War (1590–95)  Tsardom of Russia  Sweden
1591 1591 Portuguese invasion of Jaffna kingdom (1591)  Portuguese Empire Jaffna Kingdom
1591 1593 Kosiński uprising  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth  Cossacks
1591 1594 Rappenkrieg (Basel)  Prince-Bishopric of Basel Swiss peasants
1591 1594 Ayutthayan–Cambodian War (1591–1594)  Kingdom of Ayutthaya  Kingdom of Cambodia
1591 1606 Long Turkish War  Archduchy of Austria
Holy Roman Empire
Habsburg Kingdom of Hungary[6]
Kingdom of Croatia[6]
Kingdom of Bohemia
Principality of Transylvania
Zaporozhian Host
Serbian hajduks
Papal States
Knights of St. Stephen
Bulgarian rebels
Duchy of Ferrara
Duchy of Mantua
Duchy of Savoy
 Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Nogai Khanate
1592 1598 Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98) Ming dynasty
Joseon dynasty
Toyotomi Japan
1592 1604 Strasbourg Bishops’ War  Duchy of Württemberg
House of Ascania
Margraviate of Brandenburg
 House of Lorraine
1593 1597 Cambodian–Spanish War  Cambodia
1593 1617 Moldavian Magnate Wars
1594 1596 Nalyvaiko Uprising  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth  Cossacks
1594 1605 Burmese–Siamese War (1594–1605)  Ayutthaya Kingdom Toungoo Dynasty
1594 1603 Nine Years’ War (Ireland)  Kingdom of England and its government in Ireland  Alliance of Irish clans
Supported by:
Scottish Gaelic mercenaries
1596 1596 Himara Revolt  Ottoman Empire Himariote rebels
1596 1596 Oxfordshire rising of 1596  Kingdom of England English Rebels
1596 1597 Serb uprising of 1596–1597  Ottoman Empire Serbian rebels
1596 1597 Cudgel War  Sweden Finnish peasants
1598 1599 War against Sigismund  Charles IX of Sweden  Sigismund III Vasa
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1600 1600 Sekigahara Campaign  Eastern Army: forces loyal to Tokugawa Ieyasu  Western Army: forces loyal to Toyotomi Hideyori
1600 1601 Thessaly rebellion (1600)  Ottoman Empire Greek peasants
1600 1601 Franco-Savoyard War (1600–1601) Kingdom of France Duchy of Savoy
c. 1600 1866 Navajo Wars  Crown of Castile
United States
1600 1611 Polish–Swedish War (1600–11)  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth  Sweden
1601 1607 Acaxee Rebellion  Spain Acaxee
1602 1663 Dutch–Portuguese War  Kingdom of Portugal
Supported by:
Crown of Castile
(until 1640)
Kingdom of Cochin
Potiguara Tupis
 Dutch Republic
Supported by:
Kingdom of England
(until 1640)
Johor Sultanate
Kingdom of Kandy
Kingdom of Kongo
Kingdom of Ndongo-Matamba
Rio Grande Tupis
Nhandui Tarairiu Tribe
1603 1618 Ottoman–Safavid War (1603–18)  Safavid Empire  Ottoman Empire
1605 1618 Polish–Muscovite War (1605–18)  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth  Tsardom of Russia
1606 1607 Bolotnikov rebellion  Tsardom of Russia Russian peasants
1606 1608 Zebrzydowski rebellion  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Polish Nobility
1609 1614 War of the Jülich Succession Supporting Wolfgang William:
Catholic LeagueSupporting John Sigismund:
Margraviate of Brandenburg
United Provinces
Protestant Union
Supporting Emperor Rudolph:
Holy Roman Empire
Principality of Strasbourg
Prince-Bishopric of Liège
1609 1609 Invasion of Ryukyu  Satsuma Domain  Ryūkyū Kingdom
1610 1614 First Anglo-Powhatan War  England Powhatan Confederacy
1610 1617 Ingrian War  Sweden  Tsardom of Russia
1611 1611 Epirus revolt of 1611  Ottoman Empire Greek peasants
1612 1613 Kalmar War  Denmark–Norway  Sweden
1612 1614 Rappenkrieg  Holy Roman Empire Peasants
1612 1615 Equinoctial France War  Kingdom of Portugal
Brazilian colonists
1613 1614 Burmese–Siamese War (1613–14)  Burma  Siam
1614 1615 Siege of Osaka Tokugawa shogunate Toyotomi clan
1614 1625 Mataram conquest of Surabaya  Mataram Sultanate Duchy of Surabaya
1615 1618 Uskok War  Holy Roman Empire

Kingdom of Croatia

 Republic of Venice
Dutch Republic
1615 1682 Ahom–Mughal conflicts  Kingdom of Ahom  Mughal Empire
1616 1620 Tepehuán Revolt Spanish Empire Tepehuánes
1617 1618 Polish–Swedish War (1617–18)  Sweden  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
1618 1697 Spanish conquest of Petén
Part of the Spanish conquest of Guatemala and the Spanish conquest of Yucatán
Spanish Empire Independent Maya
1618 1639 Bündner Wirren France
 Holy Roman Empire
1618 1648 Thirty Years’ War Protestant States and Allies

Denmark-Norway (1625–1629)
France (from 1635)[7]   Bohemia (1618–1620)
Swedish Empire
United Provinces
Electorate of the Palatinate
England (1625–30)[8]
Hungarian Anti-Habsburg Rebels[9]
Zaporozhian Cossacks
Ottoman Empire

Roman Catholic States and Allies

Holy Roman Empire[10]

·          Catholic League

·          Austria

·          Bohemia (after 1620)

Kingdom of Hungary[11]
Kingdom of Croatia[12]
Spain and its possessions
Denmark-Norway (1643–1645)[13]

1618 1683 Qing conquest of the Ming  Later Jin (until 1636)
Qing dynasty (from 1636)
Ming dynasty (until 1644)
Southern Ming (1644–1662)
Kingdom of Tungning(from 1661)Shun dynasty (1644–1645)Daxi dynasty (1644–1646)
1619 1682 Ahom–Mughal conflicts  Ahom kingdom  Mughal Empire
1620 1621 Polish–Ottoman War (1620–21)  Poland-Lithuania  Ottoman Empire
1621 1621 Dutch conquest of the Banda Islands  Dutch East India Company Banda natives
1621 1625 Polish–Swedish War (1621–25)  Sweden  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
1621 1635 Early Mughal–Sikh War (1621–35) Sikh militia  Mughal Empire
1622 1625 War of the Vicuñas and Basques Basques Vicuñas
1622 1632 Second Anglo-Powhatan War  England Powhatan Confederacy
1623 1639 Ottoman–Safavid War (1623–39)  Ottoman Empire  Safavid Empire
1625 1630 Anglo-Spanish War (1625–1630)  Spain  England


·          United Provinces

1625 1625 Zhmaylo uprising  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks
1625 1625 Relief of Genoa  Spain
Republic of Genoa
 Kingdom of France
Duchy of Savoy
United Provinces
1626 1629 Polish–Swedish War (1626–29)  Swedish Empire  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Holy Roman Empire
1626 1636 Peasants’ War in Upper Austria  Electorate of Bavaria
Upper Austria
Peasant rebels
1627 1627 First Manchu invasion of Korea Joseon Dynasty  Later Jin
1627 1672 Trịnh–Nguyễn War Trịnh lords
Lê dynasty
Dutch East India Company
Nguyễn lords
1628 1631 War of the Mantuan Succession
Part of the Thirty Years’ War
Supporting the Duke of Nevers:
Supporting the Duke of Guastalla:
Holy Roman Empire
Duchy of Savoy
1630 1630 Fedorovych uprising  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks
c. 1630 c. 1630 Yemeni Expedition of the 1630s

Part of the Yemeni–Ottoman Conflicts

 Ottoman Empire Zaidis
1632 1634 Smolensk War  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth  Tsardom of Russia
1633 1634 Polish–Ottoman War (1633–34)  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth  Ottoman Empire
1634 1638 Pequot War Massachusetts Bay Colony
Plymouth Colony
Saybrook Colony·         Narragansett people·         Mohegan people
1635 1635 Sulyma uprising  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks
1635 1654 Acadian Civil War Port Royal Administration St. John Administration
Massachusetts Bay Colony
1635 1659 Franco-Spanish War (1635–59)  France
Commonwealth of England (from 1657)
Royalists of the British Isles (from 1657)[14]
1636 1637 Second Manchu invasion of Korea  Qing dynasty Joseon dynasty
1637 1637 Pavlyuk uprising  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossaks
1637 1638 Shimabara Rebellion Tokugawa Shogunate
Dutch Empire
Christian peasants
1638 1638 Ostryanyn uprising  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossaks
1639 1639 Revolt of the va-nu-pieds  France Tax Resisters
1639 1639 First Bishops’ War
Part of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
 Scottish Covenanters  Scottish Royalists
1640 1640 Second Bishops’ War
Part of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
 Scottish Covenanters  Scottish Royalists
1640 1659 Catalan Revolt  Spain  Principality of Catalonia
1640 1668 Portuguese Restoration War Portugal
Supported by:
Kingdom of England
(after 1661)
 Castile and Aragon
1640 1701 Beaver Wars Iroquois Algonquian
1641 1653 Irish Confederate Wars
Part of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
 Parliamentarians  Irish Catholic Confederation
(allied with Royalists 1648–1650)English and Scottish Royalists
(allied with Irish Confederates 1648–1650)
1641 1644 First War of Castro Barberini Pope Urban VIII and Pamphili
Pope Innocent X their papal armies and relatives.
The Farnese Dukes of Parma
1642 1646 First English Civil War
Part of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
   Parliaments of England and Scotland    English and Scottish Royalists
1643 1644 Cambodian–Dutch War  Cambodia  Dutch East India Company
1643 1645 Torstenson War
Part of the Thirty Years’ War
Dutch Republic
Holy Roman Empire
1643 1645 Kieft’s War Lenape New Netherland
1644 1646 Third Anglo-Powhatan War  England Powhatan Confederacy
1644 1674 Char Bouba war Maqil Arab tribes Sanhadja Berber tribes
1644 1651 Scotland in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
Part of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
Scottish Covenanters Scottish Royalists and Irish Catholic Confederate troops
1645 1669 Cretan War (1645–69)  Ottoman Empire
Barbary States
 Republic of Venice
Knights of Malta
Papal States
1648 1648 Moscow uprising of 1648  Tsardom of Russia Rioters
1648 1657 Khmelnytsky Uprising  Zaporozhian Cossacks
Crimean Tatars (1649–1654, 1656–1657)
 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Crimean Tatars (1654–1656)
1648 1649 First Fronde  Kingdom of France Parlements (1648–1649)
Princes of the Blood (1650–1653)
1648 1649 Second English Civil War
Part of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
Parliamentary forces Royalist forces
1649 1651 Third English Civil War
Part of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
Parliamentarians Royalists
Scottish Covenanters
1649 1653 Mughal–Safavid War  Mughal Empire  Safavid Empire
1649 1653 Cromwellian conquest of Ireland
Part of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
English Parliamentarian New Model Army,
Protestant colonists
Irish Catholic Confederation,
English Royalists
1649 1649 Second War of Castro Pope Innocent X and his papal army. Ranuccio II Farnese, Duke of Parma
1650 1653 Second Fronde  Kingdom of France Parlements (1648–1649)
Princes of the Blood (1650–1653)
1651 1651 Düsseldorf Cow War  Margraviate of Brandenburg  Palatinate-Neuburg
1651 1651 Kostka-Napierski uprising  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Polish peasants
1651 1651 Keian Uprising Tokugawa Shogunate Ronin
1651 1986 Three Hundred and Thirty Five Years’ War  Isles of Scilly  Republic of the Seven United Netherlands
1652 1652 Guo Huaiyi rebellion Dutch East India Company
Aboriginal Taiwanese
Peasant rebels
1652 1654 First Anglo-Dutch War  Commonwealth of England  Republic of the Seven United Netherlands
1652 1689 Russian–Manchu border conflicts  Qing Empire
Joseon dynasty
Tsardom of Russia
1653 1653 Swiss peasant war of 1653 City governments’ troops
Peasant forces from

·          Lucerne

·          Bern

·          Solothurn

·          Basel

·          Aargau

1653 1653 Morning Star rebellion  Sweden Swedish Peasants
1654 1654 First Swedish War on Bremen  Sweden  Bremen
1654 1667 Russo-Polish War (1654–67)  Tsardom of Russia
Ukrainian Cossacks
 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Crimean Khanate
1654 1660 Anglo-Spanish War (1654–60)  Commonwealth of England
France (1657–59)
Royalists of the British Isles[14]
1655 1655 Peach Tree War Susquehannock and allied tribes  New Netherland
1655 1656 Varaždin rebellion (1665–66) Habsburg Monarchy Frontiersmen
1655 1660 Second Northern War  Swedish Empire
Brandenburg-Prussia (1656–57)
Principality of Transylvania
Ukrainian Cossacks (1657)[15]
Grand Duchy of LithuaniaWallachia
Habsburg Monarchy
Russia (1656–58)
Crimean Khanate
Brandenburg-Prussia (1655–56, 1657–60)
Dutch Republic
1655 1690 Savoyard-Waldensian Wars Duchy of Savoy Waldensians
1656 1656 Çınar incident Rebellious soldiers  Ottoman Empire
1656 1658 Russo-Swedish War (1656–58)
Part of the Second Northern War
 Swedish Empire  Tsardom of Russia
1657 1658 Dano-Swedish War (1657–58)
Part of the Second Northern War
 Sweden  Denmark–Norway
1658 1660 Dano-Swedish War (1658–60)
Part of the Second Northern War
Dutch Republic
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
1658 1667 Druze power struggle (1658–67)  Ottoman Empire Ma’ani Druze Rebels
1659 1659 Bakhtrioni uprising  Kingdom of Kakheti  Safavid Empire
1660 1673 Brunei Civil War Sultan Abdul Hakkul Mubin’s Forces Sultan Muhyiddin‘s Forces
1661 1662 Siege of Fort Zeelandia Koxinga‘s Ming Loyalists  Dutch East India Company
1662 1662 Copper Riot  Tsardom of Russia Rioters
1662 1664 Bashkir rebellion (1662–64)  Tsardom of Russia Bashkir rebels
1662 1665 Burmese–Siamese War (1662–65)  Burma  Siam
1663 1664 Austro-Turkish War (1663–64)  Ottoman Empire League of the Rhine
1665 1666 Lubomirski’s rebellion  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Polish Nobility
1665 1667 Second Anglo-Dutch War  Dutch Republic
1665 1709 Kongo Civil War House of Kinlaza House of Kimpanzu
1666 1666 Second Swedish War on Bremen  Sweden  Bremen
Electorate of Cologne
Brunswick-Lüneburg (Celle)
Electorate of Brandenburg
Dutch Republic
1666 1671 Polish–Cossack–Tatar War (1666–71)  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth  Crimean Khanate
Zaporozhian Cossacks
Ottoman Empire
1667 1668 War of Devolution  Spanish Empire
Triple Alliance:
Dutch Republic
Kingdom of England
Swedish Empire
1667 (or 1670) 1671 Stepan Razin rebellion Tsardom of Russia Russian peasants
1667 1675 Angelets  France Tax Resisters
1668 1676 Solovetsky Monastery uprising Tsardom of Russia Old Believers
1669 1672 Shakushain’s revolt Tokugawa Shogunate Ainu Rebels
1672 1673 Second Genoese–Savoyard War  Republic of Genoa
 Duchy of Savoy
1672 1676 Polish–Ottoman War (1672–76)  Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Principality of Moldavia
Cossack Hetmanate (Doroshenko‘s faction)
 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Principality of Wallachia (in 1673)
1672 1678 Franco-Dutch War  France
Bishopric of Münster
Archbishopric of Cologne
 Dutch Republic
Holy Roman Empire
1672 1674 Third Anglo-Dutch War
Part of the Franco-Dutch War
 Dutch Republic
1673 1681 Revolt of the Three Feudatories  Qing Empire Three Feudatories
Kingdom of Tungning
1674 1681 Trunajaya rebellion  Mataram Sultanate

Dutch East India Company

Rebel forces
Makassarese itinerant fighters
1675 1675 Revolt of the papier timbré  France Tax Resisters
1675 1679 Scanian War
Part of the Franco-Dutch War
 Swedish Empire
United Provinces
Holy Roman Empire
1675 1678 King Philip’s War New England Confederation
1675 1705 Revolutions of Tunis Husainid dynasty Muradid dynasty
1676 1681 Russo-Turkish War (1676–81)  Russian Tsardom
Cossack Hetmanate of Ivan Samoylovych
 Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Cossack Hetmanate of Petro Doroshenko
1678 1680 Dzungar conquest of Altishahr Dzungar Khanate
Afāqi Naqshbandi Sufi Khojas
Turfan Khanate
Kumul Khanate
Chagatai Khanate (Yarkent Khanate)
Isḥāqi Naqshbandi Sufi Khojas
1679 1684 Tibet–Ladakh–Mughal War Tibet Ladakh
Mughal Empire
1680 1680 Pueblo Revolt  Spanish Empire Puebloans
1681 1707 Maratha–Mughal War Marathas  Mughal Empire
1683 1699 Great Turkish War ·          Holy Roman Empire

·          Tsardom of Russia

·          Cossack Hetmanate

·          Poland–Lithuania

·          Republic of Venice

·          Habsburg Hungary

·          Kingdom of Croatia

·          Spanish Empire

·          Serbian rebels

·          Albanian rebels

·          Greek rebels

·          Bulgarian rebels

·          Macedonian rebels

 Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
1683 1699 Polish–Ottoman War (1683–99)
Part of the Great Turkish War
 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Allied Holy League forces
 Ottoman Empire
1683 1684 War of the Reunions  France  Spanish Empire
Holy Roman Empire
Republic of Genoa
1684 1699 Morean War
Part of the Great Turkish War
 Republic of Venice

Knights of Malta
Duchy of Savoy
Papal States
Knights of St. Stephen
Other Greek rebels

 Ottoman Empire
1685 1685 Monmouth Rebellion  Kingdom of England  Duke of Monmouth
1686 1686 Second Tarnovo Uprising  Ottoman Empire Bulgarian rebels
1686 1690 Child’s War  Mughal Empire  British East India Company
1686 1700 Russo-Turkish War (1686–1700)  Tsardom of Russia
Habsburg Empire
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Cossack Hetmanate
 Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
1687 1687 Siamese-English War  British Empire Siam
1687 1689 Revolt of the Barretinas  Spanish Empire Catalan Rebels
1687 1689 Crimean campaigns  Crimean Khanate
Ottoman Empire
 Tsardom of Russia
1687 1758 Dzungar–Qing Wars  Qing dynasty Dzungar Khanate
1688 1688 Chiprovtsi uprising  Ottoman Empire Christian rebels
1688 1697 Nine Years’ War Grand Alliance:
Dutch Republic
Holy Roman Empire
Sweden (until 1691)
Irish and Scottish Jacobites
1689 1689 Karposh’s rebellion  Ottoman Empire Macedonian rebels
1689 1697 King William’s War
Part of the Nine Years’ War
New France
Wabanaki Confederacy
English America
Iroquois Confederacy
1689 1691 Williamite War in Ireland
Part of the Nine Years’ War
Dutch Republic
Protestant colonists
and mercenaries from various countries
 Irish Jacobites
1689 1692 Scottish Jacobite rising
1693 1693 Second Brotherhood  Spanish Empire Agermanats
1694 1700 Komenda Wars Dutch West India Company Royal African Company
1695 1696 Azov campaigns  Russian Empire  Ottoman Empire
1698 1698 Streltsy uprising  Russian Empire Streltsy
1699 1699 Arena Massacre  Spanish Empire Amerindians
1699 1700 Darien scheme
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1700 1721 Great Northern War  Tsardom of Russia

·         Kalmyk Khanate

·         Cossack Hetmanate

(1700, 1709–20)
Electorate of Saxony
(1700–06, 1709–)
(1700–04, 1709–)

Kingdom of Prussia (1715–20)
Electorate of Hanover (1715–19)
Great Britain

 Swedish Empire

·         Holstein-Gottorp

Poland–Lithuania (1704–09)
Ottoman Empire (1710–14)
Cossack Hetmanate (1708–09)
England (1700)
Great Britain (1719–21)
United Provinces (1700)
Brunswick-Lüneburg (1700)

1701 1701 Battle of Dartsedo  Qing dynasty Tibet
1701 1714 War of the Spanish Succession  Holy Roman Empire:

·          Austria

·          Prussia

·          Hanover

·          England (until 1707)

·          Great Britain (from 1707)[16]

·          Dutch Republic

·          Duchy of Savoy

·          Kingdom of Portugal

·          Spain loyal to Charles

·          Kingdom of France

·          Spain loyal to Philip

·          Bavaria (until 1704)

1702 1713 Queen Anne’s War
Part of the War of the Spanish Succession
 England (before 1707)[17]

·          English America

Great Britain (after 1707)[17]

·          British America

Muscogee (Creek)


·          New France


·          New Spain

Wabanaki Confederacy
Caughnawaga Mohawk

1702 1715 Camisard Rebellion
1703 1704 Ottoman invasion of western Georgia (1703) Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Imereti
Principality of Guria
Principality of Mingrelia
1703 1705 Naqib al-Ashraf revolt Ottoman Empire Janissaries
1703 1711 Rákóczi’s War of Independence  Holy Roman Empire  Kurucs (Kingdom of Hungary)
Kingdom of France
1704 1706 Civil war in Poland (1704–1706) Part of the Great North War Warsaw Confederation Sandomierz Confederation
1704 1708 First Javanese War of Succession  Dutch East India Company  Mataram Sultanate
1704 1711 Bashkir Uprising (1704–1711)  Russian Empire Bashkir rebels
1705 1706 Bavarian People’s Uprising Habsburg Monarchy Bavarian peasants
1707 1707 Mughal war of succession (1707) Faction of Bahadur Shah I Faction of Muhammad Azam Shah
Faction of Muhammad Kam Bakhsh
1707 1708 Bulavin Rebellion  Russia Peasants
1707 1709 War of the Emboabas  Kingdom of Portugal
Portuguese settlers
Early Brazilian settlers
São Paulo province settlers
1708 1709 Comacchio war [de]
1709 1722 Hotaki–Safavid War  Hotak dynasty  Safavid dynasty
1710 1711 Pruth River Campaign  Ottoman Empire

·          Crimean Khanate

·          Wallachia

Swedish Empire
Cossack Hetmanate (fraction of Pylyp Orlyk)
Zaporizhian Sich

 Tsardom of Russia

Cossack Hetmanate (fraction of Ivan Skoropadsky)

1711 1711 Cary’s Rebellion Province of Carolina Party of Edward Hyde
1711 1711 1711 Karamanli coup Party of Ahmed Karamanli Ottoman Tripolitania
1711 1711 Battle of Ain Dara Shihab dynasty
Jumblatt clan of Chouf
Talhuq clan of Gharb
Nakad clan of Manasif
Imad clan of ArqubAbd al-Malik clan of Jurd
Abu’l Lama clan of Matn
Khazen clan of Keserwan
Alam ad-Din clan of Chouf
Arslan clan of Gharb
Al-Sawaf clan
1711 1715 Tuscarora War Colonial militia of North Carolina
Colonial militia of South Carolina
Northern Tuscarora
Southern Tuscarora
1712 1712 1712 Huilliche rebellion  Spanish Empire Huilliches
1712 1712 New York Slave Revolt of 1712  Kingdom of Great Britain Slaves
1712 1712 Toggenburg War  Canton of Zürich
Canton of BernToggenburg rebels
City of Geneva
Principality of Neuchâtel
 Abbey of Saint Gall
Canton of LucerneCanton of Uri
Canton of Schwyz
Canton of Unterwalden
Canton of Zug
Freie Ämter
1712 1716 First Fox War
1713 1714 War of the Catalans
Part of the War of the Spanish Succession
 Principality of Catalonia
1714 1718 Ottoman–Venetian War (1714–18)  Ottoman Empire  Republic of Venice
Habsburg Austria
Order of Malta
Papal States
1715 1717 Yamasee War Colonial militia of South Carolina
Colonial militia of North Carolina
Colonial militia of Virginia
Catawba (from 1715)
Cherokee (from 1716)
Ochese Creeks
Catawba (until 1715)
Cherokee (until 1716)
1715 1716 Jacobite rising of 1715
Also called “The Fifteen”
British Government forces Scottish and English Jacobite Rebels
1717 1717 1717 Omani invasion of Bahrain Oman Safavids
1718 1720 War of the Quadruple Alliance  Great Britain
Holy Roman Empire
Dutch Republic


1719 1723 Second Javanese War of Succession Mataram Sultanate

Dutch East India Company

·         Rival claimants to Mataram throne

·         Rebel Princes

1720 1720 Chinese expedition to Tibet (1720)  Qing Empire of China Dzungar Khanate
1721 1721 Attingal Outbreak  British East India Company Indian Rebels
1721 1735 Revolt of the Comuneros (Paraguay) Spanish Empire Anti-Jesuits
1721 1763 Chickasaw Wars  Great Britain
1722 1725 Father Rale’s War  New England Colonies
Wabanaki Confederacy
1722 1723 Russo-Persian War (1722–23)  Russian Empire
Ukrainian Cossacks
 Safavid Persian Empire
1722 1727 Ottoman–Hotaki War (1722–27)  Ottoman Empire  Safavid Persian Empire
1725 1745 Saltpeter Wars Müllerisch Faction Salpterisch Faction
1726 1727 Appeal War County of East Frisia Estates of East Frisia
1727 1729 Anglo-Spanish War (1727–29)  Spain  Great Britain
1728 1733 Second Fox War
1730 1730 Patrona Halil Revolt  Ottoman Empire Janissaries
1730 1735 Ottoman–Persian War (1730–35)  Safavid Persian Empire  Ottoman Empire
1732 1736 Kovenu war[19]
1733 1733 1733 slave insurrection on St. John Danish West India Company Slaves
1733 1738 War of the Polish Succession  Poland loyal to Stanisław Leszczyński

Kingdom of Sardinia
Duchy of Parma

 Poland loyal to Augustus

Russian Empire
Habsburg Empire of Austria
Kingdom of Prussia

1735 1736 Miao Rebellion (1735–36)  Qing empire Miao rebels
1735 1737 Spanish–Portuguese War (1735–37)  Portuguese Empire  Spanish Empire
1735 1739 Austro-Russian–Turkish War (1735–39)  Russian Empire

·          Cossack Hetmanate

Habsburg Empire

 Ottoman Empire

·          Crimean Khanate

1735 1740 Bashkir Rebellion  Russian Empire Bashkirs
1738 1739 Nader Shah’s invasion of the Mughal Empire  Safavid Persian Empire  Mughal Empire
1739 1739 Stono Rebellion  Kingdom of Great Britain Slaves
1739 1748 War of Jenkins’ Ear
Part of the War of the Austrian Succession
 Spanish Empire  Great Britain
1740 1748 War of the Austrian Succession  Kingdom of France
Kingdom of Prussia
Kingdom of Spain
Bavaria (1741–45)
Saxony (1741–42)
Republic of Genoa
Sweden (1741–43)
 Habsburg Monarchy
Great Britain
Dutch Republic
Saxony (1743–45)
Kingdom of Sardinia
Russia (1741–43, 1748)
1740 1742 First Silesian War
Part of the War of the Austrian Succession
 Prussia  Austrian Empire
1741 1743 Java War (1741–1743)  Dutch East India Company Javanese rebels
1741 1743 Russo-Swedish War (1741–43)
Part of the War of the Austrian Succession
 Russian Empire  Sweden
1743 1746 Ottoman–Persian War (1743–46)  Persian Empire  Ottoman Empire
1744 1829 Dagohoy rebellion  Spain  Boholano nation
1744 1747 Chukchi War  Russian Empire Chukchis
1744 1748 King George’s War
Part of the War of the Austrian Succession
 Great Britain
British America
Iroquois Confederacy
New France
Wabanaki Confederacy
1744 1745 Second Silesian War
Part of the War of the Austrian Succession
 Prussia  Austrian Empire
1745 1746 Jacobite rising of 1745
Also called “The Forty-Five”
 Great Britain  Jacobites
Kingdom of France
1746 1748 First Carnatic War
Part of the War of the Austrian Succession
 Kingdom of Great Britain  Kingdom of France

·          French East India Company

1747 1750 Choctaw Civil War Choctaw Eastern Division Choctaw Western Division
1747 1796 Civil War between Afsharid and Qajar  Persian Empire Qajar Dynasty
1749 1754 Second Carnatic War  Great Britain

British East India Company
Maratha allies


French East India Company
Nawab of Arcot

1749 1757 Third Javanese War of Succession  Mataram Sultanate (until 1755)
Yogyakarta Sultanate (from 1755)
Surakarta Sunanate (from 1755)
Anti-Dutch rebels
1752 1757 Konbaung–Hanthawaddy War  Konbaung Dynasty Restored Hanthawaddy Kingdom
French East India Company
1754 1763 French and Indian War
Part of the Seven Years’ War
 Great Britain
British America·         Iroquois Confederacy·         Onondaga·         Oneida·         Seneca·         Tuscarora·         Mohawk·         Cayuga·        Catawba·        Cherokee (before 1758)
New France·        Abenaki·        Algonquin·        Caughnawaga Mohawk·        Lenape·        Mi’kmaq·        Ojibwa·        Ottawa·        Shawnee·        Wyandot
1756 1756 Guaraní War  Portugal
Guaraní Tribes
1756 1763 Seven Years’ War ·          Great Britain

·          Hanover

·          Prussia

·          Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel

·         Iroquois Confederacy

·          Portugal (from 1761)

·          Hesse-Kassel

·          Schaumburg-Lippe

·          France

·          Austria

·          Russia (until 1762)

·          Spanish Empire (from 1761)

·          Sweden (1757–62)

·          Saxony

·          Mughal Empire (from 1757)

1756 1763 Third Silesian War
Part of the Seven Years’ War
 Prussia  Austrian Empire
1757 1763 Third Carnatic War
Part of the Seven Years’ War
 British East India Company  Nawab of Bengal
French East India Company
Dutch East India Company
1757 1762 Pomeranian War
Part of the Seven Years’ War
1757 1759 Revolt of the Altishahr Khojas  Qing dynasty Altishahr Khojas
1758 1761 Anglo-Cherokee War
Part of the French and Indian War
 Great Britain Cherokee people
1759 1760 Burmese–Siamese War (1759–60)  Burma  Siam
1760 1760 Tacky’s War  Great Britain Slaves
1761 1761 Canek Revolt  Spain Mayans
1762 1763 Fantastic War
Part of the Seven Years’ War
Great Britain
1763 1764 Berbice slave uprising  Dutch Empire Berbice slaves
1763 1766 Pontiac’s War  Great Britain Pontiac‘s confederacy
1763 1864 Russo-Circassian War
Part of the Caucasian War
 Russian Empire  Circassia
Caucasian Imamate (Western)
1765 1765 Strilekrigen  Denmark–Norway Norwegian Peasants
1765 1767 Burmese–Siamese War (1765–67) Burma  Siam
1765 1769 Sino-Burmese War  Burma  China
1765 1771 War of the Regulation
1766 1792 Mysorean invasion of Kerala Mysore
 British East India Company
Zamorin of Calicut
1767 1769 First Anglo-Mysore War  Mysore  British East India Company
Maratha Confederacy
Nawab of the Carnatic
Hyderabad State
1768 1768 Louisiana Rebellion of 1768 West Louisiana Creole rebels
German rebels
1768 1769 Koliyivshchyna  Russian Empire
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
1768 1769 French conquest of Corsica  France  Corsican Republic
1768 1774 Russo-Turkish War (1768–74)  Russian Empire

·         Zaporozhian Host

Greek insurgents
Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti
Kingdom of Imereti

 Ottoman Empire

·         Crimean Khanate

1768 1772 Bar Confederation  Russian Empire  Bar Confederation
Kingdom of France
1769 1773 First Carib War  British Empire Black Caribs
1769 1772 Danish-Algerian War  Ottoman Algeria  Denmark
1769 1806 Moamoria rebellion  Kingdom of Ahom Morans
1771 1771 Moscow plague riot of 1771  Russian Empire Rioters
1771 1785 Tây Sơn–Nguyễn War (1771–1785) Tay Son Nguyen lords
1771 1802 Fakir-Sannyasi rebellion  British Raj Fakirs
1773 1775 Pugachev’s Rebellion  Russian Empire Cossack and peasant rebels
Tatar and Bashkir nobles
1774 1774 Lord Dunmore’s War Colony of Virginia Shawnees
1775 1775 Rising of the Priests  Order of Saint John Clergy
1775 1776 Burmese–Siamese War (1775–76)  Siam Burma
1775 1782 First Anglo-Maratha War  British East India Company  Maratha Empire
1775 1783 American Revolutionary War  United States
France (1778–83)
Spain (1779–83)
Dutch Republic (1780–83)Co-belligerents
Mysore (1779–83)
Vermont (1777–83)
Watauga Association
 Great Britain

·        Loyalists

·        German mercenaries


1776 1777 Spanish–Portuguese War (1776–77)  Spanish Empire  Portuguese Empire
1776 1794 Chickamauga Wars (1776–94)  United States Cherokee people
1778 1779 War of the Bavarian Succession  Archduchy of Austria  Kingdom of Prussia
Electorate of Saxony
1779 1783 Anglo-Spanish War
Part of the American Revolutionary War
 Spain  Great Britain
1779 1781 First Xhosa War European settlers Xhosa tribesmen
1780 1784 Fourth Anglo-Dutch War
Part of the American Revolutionary War
 Great Britain  Dutch Republic
1780 1784 Second Anglo-Mysore War  British East India Company
Great Britain
Sultanate of Mysore
Dutch Republic
1781 1781 Jahriyya revolt  Qing Empire
Khafiya Sufi Muslims
Jahriyya Sufi Muslims
1781 1781 Revolt of the Comuneros (New Granada)  Spain
Viceroyalty of New Granada
1782 1782 1782 Sylhet uprising  British East India Company Sylheti Muslim rebels
1782 1810 Unification of Hawaii Kingdom of Hawai’i Kingdom of Maui
Kingdom of Kauai
Kingdom of O’ahu
1783 1783 1782–83 unrest in Bahrain Sheikhdom of Zubarah Zand dynasty
1783 1783 Kuban Nogai Uprising  Russian Empire Lesser Nogai Horde
1784 1784 Oman-Zanzibar War  Muscat and Oman Zanzibar
1784 1784 Kettle War  Dutch Republic  Habsburg Monarchy
1784 1784 Revolt of Horea, Cloșca and Crișan  Transylvania Peasant rebels
1785 1785 Battle of Rạch Gầm-Xoài Mút Tay Son Dynasty  Siam
Nguyen lords
1785 1786 Burmese–Siamese War (1785–86)  Siam Burma
1785 1795 Northwest Indian War  United States Western Confederacy
British Canada
1786 1786 Tây Sơn–Trịnh War Tay Son Trinh Lords
1786 1787 Lofthuus’ Rebellion  Denmark–Norway Norwegian Peasants
1786 1787 Shays’ Rebellion  United States Daniel Shays and rebels
1787 1787 Prussian invasion of Holland  Prussia
 States of Holland
1787 1787 Burmese–Siamese War (1787) Burma  Siam
1787 1791 Austro-Turkish War (1787–91)  Austria
 Ottoman Empire
1787 1792 Russo-Turkish War (1787–92)  Russian Empire  Ottoman Empire
1787 1802 Tây Sơn–Nguyễn War (1787–1802) Nguyen lords Tay Son
1788 1790 Russo-Swedish War (1788–90)  Sweden  Russia
1788 1789 Theatre War  Denmark–Norway  Sweden
1788 1930s Australian frontier wars European settlers Indigenous Australians
1788 1792 Sino-Nepalese War  Qing dynasty  Kingdom of Nepal
1788 1789 Battle of Ngọc Hồi-Đống Đa  Qing dynasty
Lê dynasty
Tây Sơn dynasty
1789 1789 Menashi-Kunashir Rebellion Tokugawa shogunate Ainu rebels
1789 1792 Third Anglo-Mysore War  British East India Company

Maratha Empire

 Sultanate of Mysore
1789 1794 Qajar conquest of the Zand Dynasty Qajar dynasty Zand dynasty
1789 1793 Second Xhosa War European settlers Xhosa tribesmen
1789 1791 Liège Revolution  Prince-Bishopric of Liège
Habsburg Monarchy
 Republic of Liège
1789 1790 Brabant Revolution  Habsburg Monarchy  Brabant rebels (1789-90)
United Belgian States (1790)
1790 1802 Pemulwuy Resistance  British Empire Pemulwuy
1790 1790 Saxon Peasants’ Revolt  Electorate of Saxony Peasant rebels
1791 1804 Haitian Revolution  Haiti
Great Britain
Spain (1793–1795)
French royalists
 French First Republic
Polish Legions
1791 1794 Whiskey Rebellion  United States Frontier tax protestors
1792 1792 Dundiya rebellion  Kingdom of Ahom Party of Haradutta Bujarbarua
1792 1792 Polish–Russian War of 1792  Russia
Targowica Confederates
 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
1792 1792 Burmese–Siamese War (1792) Burma  Siam
1792 1797 War of the First Coalition
Part of the French Revolutionary Wars
 French Republic
Spain (from 1796)
Batavian Republic (from 1795)
French satellite states
Polish Legions (from 1795)[20]
First Coalition:

Habsburg Monarchy
Holy Roman Empire[21]
Prussia (until 1795)
Great Britain
French Royalists
Spain (until 1795)
Naples and Sicily
Other Italian states[22]
Ottoman Empire
Dutch Republic (until 1795)

1793 1796 War in the Vendée
Part of the War of the First Coalition
 French Republic  Vendéens
Great Britain
1793 1795 Tripolitanian civil war Karamanli dynasty  Ottoman Tripolitania
1793 1806 Cotiote War East India Company Kingdom of Kottayam
1794 1794 Nickajack Expedition American Frontiersmen Chickamauga Cherokee
1794 1794 Pazvantoğlu Rebellion  Ottoman Empire Mercenaries
1794 1794 Kościuszko Uprising  Russia
 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
1794 1804 White Lotus Rebellion Qing dynasty White Lotus society
1795 1795 Curaçao Slave Revolt of 1795  Batavian Republic Slaves
1795 1795 Battle of Krtsanisi  Persian Empire
Ganja Khanate
Erivan Khanate
1795 1816 Hawkesbury and Nepean Wars  Kingdom Of Great Britain Dharug Nation
Eora Nation
Tharawal Nation
Gandangara Nation
1795 1797 Second Carib War  British Empire Carib slaves
1795 1806 Miao Rebellion (1795–1806)  Qing empire Miao rebels
1796 1796 Persian Expedition of 1796  Russian Empire  Persian Empire
1796 1808 Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)  Spain  Great Britain
1797 1797 1797 Rugby School rebellion  Kingdom Of Great Britain Rebel schoolchildren
1797 1797 Denisko uprising  Habsburg Monarchy  Polish Rebels
1797 1797 Burmese–Siamese War (1797)  Siam Burma
1798 1798 Peasants’ War (1798)  French Republic  Counter-revolutionary peasants
1798 1802 War of the Second Coalition
Part of the French Revolutionary Wars
 French Republic
Polish Legions
French client republics:·         Batavian Republic·         Helvetic Republic·         Cisalpine Republic·         Roman Republic (until 1799)[24]·         Parthenopaean Republic (1799)[25]
Second Coalition:

Habsburg Monarchy
Holy Roman Empire[21]
Great Britain (until 1801)
United Kingdom (from 1801)
Russia (until 1799)
French Royalists
Kingdom of Naples
Ottoman Empire

1798 1800 Quasi-War  United States  French Republic
1798 1798 Irish Rebellion of 1798  British Army
Hessian mercenaries
 Society of United Irishmen
French First Republic
1798 1799 Fourth Anglo-Mysore War  British East India Company

Maratha Empire

 Sultanate of Mysore
1799 1800 War of Knives
Part of Haitian Revolution
 Toussaint Louverture  André Rigaud
1799 1800 Fries’s Rebellion  United States Pennsylvania Dutch Farmers
1799 1803 Third Xhosa War European settlers Xhosa tribesmen
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1801 1807 Temne War[1]  British Empire
Susu Tribes
Kingdom of Koya
1801 1805 First Barbary War  United States
Sweden (until 1802)
 Barbary States
Ottoman Empire
1801 1801 War of the Oranges  French First Republic


 Kingdom of Portugal
1802 1805 Fourth quarter of the Haitian Revolution  First Empire of Haiti  French First Republic
1802 1802 Stecklikrieg  Helvetic Republic Federalist rebels
1802 1810 Tedbury’s War  British Empire Australian Aborigines
1803 1803 Souliote War (1803)  Ottoman Empire Souliotes
1803 1803 Irish Rebellion of 1803  British Empire  Society of United Irishmen
1803 1805 Second Anglo-Maratha War  British East India Company  Maratha Confederacy
1803 1804 Burmese–Siamese War (1803–08) Burma  Siam
1803 1805 First Kandyan War  British Empire  Kingdom of Kandy
1803 1806 War of the Third Coalition
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
French Empire and allies:


 Austrian Empire

Russian Empire
United Kingdom
Naples and Sicily

1803 1837 Padri War  Adats
1804 1804 1804 Mtiuleti rebellion  Russian Empire Georgian and Ossetian rebels
1804 1804 Battle of Suriname United Kingdom Batavian Republic
1804 1804 Battle of Sitka
Part of the Russian colonization of the Americas
 Russian Empire Tlingit Kiks.ádi clan
1804 1813 First Serbian Uprising
Part of the Serbian Revolution
 Ottoman Empire

First French Empire

 Serbian revolutionaries

Volunteers from Habsburg Empire
Russian Empire

1804 1804 Uprising against the Dahije
Part of the First Serbian Uprising
 Karađorđe Dahije
1804 1804 Castle Hill convict rebellion  New South Wales Convicts
1804 1808 Fulani War Forces of Usman dan Fodio Hausa Kingdoms
1804 1813 Russo-Persian War (1804–13)
Part of the Russo-Persian Wars
 Russian Empire  Persian Empire
1805 1811 Egyptian Revolution
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 Albanian forces of Muhammad Ali  Ottoman Empire

Mamluk Forces
The Ottomans and Mamluks also fought each other

1805 1805 Janissaries’ Revolt  Ottoman Empire  Janissaries
1805 1810 Franco-Swedish War
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 First French Empire  Sweden
1805 1805 Haitian invasion of Santo Domingo  First French Empire


Captaincy General of Santo Domingo

 First Empire of Haiti
1806 1807 War of the Fourth Coalition
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
French Empire and allies:

Confederation of the Rhine



Saxony (from Dec.1806)

Polish Legions
Swiss Confederation


United Kingdom
Saxony (1806 only)

1806 1812 Russo-Turkish War (1806–12)
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 Russian Empire  Ottoman Empire
1806 1807 British invasions of the Río de la Plata  Spain

Río de la Plata Viceroyalty

 United Kingdom
1806 1807 Ashanti–Fante War  Ashanti Empire

British Empire

Fante Confederacy

Dutch Empire

1806 1811 War of Christophe’s Secession  Forces of Henri Christophe  Forces of Alexandre Pétion
1806 1806 Vellore Mutiny  British East India Company  Vellore Sepoys
1807 1807 Brazilian slave revolt of 1807  Colonial Brazil Rebels
1807 1807 Tican’s rebellion  Austrian Empire Serbian Rebels
1807 1807 Froberg mutiny  British Empire Navy Mutineers
1807 1807 Alexandria expedition of 1807  Egypt  British Empire
1807 1808 Janissaries’ Revolt  Ottoman Empire  Janissaries
1807 1818 Mtetwa Empire Expansion Mtetwa Paramountcy Other Tribes
1807 1814 Peninsular War
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 United Kingdom
 French Empire
1807 1814 Gunboat War
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 United Kingdom  Denmark-Norway
1807 1812 Anglo-Russian War (1807–12)
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 United Kingdom  Russian Empire
1807 1808 Ottoman coups of 1807–08  Pro-reform factions  Anti-reform factions
1807 1809 Anglo-Turkish War (1807–09)
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 Ottoman Empire  United Kingdom
1807 1842 New Zealand Musket Wars Māori Māori
1808 1810 Rum Rebellion  United Kingdom  New South Wales Corps
1808 1809 Finnish War  Russian Empire  Sweden
1808 1809 Spanish Restoration in Santo Domingo
Part of the Napoleonic Wars

British Empire

1808 1809 Dano-Swedish War of 1808–09
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
United Kingdom
1808 1809 Travancore Rebellion  British Empire Indian Rebels
1809 1809 Gurkha-Sikh War  Sikh Empire  Nepal
1809 1809 Persian Gulf campaign of 1809  United Kingdom
East India Company
 Al Qasimi
1809 1809 Coup of 1809 Men of 1809  Sweden
1809 1809 War of the Fifth Coalition
Part of the Napoleonic Wars

Duchy of Warsaw
Confederation of the Rhine

Kingdom of Bavaria




Swiss Confederation

 Austrian Empire

Tyrol   Hungary
United Kingdom
Black Brunswickers

1809 1809 1809 Gottscheer Rebellion  First French Empire Gottschee peasants
1809 1809 Tyrol Rebellion
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 Kingdom of Bavaria

First French Empire
Kingdom of Italy

 Austrian Empire

Tyrolean Rebels

1809 1810 Quito Revolution [es]
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence
 Imperial Forces of Spain  Rebels
1809 1812 Burmese–Siamese War (1809–12)  Siam Burma
1809 1825 Bolivian War of Independence
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence
 Bolivia  Spain



Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1810 1818 Argentine War of Independence
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence


 Monarchy of Spain
1810 1811 Tecumseh’s War
Part of the War of 1812
 United States
Chief Black Hoof
Tecumseh’s Confederacy
1810 1810 US occupation of West Florida  United States  Spain
1810 1820 Punjab War  Sikh Empire  British East India Company

British Empire

1810 1826 Chilean War of Independence
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence


 Monarchy of Spain
Mapuches allies
1810 1810 Conquest of Hawaii  Kingdom of Hawaii Other Hawaiian Tribes
1810 1818 Amadu’s Jihad Forces of Seku Amadu Bamana Empire
1810 1821 Mexican War of Independence
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence
 Mexican Army  Monarchy of Spain
1811 1812 Cambodian rebellion (1811–12)  Cambodian pro-Siamese faction
Rattanakosin Kingdom (Siam)
 Cambodian pro-Vietnamese faction
Nguyễn dynasty (Vietnam)
1811 1811 Battle of Khakeekera [ar]  Bahrain


1811 1811 1811 German Coast uprising  United States Rebel Slaves
1811 1811 Invasion of Java (1811)  British East India Company  France
1811 1811 Tonquin incident  United States Tla-o-qui-aht
1811 1812 Fourth Xhosa War  British Empire Xhosa Tribes
1811 1811 Ga–Fante War Fante Confederacy

Akwapim Tribes
Akim Tribes

 Ashanti Empire

Ga Tribes
British Empire
Dutch Empire

1811 1815 Arakanese Uprising[2] Third Burmese Empire Rohingya Insurgents
1811 1811 Battle of Las Piedras
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence
 Forces of José Gervasio Artigas  Monarchy of Spain
1811 1812 Cambodian Rebellion
Cambodian Usurpation
Viet Nam

Khmer Kingdom

Forces of Khmer Pretender Ang Snguon


1811 1812 Gwanseo Peasant War (1811–1812) Kingdom of Great Joseon Forces loyal to Hong Gyeong-nae
1811 1811 Paraguayan Revolt  Paraguay  Viceroyalty of Peru
1811 1818 Egyptian–Wahhabi War (Ottoman–Saudi War)  Ottoman Empire  First Saudi State
Peruvian War of Independence
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence
Gran ColombiaChile
British Empire
 Monarchy of Spain
1812 1812 Battle of Shela Lamu Mombasa
1812 1812 Aponte conspiracy  Spain Slaves
1812 1812 French invasion of Russia
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 Russian Empire  French Empire

·          Duchy of Warsaw

·          Italy

·          Naples

·         Confederation of the Rhine

o     Baden

o     Bavaria

o     Berg

o     Saxony

o     Westphalia

·          Spain

·          Swiss Confederation


1812 1814 War of the Sixth Coalition
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
Original Coalition:
Russian Empire
Austrian Empire
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Kingdom of Portugal
Kingdom of Sardinia
After Battle of Leipzig:
Kingdom of Saxony
Kingdom of Bavaria
 First French Empire
Kingdom of Italy (Napoleonic)
Duchy of Warsaw
Until January 1814
Swiss Confederation (Napoleonic)
Confederation of the Rhine
(Many member states defected after Battle of Leipzig)
1812 1815 War of 1812 British Empire and Allies

·          United Kingdom

o     The Canadas

·         Tecumseh’s Confederacy (until 1813)

o    Shawnee

o    Creek Red Sticks

o    Ojibway

o    Fox

o    Iroquois

o    Miami

o    Mingo

o    Ottawa

o    Kickapoo

o    Delaware (Lenape)

o    Mascouten

o    Potawatomi

o    Sauk

o    Wyandot

·          Spain (1814)

(Status quo ante bellum)

United States and Allies

·          United States

·         Choctaw

·         Cherokee

·         Creek allies

(Status quo ante bellum)

1812 1821 Pemmican War  North West Company
 Hudson’s Bay Company
Selkirk’s settlers
1813 1813 Eight Trigrams uprising of 1813  Qing dynasty Eight Trigram Sect
1813 1837 Afghan-Sikh Wars  Sikh Empire Durrani Empire
Emirate of Afghanistan
1813 1814 Creek War  United States

Lower Creeks

Red Sticks” (Creek Indians)
1813 1813 Peoria War  United States Kickapoo Nation
Potawatomi Nation
1814 1814 Brazilian slave revolt of 1814  Colonial Brazil Rebels
1814 1814 Swedish–Norwegian War
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
 Sweden  Norway
1814 1816 Anglo-Nepalese War  British East India Company

Forces of the Chogyal

1814 1816 Ashanti–Akim–Akwapim War  Ashanti Empire Akwapim Tribes

Akim Tribes

1814 1814 Hadži Prodan’s Revolt
Part of the Serbian Revolution
 Ottoman Empire  Forces of Hadži Prodan Gligorijevic
1814 1876 Argentine Civil Wars  Federalists
1815 1815 Slachter’s Nek Rebellion  United Kingdom Boer Rebels
1815 1815 Second Barbary War  United States

United Kingdom of the Netherlands
United Kingdom (from 1815)

 Barbary States
Ottoman Empire
1815 1815 Second Kandyan War  British Empire  Kingdom of Kandy
1815 1815 Hundred Days
War of the Seventh Coalition
 United Kingdom

Kingdom of Prussia
Kingdom of France
Kingdom of Hanover
German Confederation
Austrian Empire
Russian Empire
Kingdom of Portugal
Kingdom of Sardinia
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Grand Duchy of Tuscany

 First French Empire

Napoleonic Kingdom of Naples

1815 1815 Neapolitan War
Part of the Hundred Days
 Austrian Empire

Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Grand Duchy of Tuscany
United Kingdom

 Napoleonic Kingdom of Naples
1815 1816 Spanish reconquest of New Granada
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence
 Monarchy of Spain  United Provinces of New Granada
1815 1817 Second Serbian Uprising
Part of the Serbian Revolution
 Principality of Serbia  Ottoman Empire
1816 1816 Bussa’s Rebellion  British Empire Barbadian slaves
1816 1820 Portuguese conquest of the Banda Oriental  United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves  Banda Oriental
Entre Ríos
1816 1857 Afaqi Khoja revolts  Qing Dynasty Aq Taghlik Khojas

Supported byKokand Khanate

1817 1817 Pernambucan Revolt  Portuguese Empire  Pernambucan rebels
1817 1817 Pentrich rising  British Empire Tax resisters
1817 1818 Third Anglo-Maratha War  British East India Company  Maratha Confederacy
1817 1818 First Seminole War
Part of the Seminole Wars
 United States Seminole Tribes
1817 1818 Uva Rebellion  British Empire  Kingdom of Kandy
1817 1819 Ndwandwe–Zulu War Forces of Shaka Zulu Forces of King Zwide
1817 1826 Burmese invasions of Assam  Burmese Empire  Kingdom of Ahom
Kingdom of Manipur
1817 1864 Caucasian War  Russian Empire  Avar Khanate

Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti
Caucasian Imamate
Other Tribes of the North Caucasus

1818 1819 Fifth Xhosa War  British Empire

Khoikhoi Forces

Forces of Xhosa Chief Maqana Nxele
1818 1828 Zulu wars of conquest Zulu Kingdom Other remnants of the Mtetwa Paramountcy
1819 1820 Bolívar’s campaign to liberate New Granada
Part of the Venezuelan War of Independence
 United Provinces of New Granada  Monarchy of Spain
1819 1819 Chuguev uprising  Russian Empire Chuguev Regiment
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1820 1820 Revolution of 1820 Kingdom of the Two Sicilies Carbonari
1820 1820 Cambodian rebellion (1820)  Cambodian pro-Siamese faction
Rattanakosin Kingdom (Siam)
Khmer anti-Vietnamese rebels
1820 1822 Ali Pasha’s Revolt  Ottoman Empire Ali Pasha of Yanina
1820 1822 Ecuadorian War of Independence
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence
 Free Province of Guayaquil  Kingdom of Spain
1820 1823 Trienio Liberal  Kingdom of Spain
Kingdom of France
 Partisans of the Cortes
1820 1875 Texas–Indian wars  Spain
Republic of Texas
United States
1821 1821 Siamese invasion of Kedah Rattanakosin Kingdom Kedah Sultanate
1821 1825 Ijebu and Ife war against Owu Ijebu


Owu Kingdom
1821 1821 Wallachian uprising (1821)  Ottoman Empire  Principality of Wallachia
1821 1821 Niš Rebellion (1821)  Ottoman Empire Niš Secret Organization
1821 1823 Ottoman–Persian War (1821–23)  Qajar Persia  Ottoman Empire
1821 1832 Greek War of Independence  Greek revolutionaries

British Empire

United States of the Ionian Islands

Kingdom of France (1827 only)
Russian Empire (1827 only)

 Ottoman Empire
Egypt Eyalet
Beylik of Tunis (Only in naval battles)
1821 1837 Padri War  Dutch Empire Indigenous population of West Sumatra
1821 1829 Spanish attempts to reconquer Mexico  Mexico  Spanish Empire
1821 1870 Comanche–Mexico Wars Comanche
1821 1821 1821 Alghero revolt[3]  Kingdom of Sardinia Rebels of Alghero
1822 1823 Casa Mata Plan Revolution Mexican Republicans  First Mexican Empire
1822 1824 War of Independence of Brazil  Empire of Brazil  Kingdom of Portugal
1822 1844 Haitian occupation of Santo Domingo Republic of Spanish Haiti  Haiti
1823 1823 Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis  Kingdom of France
Armée de la Foi
 Partisans of the Cortes
1823 1823 Ochomogo War Republicans Imperialists
1823 1823 Demerara rebellion of 1823  British Empire Demerara slaves
1823 1823 Expedition to the West Coast of Borneo Royal Netherlands East Company Chinese Indonesian rebels
1823 1823 Revolt of Querétaro  Mexico Mexican Imperialists
1823 1831 First Anglo-Ashanti War  British Empire  Ashanti Empire
1823 1824 First Greek civil war  Primates and supporters of the Government Military leaders and supporters of Philiki Etaireia
1824 1824 Chumash revolt of 1824
1824 1824 Bathurst War  British Empire Wiradjuri
1824 1824 Confederation of the Equator Revolt  Empire of Brazil  Confederation of the Equator
1824 1824 First Bone War  Dutch Empire Sulawesi Rebels
1824 1824 April Revolt Absolutists Liberals
1824 1825 Second Greek civil war Roumeliotes and Islanders (Hydra) Moreotes
1824 1826 First Anglo-Burmese War  British Empire
British East India Company
Native Tribes
Third Burmese Empire
1825 1841 Uprising in the Yamal tundra [ru]  Russian Empire Indigenous rebels
1825 1825 Second Bone War  Dutch Empire Sulawesi Rebels
1825 1828 Aegean Sea Anti-Piracy Operations of the United States  United States Greek Pirates
1825 1825 Decembrist revolt  Russian Empire  Decembrists
1825 1828 Cisplatine War  United Provinces of South America

Thirty-Three Orientals

 Empire of Brazil
1825 1830 Java War  Dutch Empire
Pro-Netherlands Javanese
Rebellion forces of Prince Diponegoro
1825 1825 Franco-Trarzan War of 1825  France
Comte de Villèle
Forces of Muhammad al Habib
1826 1837 Kurdish revolt of 1826–1837[4]  Ottoman Empire Kurdish rebels
1826 1829 Central American civil war [es]
1826 1828 Russo-Persian War (1826–28)
Part of the Russo-Persian Wars
 Russian Empire  Persian Empire
1826 1826 Chernigov Regiment revolt  Russian Empire  Decembrists
1826 1828 Siamese-Lao War  Siam  Anouvong
King of Vientiane
1827 1827 1827 Honduran coup d’état State of Honduras Honduran Conservatives
1827 1827 Winnebago War  United States
Local militia
1828 1828 1828 Peruvian intervention in Bolivia [es]
1828 1829 Gran Colombia–Peru War  Gran Colombia  Peru
1828 1828 Irish and German Mercenary Soldiers’ Revolt  Empire of Brazil Irish and German merceneries
1828 1834 Liberal Wars  Liberal forces of Queen Mary II

United Kingdom

 Absolutist forces of King Miguel
1828 1829 Russo-Turkish War (1828–29)  Russian Empire  Ottoman Empire
1828 1832 Black War  British Empire Tasmanian Aborigines
1829 1830 Chilean Civil War of 1829–30  Pelucones
Military of Chile·        Chilean Army·        Chilean Navy
1829 1833 Anglo-Khasi War  British Empire Khasi people
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1830 1830 Freiämtersturm Freie Ämter militia Canton of Aargau
1830 1962 Algerian resistance to French rule [ar] Algerian rebels  French colonial empire
1830 1830 July Revolution
French Revolution of 1830
 House of Orléans  House of Bourbon
1830 1831 November Uprising  Russian Empire  Polish insurgents
1830 1831 Belgian Revolution  Southern Provinces of the Netherlands  United Kingdom of the Netherlands
1830 1847 French conquest of Algeria  France Algerian and Ottoman resistance
1830 1850 Port Phillip District Wars  British Empire Australian Aborigines
1831 1831 Dutch expedition on the west coast of Sumatra  Dutch Empire Sumatran Rebels
1831 1831 Merthyr Rising  British Empire Coal Miners
1831 1834 Siamese–Vietnamese War (1831–34) Viet Nam
Viet Nam protectorate of Cambodia
1831 1832 Baptist War Jamaican military
White settlers
Rebel slaves
1831 1832 Naning War  East India Company Malay rebels
1831 1833 Egyptian–Ottoman War (1831–33)  Egypt  Ottoman Empire

Russian Empire (from 1833)

1831 1833 Yagan Resistance  British Empire Yagan
1831 1833 Bosnian Uprising (1831–32)  Ottoman Empire  Bosnian ayans
1832 1832 Black Hawk War  United States


Black Hawk’s British Band:


1832 1832 June Rebellion  July Monarchy  French Republicans
1833 1834 Desert Campaign (1833–34)  Argentina Mapuche rebels
1833 1835 Lê Văn Khôi revolt Nguyễn Dynasty Lê Văn Khôi rebels
1833 1839 Albanian Revolts of 1833–39  Ottoman Empire Albanian rebels
1833 1840 First Carlist War Liberals and Allies:

Forces of Queen Isabella II of Spain
British Empire
Kingdom of the French
Forces of Queen Mary II of Portugal


Forces of Infante Carlos of Spain
Forces of King Miguel of Portugal

1834 1834 Peruvian civil war of 1834 Government of Peru Revolutionaries
1834 1834 Coorg War
1834 1834 Priest Jovica’s Rebellion  Ottoman Empire Christian peasants
1834 1834 Peasants’ Revolt of 1834 (Palestine) Egypt Eyalet Palestinian Peasants
1834 1834 Battle of Pinjarra  British Empire Pinjarup
1834 1836 Sixth Xhosa War  British Empire

Free Khoikhoi

Xhosa Tribes
1835 1858 1835–58 revolt in Ottoman Tripolitania  Ottoman Empire Libyan rebels
1835 1836 Revolution of the Reforms [es]  State of Venezuela Reformists
1835 1836 Salaverry-Santa Cruz War Supporters of Luis José de Orbegoso and Andrés de Santa Cruz Supporters of Felipe Santiago Salaverry
1835 1835 League War  San José  Alajuela



1835 1835 Malê Revolt  Empire of Brazil Rebel slaves
1835 1835 Zacatecas Rebellion  Mexico  Zacatecan rebels
1835 1836 Texas Revolution  Republic of Texas  Mexico
1835 1842 Second Seminole War
Part of the Seminole Wars
 United States Seminole Tribes
1835 1845 Ragamuffin War  Empire of Brazil  Riograndense Republic

Juliana Republic

1835 1840 Cabanagem  Empire of Brazil Indians
1836 1836 Posavina rebellion (1836)  Ottoman Empire Bosnian nobility
1836 1836 Belogradchik rebellion (1836)  Ottoman Empire Serbian peasants
1836 1836 Berkovitsa rebellion (1836)  Ottoman Empire Bulgarian peasants
1836 1836 Pirot rebellion  Ottoman Empire Orthodox peasants
1836 1839 War of the Confederation  Chile

North Peru

 Peru-Bolivian Confederation
1837 1838 Siege of Herat (1838)

Afghan-Persian War

 Emirate of Afghanistan  Qajar dynasty
1837 1837 Revolt of 1837 (New Mexico)  Mexico Cantón
1837 1838 Sabinada  Empire of Brazil  Bahia Republic
1837 1838 Lower Canada Rebellion
Part of the Rebellions of 1837
 United Kingdom

British North America

 Patriote movement

American Volunteers

1837 1838 Upper Canada Rebellion
Part of the Rebellions of 1837
 United Kingdom

British North America

Hunters’ Lodges

Republic of Canada

1837 1839 Dutch–Ahanta War  Dutch Empire Ahanta Kingdom
1837 1846 Kenesary’s Kazakh uprising[5]  Russian Empire  Kazakh Khanate
1838 1840 Muhammad Ali’s Yemeni Expediton

Part of the Yemeni–Ottoman Conflicts

 Ottoman Empire Zaidis
1838 1838 Battle of Blood River  Voortrekkers Zulu kingdom
1838 1838 Mormon War  Non-Mormon Missourians  Latter Day Saint movement
1838 1839 Balaiada  Empire of Brazil Balaios
African slaves
1838 1839 Pastry War  Kingdom of the French  Mexico
1839 1839 Newport Rising  British Empire Chartists
1839 1839 Züriputsch Zürich Conservative Putschists
1839 1841 Egyptian–Ottoman War (1839–41)  Egypt
Kingdom of the French
 British Empire
Austrian Empire
Russian EmpireKingdom of Prussia
Ottoman Empire
1839 1840 Khivan campaign of 1839 Khanate of Khiva  Russian Empire
1839 1841 War of the Supremes
1839 1842 First Anglo-Afghan War  Emirate of Afghanistan  British Empire

British East India Company

1839 1842 First Opium War  British Empire  Qing Empire of China
1839 1847 Albanian Revolt of 1847  Ottoman Empire Albanian rebels
1839 1851 Uruguayan Civil War  Colorados

Argentine Unitarians
Kingdom of the French
Riograndense Republic
British Empire
Empire of Brazil
Italian Legion


Argentine Confederation

1840 1841 Cambodian rebellion (1840)  Khmer anti-Vietnamese rebels
Rattanakosin Kingdom (Siam)
 Nguyễn dynasty (Vietnam)
1840s 1860s Eumerella Wars  British Empire Gunditjmara people
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1841 1841 Niš Rebellion (1841)  Ottoman Empire Christian rebels
1841 1841 1841 rebellion in Guria  Russian Empire Guria Peasants
1841 1845 Siamese–Vietnamese War (1841–45) Viet Nam
Cambodia protectorates loyal to King Ang Duong
1841 1842 Sino-Sikh War  Sikh Empire  Qing Empire
1842 1847 Kurdish revolt of 1842–1847[4]  Ottoman Empire Emirate of Botan
1842 1842 Shoorcha rebellion  Russian Empire Chuvash Peasants
Tatar Peasants
Mari Peasants
1842 1868 Russian Conquest of Bukhara  Russian Empire  Emirate of Bukhara
1842 1843 Mier expedition  Mexico  Republic of Texas
1843 1844 Peruvian civil war of 1843–1844 Revolutionaries Peruvian government
1843 1844 Albanian Revolt of 1843–44  Ottoman Empire Albanian rebels
1843 1843 Wairau Affray
Part of the New Zealand Wars
 Ngati Toa Iwi  British Settlers
1843 1843 Battle of One Tree Hill  British Settlers Jagera people
1844 1849 Dominican War of Independence  Dominican Republic  Haiti
1844 1844 Franco-Moroccan War  France  Morocco
1844 1847 Franco-Tahitian War  France
Tahitian allies
Bora Bora and Tahaa
1845 1845 Albanian Revolt of 1845  Ottoman Empire Albanian rebels
1845 1846 First Anglo-Sikh War  British East India Company  Sikh Empire
1845 1846 Flagstaff War
Northern War
Part of the New Zealand Wars
 Ngapuhi Iwi  British Empire

Forces of Tamati Waka Nene

1846 1847 Peasant uprising of 1846 [es]  Venezuela  Federal rebels
1846 1846 Revolution of Maria da Fonte  Portuguese Empire Tax Resisters
1846 1846 Hutt Valley Campaign
Part of the New Zealand Wars
 British Empire

British Settlers
Te Ati Awa Iwi

 Ngati Toa Iwi
1846 1846 Kraków uprising  Austrian Empire  Polish independence movement
1846 1846 Galician slaughter  Austrian Empire Polish peasants
1846 1846 Dutch intervention in Northern Bali (1846)  Netherlands Bali
1846 1846 Revolt of the Faitiões  Portuguese Empire Faitiões
1846 1847 Patuleia Cartistas Septembrists
1846 1847 Seventh Xhosa War  British Empire Xhosa Tribes
1846 1849 Second Carlist War
War of the Madrugadores
 Forces of Queen Isabella II of Spain  Carlists
1846 1848 Mexican–American War  United States  Mexico
1846 1848 Wanganui Campaign
Part of the New Zealand Wars
 British Empire

British Settlers
Maori Kupapa

 Maori Iwis
1847 1847 Sonderbund War   Swiss Confederation Sonderbund
1847 1850 Sierra Gorda Rebellion  Mexico Tax Resisters
1847 1855 Cayuse War  United States Cayuse
1847 1933 Caste War of Yucatán  Mexico Maya Free State
1848 1849 Venezuelan Civil War of 1848–1849 [es] State of Venezuela Rebels
1848 1849 Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states  Austrian Empire
Kingdom of Two Sicilies
Papal States
 Kingdom of Sicily
Provisional Government of Milan
Republic of San Marco
Roman Republic
Central Italy Rebels
Supported by:
Kingdom of Sardinia
1848 1848 Greater Poland Uprising (1848)  Kingdom of Prussia Polish rebels
1848 1848 French Revolution of 1848 Second French Republic July Monarchy
1848 1849 Revolutions of 1848 in the German states  German Confederation
Austrian Empire
Kingdom of Saxony
German Rebels
1848 1849 Baden Revolution
Part of the Revolutions of 1848 in the German states
 Baden Freischar
1849 1849 May Uprising in Dresden
Part of the Revolutions of 1848 in the German states
Kingdom of Saxony
1849 1849 Palatine uprising
Part of the Revolutions of 1848 in the German states
 Kingdom of Bavaria Freischar
1848 1849 Revolutions of 1848 in the Habsburg areas
1848 1848 Wallachian Revolution of 1848  Ottoman Empire
Russian Empire
1848 1849 Sicilian revolution of independence of 1848  Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Supported by:
Kingdom of Spain
 Kingdom of Sicily
Supported by:
Congress Poland
1848 1848 Dutch intervention in Northern Bali (1848)  Netherlands Bali
1848 1848 Matale rebellion  British Empire Kandian Peasants
1848 1849 First Italian War of Independence  Austrian Empire  Kingdom of Sardinia

Grand Duchy of Tuscany
Papal States
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

1848 1849 Second Anglo-Sikh War  British Empire

British East India Company

 Sikh Empire
1848 1849 Hungarian War of Independence  Austrian Empire

Russian Empire

1848 1849 Serb Uprising of 1848–49  Serbs (Austrian Empire)
Serbian volunteers
Austrian Empire
1848 1849 Praieira revolt  Empire of Brazil Praieiros
1848 1849 Slovak Uprising of 1848–49  Slovak National Council  Kingdom of Hungary
1848 1851 First Schleswig War
The Three Years’ War
 Denmark Schleswig-Holstein

Kingdom of Saxony

1849 1850 Dutch intervention in Bali (1849)  Netherlands
1849 1849 Yemeni Expedition of 1849

Part of the Yemeni–Ottoman Conflicts

Zaidis  Ottoman Empire
1849 1855 Burmese–Siamese War (1849–55) Burma  Siam
1849 1924 Apache Wars  United States
Confederate States

·         Chiricahua Apache

·         Jicarilla Apache

·         Mescalero Apache

·         Lipan Apache

·         Western Apache

·         Plains Apache

Apache Allies:

·         Ute

·         Yavapai

·         Comanche

·         Cheyenne

·         Kiowa

·         Yuma

·         Mohave

Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1850 1856 Soninke-Marabout War (1850–1856)  British Empire
French Empire
Marabout confederacy
Kingdom of the Kombo (Soninke)
1851 1851 1851 Chilean Revolution  Chile Liberal rebels
1850 1864 Taiping Rebellion  Qing Empire of China

British Empire
French Empire

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
1850 1853 Eighth Xhosa War  British Empire Xhosa Tribes

Khoikhoi Tribes
Native Kafir Police

1851 1851 1851 French coup d’état  French Second Republic under Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte Republicans
1851 1852 Platine War
War against Oribe and Rosas
 Empire of Brazil

Entre Ríos

 Argentine Confederation


1851 1855 Palembang Highlands Expeditions  Dutch Empire Palembangese Rebels
1851 1865 California Indian Wars  United States Miwok
1851 1868 Nian Rebellion  Qing Dynasty Nien militia
1852 1852 Kautokeino rebellion  Norway Sami rebels
1852 1852 Second Anglo-Burmese War  British Empire Burma
1852 1853 Montenegrin–Ottoman War (1852–53)  Montenegro  Ottoman Empire
1852 1862 Herzegovina Uprising (1852–62)  Ottoman Empire Serbian rebels
1853 1854 Rebellion of Barquisimeto [es] State of Venezuela Rebels
1853 1856 Crimean War ·          Ottoman Empire

·          French Empire
(from 1854)

·          British Empire
(from 1854)

·          Kingdom of Sardinia
(from 1855)

Caucasian Imamate (until 1855)

·          Circassia

·          Abkhazian insurgents (from 1855)

Egypt Eyalet

Beylik of Tunis[6]

·          Russian Empire

·          Bulgarian volunteers

·          Principality of Mingrelia (vassal)
Kurdish rebels[7]

Kingdom of Greece (until 1854)

1854 1854 1854 Macedonian rebellion  Ottoman Empire Macedonian rebels
1854 1855 Expedition against the Chinese in Montrado  Netherlands Pro-Chinese Indonesian rebels

Chinese volunteers

Supported by:


1854 1854 Epirus Revolt of 1854  Ottoman Empire Greek rebels
1854 1857 Revolution of Ayutla  Mexican rebels  Santa Anna dictatorship
1854 1855 Expedition against the Chinese in Montrado  Dutch Empire Chinese Rebels
1854 1873 Miao Rebellion (1854–73)  Qing Empire of China Miao people
1854 1860 French conquest of Senegal  Second French Empire Kingdom of Waalo
Toucouleur Empire
1854 1856 Red Turban Rebellion (1854–56)  Qing Empire of China Tiandihui
1854 1861 Bleeding Kansas Anti-slavery settlers Pro-slavery settlers
1855 1855 Kurdish revolt of 1855[4]  Ottoman Empire Supported by:

Second French Empire

British Empire

Kurdish rebels
1855 1855 First Fiji Expedition  United States Fiji
1855 1856 Nepalese–Tibetan War Kingdom of Nepal Tibet
1855 1856 Santhal rebellion  British Raj
Santal rebels
1855 1858 Yakima War  United States Yakama
1855 1855 Rogue River Wars  United States Rogue River
1855 1855 Battle of Ash Hollow  United States Brulé Sioux
1855 1856 Puget Sound War  United States Nisqually
1855 1858 Third Seminole War
part of the Seminole Wars
 United States Seminole Tribes
1855 1864 Nias Expedition  Dutch Empire Nias Rebels
1855 1867 Punti-Hakka Clan Wars Punti Hakka
1856 1857 Peruvian civil war of 1856–1858
1856 1857 Filibuster War Allied Central American Army (Ejército Aliado Centroamericano)

·          Nicaragua

·          Costa Rica

·          Honduras

·          Mosquito Coast

·          Guatemala

·          El Salvador

United Kingdom (naval support) * Legitimistas (conservative party) * Democráticos (liberal party)
United States (naval support)

1856 1857 Khost rebellion (1856–1857) Emirate of Afghanistan Khostwal and Waziri tribesmen
1856 1857 Campaign of 1856–57  Costa Rica

El Salvador
Rebel Forces of Patricio Rivas
British Empire

The Mosquito Coast

 Republic of Sonora


1856 1860 Second Opium War
Arrow War
 United Kingdom

French Empire
United States (1856 and 1859 only)

 Qing Empire of China
1856 1857 Anglo-Persian War  British Empire

·         East India Company


1856 1873 Panthay Rebellion
Du Wenxiu Rebellion
 Qing Empire of China Pingnan Guo
1856 1857 1857 Cheyenne Expedition  United States Cheyenne
1857 1858 Indian Rebellion of 1857
India’s First War of Independence
 British Empire

British East India Company
Jammu and Kashmir
20 Princely states

 Sepoys of the East India Company

Mughal Empire
Princely states

1857 1858 Utah War  United States State of Deseret

Utah Territory
Nauvoo Legion

1857 1860 Ecuadorian–Peruvian territorial dispute of 1857–60  Peru  Ecuador
1857 1861 Reform War  Liberals
1857 1863 Pahang Civil War  Wan Ahmad loyalists
Terengganu Sultanate
Rattanakosin Kingdom
 Tun Mutahir loyalists
United Kingdom
1858 1858 March Revolution (Venezuela) [es]
1858 1858 Mahtra War  Russian Empire Estonian peasants
1858 1858 Coeur d’Alene War  United States Spokane
Coeur d’Alene
Northern Paiute
1858 1858 Fraser Canyon War  United States
British Empire
1858 1862 Cochinchina Campaign  Second French Empire
Kingdom of Spain
Dai Nam
1859 1859 Indigo revolt  British Empire Bengali Peasants
1859 1859 Second Fiji Expedition  United States Fiji
1859 1859 Second Italian War of Independence  Second French Empire

Kingdom of Sardinia

 Austrian Empire
1859 1859 Revolution of 1859  Chile Liberal rebels
1859 1872 Pig War  United States  United Kingdom
1859 1860 Hispano-Moroccan War (1859–60)  Spain  Morocco
1859 1863 Banjarmasin War  Dutch Empire Sultanate of Banjar
1859 1863 Federal War  Venezuelan Federalists  Venezuelan Conservatives
1859 1859 1859 Perugia uprising  Papal States Rebels
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1860 1860 Expedition of the Thousand Kingdom of Italy Two Sicilies

Papal States

1860s 1860s Portugal–Angoche conflict[8]  Portuguese Empire

·         Mozambique

Angoche Sultanate
1860 1860 1860 Mount Lebanon civil war Rural Druze clans

·         Abu Nakad clan

·         Imad clan

·         Abu Harmouch clan

·         Talhuq clan

·         Jumblatt clan

Supported by

·         al-Atrash clan

·         Harfush clan

·         Rural Sunni and Shia Muslim militiamen

·         Sardiyah tribe

Maronites and allies

·         Rural Maronite militiamen

·         Zahalni militiamen

·         Shihab dynasty

1860 1860 Paiute War  United States Paiute tribes
1860 1861 First Taranaki War
Second Maori War
Part of New Zealand Wars
 Maori iwi (tribes)

Maori King Movement

 Government of New Zealand

British Settlers

1860 1862 Colombian Civil War (1860–62)  Granadine Confederation  Federal State of Cauca
1860 1890 Barasa–Ubaidat War Ubaidat Tribe Barasa Tribe
1861 1883 Occupation of Araucanía  Chile Araucanía
1861 1865 American Civil War  United States of America  Confederate States of America
1861 1867 French intervention in Mexico
Also known as Franco-Mexican War
 United Mexican States

Supported by :
United States of America (entered in 1865)

 Second French Empire
Second Mexican Empire
Austrian Empire (German and Hungarian volunteers)
Belgian Foreign Legion
Egyptian SudaneseSupported by :
Kingdom of Spain (retired in 1862)
United Kingdom (retired in 1862)
1862 1862 Dakota War of 1862  United States Dakota Sioux
1862 1877 Dungan Revolt (1862–77)
Muslim Rebellion
 Qing Empire of China Muslims of China
1863 1863 Ecuadorian–Colombian War  United States of Colombia  Ecuador
1863 1863 Battle of Shimonoseki Straits
Part of the Japanese Civil War
 United States  Chōshū Domain
1863 1863 Bombardment of Kagoshima
Anglo-Satsuma War
Part of the Japanese Civil War
 British Empire  Satsuma Domain
1863 1864 Shimonoseki Campaign
Part of the Japanese Civil War
 British Empire

United States
Second French Empire

 Choshu Domain

Chofu Domain
Kiheitai Volunteers

1863 1864 Ambela Campaign  British Raj Afghan Pashtuns
1863 1864 Invasion of Waikato
Part of New Zealand Wars
 Government of New Zealand

Maori Kupapa

 Maori King Movement
1863 1864 Second Anglo-Ashanti War  Ashanti Empire  British Empire
1863 1865 Dominican Restoration War  Dominican Republic  Spain
1863 1865 January Uprising  Russian Empire  Polish-Lithuanian-Ruthenian Commonwealth
1863 1865 Colorado War  United States Cheyenne
1863 1866 Second Taranaki War
Part of New Zealand Wars
 British Empire Māori of Taranaki
1864 1864 Kinmon Incident and First Chōshū expedition
Part of the Japanese Civil War
 Tokugawa Shogunate

Satsuma Domain

 Aizu Domain

Choshu Domain
Sonno joi Rebels

1864 1864 Second Schleswig War
Second Danish-German War
 German Confederation

Austrian Empire
Kingdom of Prussia

1864 1864 Tauranga Campaign
Part of the New Zealand Wars
 Government of New Zealand

British Settlers
Maori Kupapa

 Ngai Te Rangi Iwi
1864 1865 Uruguayan War  Empire of Brazil
1864 1865 Mejba Revolt  Beylik of Tunis Tax resisters
1864 1865 Mito Rebellion
Kanto insurrection
Part of the Japanese Civil War
 Tokugawa Shogunate

Mito Domain

Sonno joi Rebels of Eastern Japan
1864 1865 Bhutan War  British Empire  Bhutan
1864 1865 Conquest of Tashkent [ru]  Russian Empire Khanate of Kokand

Emirate of Bukhara

1864 1866 Chincha Islands War  Peru
Joined in 1866:
1864 1868 Snake War  United States ShoshoneBannock, and Paiute Tribes
1864 1868 Pasoemah Expedition  Dutch Empire Sumatran Rebels
1864 1870 Paraguayan War  Uruguay
Empire of Brazil
1865 1865 Peruvian civil war of 1865 Revolutionaries Government of Peru
1865 1875 Saudi Civil War  Supporters of Saud  Supporters of Rahman
1865 1872 Black Hawk War (1865–72)  United States Ute
1865 1865 Powder River Expedition (1865)  United States Arapaho
1865 1865 Morant Bay rebellion  British Empire  Jamaican Rebels
1865 1870 Hualapai War  United States Hualapai
1865 1866 Seqiti War Basuto Kingdom

British Empire

 Orange Free State
1865 1868 East Cape War
Part of the New Zealand Wars
 Government of New Zealand

British Settlers
Maori Kupapa

Hau-Hauist Maori
1865 1868 Russo-Bukharan Wars  Russian Empire  Emirate of Bukhara
1865 1890 Haw wars  Kingdom of Siam Haw rebels
1866 1866 Second Chōshū expedition
Summer War
 Choshu Domain  Tokugawa Shogunate

Aizu Domain

1866 1866 Austro-Prussian War
Seven Weeks War
German Civil War
 Kingdom of Prussia

Kingdom of Italy
County of Anhalt
Duchy of Brunswick
Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont
County of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
Principality of Lippe

 Austrian Empire

Kingdom of Saxony
Kingdom of Bavaria
Grand Duchy of Baden
Kingdom of Württemberg
Kingdom of Hanover
Grand Duchy of Hesse
Principality of Reuss Elder Line
Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen
County of Schaumburg-Lippe

1866 1866 Third Italian War of Independence
Part of the Austro-Prussian War
 Kingdom of Italy  Austrian Empire
1866 1868 Red Cloud’s War Lakota Tribe  United States
1866 1866 Baikal Insurrection  Russian Empire Sybiracy
1866 1869 Cretan Revolt (1866–69)  Greek rebels  Ottoman Empire
1866 1866 French campaign against Korea (1866)
Byeongin Western invasion
Joseon Dynasty (Korea)  France
1866 1867 1867 Macedonian rebellion  Ottoman Empire  Greek revolutionaries.
1867 1867 Peruvian civil war of 1867 Revolutionaries (Conservatives) Government of Peru (Liberals)
1867 1867 La Genuina [es]
1867 1868 Blue revolution (Venezuela) [es]
1867 1867 Andaman Islands Expedition  British Empire Onge rebels
1867 1875 Comanche Campaign  United States Comanche
Southern Cheyenne
1867 1868 Qatari–Bahraini War Al Thani Al Khalifa
1867 1874 Klang War
Selangor Civil War
Forces of Raja Abdullah of Klang

British Straits Settlements

Forces of Raja Mahadi
1868 1874 Six Years’ War  Dominican Liberals  Dominican Conservatives
1868 1868 Glorious Revolution (Spain)  Spain (Liberals)  Spain (Moderados)
1868 1868 Grito de Lares  Spain  Puerto Rican Rebels
1868 1869 Titokowaru’s War
Part of the New Zealand Wars
 Government of New Zealand

Maori Kupapa

 Ngati Ruanui Iwi
1868 1869 Boshin War
War of the Year of the Dragon
Part of the Japanese Civil War
Imperial Faction:

Forces of the Emperor of Japan
Satsuma Domain
Choshu Domain
Tosa Domain
Hiroshima Domain
Saga Domain
British Empire

 Tokugawa Shogunate

Northern Alliance
Republic of Ezo
Second French Empire

1868 1868 British Expedition to Abyssinia  British Empire  Ethiopian Empire
1868 1872 Te Kooti’s War
Part of the New Zealand Wars
 Government of New Zealand

British Settlers
Maori Kupapa

 Maori iwi
1868 1878 Ten Years’ War
Great War
 Spain  Cuba
1869 1869 Haitian Revolution of 1869  Forces of Nissage Saget  Forces of Sylvain Salnave
1869 1869 1869 uprising in Krivošije Croatian Rebels  Austria-Hungary
1869 1869 Red River Rebellion  Dominion of Canada

Métis Loyalists
British Empire

 Métis Forces of Louis Riel
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1870 1870 Kirk–Holden war  United States  Ku Klux Klan
1870 1871 Al-Hasa Expedition[9][10]  Ottoman Empire


1870 1870 Aday uprising (1870) [ru]  Russian Empire Aday [ru]
1870 1871 Franco-Prussian War  North German Confederation

Kingdom of Bavaria
Kingdom of Württemberg

 Second French Empire
1870 1872 Revolution of the Lances  Blancos  Colorados
1870 1900 Sheep Wars  Cattle Ranchers  Sheepmen
1870 1890 Kalkadoon Wars British colonists Kalkadoon people
1871 1871 French Civil War of 1871  French Republic  Communards
1871 1871 United States expedition to Korea  United States  Joseon Dynasty (Korea)
1871 1872 Nukapu Expedition  United Kingdom Nukapu
1872 1873 Dembos War (1872–1873)[11] Portugal rebels
1872 1872 Yemeni Expedition of 1872

Part of the Yemeni–Ottoman Conflicts

 Ottoman Empire Zaidis
1872 1876 Third Carlist War  Kingdom of Spain (Savoy) (to 1873)
First Spanish Republic (to 1874)
Kingdom of Spain (Bourbon) (from 1875)
1872 1873 Modoc War
Lava Beds War
 United States Modoc Tribes
1873 1873 Khivan campaign of 1873  Russian Empire Khanate of Khiva
1873 1904 Aceh War  Dutch East Indies  Aceh Sultanate
1873 1874 Revolt of the Muckers  Empire of Brazil Muckers
1873 1874 Pabna Peasant Uprisings  British Empire Bengali Peasants
1873 1874 Third Anglo-Ashanti War  British Empire  Ashanti Empire
1873 1888 Colfax County War  Settlers

Jicarilla Apaches

 Maxwell Land Grant
1873 1874 Cantonal Revolution  First Spanish Republic  Spanish Cantons
1874 1874 Brooks–Baxter War Republican Party Liberal Republican Party
1874 1874 Saga Rebellion  Empire of Japan Saga Domain
1874 1874 Japanese invasion of Taiwan (1874)  Empire of Japan  Qing Empire
1874 1875 Red River War  United States Comanche Tribes

Kiowa Tribes
Southern Cheyenne Tribes
Arapaho Tribes

1874 1876 Ethiopian–Egyptian War  Ethiopia  Egypt
1875 1875 Ganghwa Island incident  Empire of Japan  Joseon Dynasty
1875 1875 Las Cuevas War  Texas Rangers  Mexican Militia
1875 1876 Perak War  British Empire Malay rebels
1875 1876 Mason County War  Vigilantes

German-American settlers

 Texas Rangers
1876 1876 Shinpuren Rebellion  Empire of Japan Kumamoto Domain
1876 1876 Razlovtsi insurrection  Ottoman Empire  Bulgarian rebels
1876 1876 April Uprising  Ottoman Empire  Bulgarian rebels
1876 1876 Akizuki Rebellion  Empire of Japan Akizuki Domain
1876 1876 Hagi Rebellion  Empire of Japan Choshu Domain
1876 1877 Colombian Civil War of 1876 Colombian Liberals Colombian Conservatives
1876 1877 Great Sioux War of 1876
Black Hills War
 United States

Shoshone Tribes
Crow Nation
Pawnee Tribes

Arapaho Tribes

Cheyenne Tribes
Lakota Tribes

1876 1878 Qing reconquest of Xinjiang  Qing dynasty Kashgaria
1876 1878 Montenegrin–Ottoman War (1876–78)
Part of the Great Eastern Crisis
 Montenegro  Ottoman Empire
1877 1890 Angoche Civil War[12] Followers of Farelay 6 other claimants to the throne of the Angoche Sultanate
1877 1877 Nez Perce War  United States Nez Perce
1877 1877 Satsuma Rebellion  Empire of Japan  Satsuma Domain
1877 1878 San Elizario Salt War  United States Mexican-Indians
1877 1879 Ninth Xhosa War  British Empire

Mfengu Tribe

Xhosa Gcaleka Tribe
1877 1878 Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)  Russian Empire

Bulgarian volunteers

 Ottoman Empire
1877 1879 Cheyenne War  United States Cheyenne
1878 1878 Bannock War  United States Bannock
Northern Shoshone
1878 1878 Kanak Revolt  French Republic Kanaks
1878 1878 Lincoln County War  Ranchers


 General Store Monopoly
John Kinney Gang
Jesse Evans Gang
Seven Rivers Warriors
1878 1878 Kumanovo Uprising  Ottoman Empire  Serbian rebels
1878 1878 Epirus Revolt of 1878  Ottoman Empire  Greek rebels
1878 1878 1878 Greek Macedonian rebellion  Ottoman Empire  Greek rebels
1878 1879 Kresna–Razlog Uprising  Ottoman Empire  Bulgarian rebels
1878 1880 Second Anglo-Afghan War  British Empire  Afghanistan
1878 1885 Conquest of the Desert  Argentina  Araucans
1878 1888 Nauruan Civil War King Aweida Loyalists

German Empire (1888)

Anti-Aweida rebels
1879 1880 Little War (Cuba)  Kingdom of Spain  Cuba
1879 1879 Jementah Civil War  Johor Sultanate Muar
1879 1879 Anglo-Zulu War  British Empire
Colony of Natal
Zulu Kingdom
1879 1883 War of the Pacific  Republic of Chile  Republic of Peru
Republic of Bolivia
1879 1879 Sheepeater Indian War  United States Turakina
1879 1881 Victorio’s War  United States
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1880 1881 Basuto Gun War Basotho Tribes  Cape Colony
1880 1881 Brsjak Revolt  Ottoman Empire Christian rebels
1880 1881 Kurdish revolt of 1880–1881[4]  Ottoman Empire Kurdish rebels
1880 1881 First Boer War  South African Republic  British Empire
1881 1881 Mapuche uprising of 1881  Chile Mapuche rebels
1881 1881 French occupation of Tunisia  France  Tunisia
1881 1899 Mahdist War  Egypt

British Empire
Ethiopian Empire

Mahdist Sudan
1882 1898 Mandingo Wars  French Third Republic  Wassoulou Empire
1882 1892 Pleasant Valley War  Tewksbury Family

Arizona Rangers

 Graham and Blevins Family
1883 1914 Ekumeku Movement  British Empire Ekumeku Organization
1883 1883 Timok Rebellion  Kingdom of Serbia People’s Radical Party
1883 1885 First Madagascar expedition  French Third Republic  Merina Kingdom
1883 1886 Tonkin Campaign  French Third Republic  Qing Dynasty
Black Flag Army
Nguyen Dynasty
1884 1885 Peruvian civil war of 1884–1885 Reds




1884 1884 Chichibu Incident Empire of Japan Japanese peasants
1884 1885 Sino-French War  French Third Republic

Annam Protectorate

 Qing Dynasty of China
Remnants of the Nguyen Dynasty of VietnamBlack Flag Army
1884 1885 Mandor Rebellion  Dutch Empire Chinese Rebels
1885 1885 Vose Uprising [ru]  Russian Empire Tajik Rebels
1885 1885 North-West Rebellion  Dominion of Canada Provisional Government of Saskatchewan


1885 1885 Serbo-Bulgarian War  Principality of Bulgaria  Kingdom of Serbia
1885 1885 Third Anglo-Burmese War  British Empire  Third Burmese Empire
1885 1885 Jambi Uprising  Dutch Empire Sumatran Rebels
1886 1894 Samoan Civil War  Mata’afans  Tamasese
1887 1889 Karonga War African Lakes Corporation
1887 1895 Hawaiian rebellions (1887–95)  Hawaiian League

Republic of Hawaii
United States

 Kingdom of Hawaii

United States
Empire of Japan
United Kingdom
Hawaiian Patriotic League

1888 1893 1888–1893 Uprisings of Hazaras  Emirate of Afghanistan Hazaras
1888 1888 Sikkim Expedition  British Empire Tibet
1888 1889 Abushiri Revolt  German Empire Rebels led by Abushiri ibn Salim al-Harthi
1889 1890 Ammiyya Syrian Peasants Syrian Sheikhs
1889 1893 Johnson County War  Homesteaders  Cattle Barons
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
Late 19th century Late 19th century Qu’aiti–Kathiri conflict over Mukalla[13]  Qu’aiti

Supported by:

British Empire

1890s 1890s 1890s Hamawand revolts[14]  Ottoman Empire Hamawand rebels
1890 1890 Edi Expedition  Dutch Empire Acehese Rebels
1890 1890 Revolution of the Park  Argentina  Civic Union
1890 1890 First Franco-Dahomean War Kingdom of Porto-Novo

French Third Republic

Kingdom of Dahomey
1890 1916 Castaic Range War  William Willoby Jenkins

Los Angeles Rangers

 William C. Chormicle
1895 1900 Colorado Range War  Cattle Barons  Homesteader and Rustlers
1890 1891 Ghost Dance War  United States Sioux tribes
1891 1891 Battle of Mulayda  Nejd  Jabal Shammar
1891 1891 Yemeni Rebellion of 1891

Part of the Yemeni–Ottoman Conflicts

 Ottoman Empire Zaidis
1891 1891 Hunza-Nagar Campaign  British Raj Hunza
1891 1891 Anglo-Manipur War  British Raj  Kingdom of Manipur
1891 1891 Chilean Civil War of 1891  Congressist Junta

Navy of Chile

 Republic of Chile
Army of Chile
1891 1893 Garza Revolution  Mexico
United States
1891 1894 Semantan War  British Empire Malay rebels
1891 1907 Bafut Wars  German Empire Fondom of Bafut
1892 1892 Second Hazara Uprising Emirate of Afghanistan Hazaras
1892 1894 Second Franco-Dahomean War  French Third Republic Kingdom of Dahomey
1892 1894 Congo Arab war  Congo Free State Zanzibari Arab Slave traders
1893 1893 Third Hazara Uprising Emirate of Afghanistan Hazaras
1893 1893 Battle of Al Wajbah  Al Thani
Allied Tribes
 Ottoman Empire
1893 1893 Franco-Siamese War  France
French Indochina
1893 1908 Macedonian Struggle  Hellenic Macedonian Committee

Ethniki Etaireia (from 1894)

Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
Supreme Macedonian-Adrianople Committee (from 1895–1905)
Bulgarian Secret Revolutionary Brotherhood (from 1899)
Boatmen of Thessaloniki (from 1900–1903)

Serbian Chetnik Organization (from 1903)

 Ottoman Empire
1893 1893 Conquest of the Bornu Empire Rabih az-Zubayr‘s Empire Bornu Empire
1893 1894 First Melillan campaign  Kingdom of Spain Rif tribes
Kingdom of Morocco
1893 1894 First Matabele War  British South Africa Company
Ndebele (Matabele) kingdom
1893 1894 Revolta da Armada  First Brazilian Republic  Brazilian Mutineers
1893 1895 Federalist Riograndense Revolution  First Brazilian Republic  Federalist Rebels
National Party
1894 1895 Peruvian civil war of 1894–1895 Rebels Government of Peru
1894 1894 1894 Sasun rebellion  Ottoman Empire Armenian rebels
1894 1894 Donghak Peasant Revolution  Joseon Dynasty
Empire of Japan
Donghak army
1894 1895 First Sino-Japanese War  Empire of Japan  Qing Empire
1894 1895 Second Madagascar expedition  French Third Republic  Merina Kingdom
1894 1897 Jandamarra Guerilla War  British Empire Australian aborigines
1894 1900 Mat Salleh Rebellion  British Empire Malay rebels
1895 1895 Japanese invasion of Taiwan (1895)  Empire of Japan  Republic of Formosa
Various militia forces
1895 1896 Dungan revolt (1895–96)  Qing Empire Muslim rebels
1895 1896 Zeitun Rebellion (1895–96) Armenian rebels  Ottoman Empire
1895 1897 Menalamba rebellion  French Third Republic Menalamba rebels
1895 1896 Fourth Anglo-Ashanti War  United Kingdom  Ashanti Empire
1895 1896 First Italo-Ethiopian War  Ethiopia

Eritrean Rebels/Remnants of army

 Kingdom of Italy
1895 1898 Cuban War of Independence  Cuba
United States
 Kingdom of Spain
1896 1897 1896–1897 Greek Macedonian rebellion  Ottoman Empire Rebels
1896 1896 Defense of Van (1896)  Ottoman Empire Armenian rebels
1896 1896 Khaua-Mbandjeru Rebellion  German Empire Mbandjeru
Khaua Mbandjeru
1896 1896 Anglo-Zanzibar War

The shortest war in history

 British Empire  Zanzibar
1896 1897 War of Canudos  Brazil  Canudos inhabitants
1896 1897 Batetela Rebellion  Congo Free State Tetela rebels
1896 1897 Second Matabele War  British South Africa Company Ndebele (Matabele) people
Shona (Mashona) people
1896 1898 Philippine Revolution  Katipunan

Sovereign Tagalog Nation
First Philippine Republic
United States

 Kingdom of Spain
1897 1897 Greco-Turkish War (1897)

The Thirty Days’ War

 Ottoman Empire  Kingdom of Greece
1897 1897 Intentona de Yauco  Spain Puerto Rican Rebels
1897 1897 Benin Expedition of 1897  British Empire  Kingdom of Benin
1897 1898 Tirah Campaign  United Kingdom  Pathans of Afghanistan
1898 1898 1898 Baloch uprising
1888 1889 Abushiri revolt  German East Africa Company

Supported by:

German Empire

British Empire

1898 1898 Andijan uprising of 1898  Russian Empire Kokand Khanate Loyalists
1898 1898 Spanish–American War  United States

Republic of Cuba
First Philippine Republic

 Kingdom of Spain
1898 1898 Negros Revolution  Katipunan

Negrense Revolutionaries

 Kingdom of Spain
1898 1899 Federal Revolution of 1899 Liberal Party Conservative Party
1898 1899 Second Samoan Civil War  Samoa  Mata’afans
1898 1898 1898 Baloch uprising  British Empire Rebels under Mir Baloch Khan and Mir Mehrab Khan Nausherwani
1898 1900 Voulet-Chanoine Mission  French Third Republic Rabih az-Zubayr‘s Empire
1899 1901 Rabih War  France

Kingdom of Baguirmi

Rabih’s empire
1899 1902 Fulbe war [Wikidata]

(See Battle of Maroua–Miskin)

 German Empire

·          German Kamerun

Adamawa Emirate
1899 1901 Boxer Rebellion Eight-Nation Alliance

Empire of Japan
Russian Empire
British Empire
French Third Republic
United States
German Empire
Kingdom of Italy

 Righteous Harmony Society

Qing Empire of China

1899 1902 Second Boer War  British Empire

·          Cape Colony

·          Natal Colony

·          British India

·          Australia

·          Canada

·          New Zealand

 Orange Free State

South African Republic
Foreign volunteers

1899 1902 Thousand Days’ War  Colombian Conservative Party  Colombian Liberal Party
1899 1902
(Malvar surrender)
(Irreconcilables active)
Philippine–American War  United States

Philippine Constabulary
Philippine Scouts

 First Philippine Republic

Sultanate of Sulu
Moro people

1899 1903 Acre War  Brazil

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Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1920 1920 Franco-Syrian War  France
French Syria
 Syrian rebels
1920 1920 1920 uprising in Afghanistan[64]  Afghanistan Safi regiment
1920 1920 Misurata-Warfalla War[65] Warfallan tribesmen  Tripolitanian Republic
1920 1920 Husino rebellion  Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes Bosnian miners
1920 1920 1920 Iraqi Revolt  British Empire Iraqi rebels
1920 1920 Vlora War  Principality of Albania  Kingdom of Italy
1920 1922 1920–1922 Jabal al-Gharbi civil war Tribal fighters Tribal fighters
1920 1920 Polish–Lithuanian War
Part of the Lithuanian Wars of Independence
 Poland  Lithuania
1920 1920 Kapp Putsch  Weimar Republic Far-right Freikorps
1920 1920 Ruhr Uprising  Weimar Republic
 Red Ruhr Army
1920 1920 Second Silesian Uprising
Part of the Silesian Uprisings
 Weimar Republic  German civil government and police of Upper Silesia
1920 1920 1920 Georgian coup attempt  Democratic Republic of Georgia  Georgian Bolsheviks
1920 1920 May Uprising  First Republic of Armenia
Armenian Revolutionary Federation
 Armenian Bolsheviks
Muslims of Armenia
1920 1920 Turkish–Armenian War
Part of the Turkish War of Independence
 Turkish National Movement
Russian SFSR
 First Republic of Armenia
1920 1920 Zhili–Anhui War  Zhili clique
Fengtian clique
 Anhui clique
1920 1920 Second Pechenga expedition  Russian SFSR
Finnish Red Guards
Murmansk Legion
 Finnish volunteers
1920 1921 Guangdong–Guangxi War  Old Guangxi clique  Chinese Revolutionary Party
1920 1921 Dagestan Uprising
Part of the Russian Civil War
 Russian SFSR Dagestani rebels
1920 1926 Rif War  France


 Rif Republic
1920 1920 1920 Upper Asir conflict[48] Rebel tribes

Sultanate of Nejd

 Sheikdom of Upper Asir
1921 1921 1921 Khorosan rebellion[66]  Iran  Autonomous Government of Khorasan
1921 1921 Kurdish uprising of Autumn 1921[45]  Turkey Anti-Kemalist Kurdish rebels
1921 1921 Waziristan campaign (1921–1924)  British Empire

·          India

1921 1921 Anti-fascist uprising in Albona  Kingdom of Italy  Albona Republic
1921 1921 Red Army invasion of Georgia
Part of the Russian Civil War
 Russian SFSR
 Democratic Republic of Georgia
1921 1921 Kronstadt rebellion
Part of the Russian Civil War
 Russian SFSR  Anarchist sailors
1921 1921 February Uprising
Part of the Russian Civil War
 Revolutionary committee (Revkom) of Armenia  Armenian Revolutionary Federation
1921 1921 Coto War Costa Rica Panama
1921 1921 Battle of Mountainous Armenia
Part of the Russian Civil War
 Armenia  Russian SFSR
Azerbaijan SSR
1921 1921 March Action  Weimar Republic Communist Party of Germany
Communist Workers’ Party of Germany
1921 1921 Third Silesian Uprising
Part of the Silesian Uprisings
 Weimar Republic  Silesian rebels


1921 1921 Mongolian Revolution of 1921
Part of Russian Civil War
Mongolian Communists
Russian SFSR
 Bogd Khaanate
White Guards
1921 1921 Charles I of Austria’s attempts to retake the throne of Hungary Regentists Loyalists
1921 1921 Uprising in West Hungary  Austria
 Rongyos Gárda
Bosnian and Albanian Muslim volunteers
1921 1921 Malabar rebellion  British Empire Khilafat Movement
1921 1921 1921 Persian coup d’etat  Persian Cossack Brigade  Iranian Qajar police
Simko Kurdish rebels
Colonel Pesian‘s forces
supported by:
Soviet Union
1921 1921 Conquest of Ha’il  Sultanate of Nejd  Emirate of Ha’il
1921 1922 East Karelian Uprising and Soviet–Finnish conflict 1921–22
Part of Russian Civil War
 Russian SFSR Finnish and East Karelian rebels
1921 1922 Rand Rebellion  Union of South Africa Miners
South African Communist Party
1921 1923 Kura Rebellion  United Kingdom
Emir Abdullah
 Sheikh Kulaib
1921 1921 Ikhwan attack on Najran[67]  Ikhwan  Principality of Najran
1922 1922 18 of the Copacabana Fort revolt  First Brazilian Republic Tenentista movement
1922 1922 1922 bombardment of Yemen[68]  British Empire

·          British RAF

 Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen
1922 1924 Ikhwan raids on Transjordan  British RAF

Pro-Hashemite tribesmen:[69]

·         Adwan

·         Ajarma

·         Abbad

·         Bani Hasan

·         Bani Hamaida

·         Bani Sakhr

·         Hadid

Ikhwan (‘Utaybah tribe)
1922 1922 Bondelswarts Rebellion  Union of South Africa

·         South West Africa

1922 1922 San rebellion[10]  Union of South Africa San rebels
1922 1922 1922 Uukwambi revolt[10]  Union of South Africa Uukwambi rebels
1922 1922 First Zhili–Fengtian War  Zhili clique Fengtian clique
1922 1924 Rampa Rebellion of 1922  British Empire

·          British Raj

Rebel forces loyal to Alluri Sitarama Raju
1922 1922 11 September 1922 Revolution Venizelist rebels  Kingdom of Greece
1922 1923 Irish Civil War  Pro-treaty forces  Anti-treaty forces
1922 1923 Paraguayan Civil War (1922)  Gondrists  Schaererists
1922 1924 Sheikh Khazal rebellion

Part of the Arab separatism in Khuzestan

 Sublime State of Persia  Sheikhdom of Mohammerah
Bakhtiari Tribesmen
1922 1924 Second Barzanji Revolt  British Empire
Kingdom of Iraq (British administration)
 Kingdom of Kurdistan
1922 1927 Tenente revolts  First Brazilian Republic Tenentismo
Brazilian Communist Party
1923 1923 1923 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·          British RAF

·         Aden Protectorate

Rebel tribes:

·         Makhdumi

·         Mansuri

1923 1923 Alizai rebellion of 1923  Emirate of Afghanistan Alizai
1923 1923 Corfu incident  Kingdom of Italy  Kingdom of Greece
1923 1923 Guna revolution [es]  Panama  Guna rebels
1923 1923 De la Huerta Rebellion [es][70][71]  Mexican government Forces loyal to Adolfo de la Huerta
1923 1923 June Uprising  Bulgaria
 Bulgarian Communist Party
Bulgarian Agrarian National Union
1923 1923 Leonardopoulos–Gargalidis coup d’état attempt  Kingdom of Greece Monarchist rebels
1923 1923 Adwan Rebellion  United Kingdom
Emir Abdullah‘s forces
Hashemite allied tribesmen
 Sultan al-Adwan‘s forces
1923 1923 Posey War  United States Ute
1923 1923 Hamburg Uprising  Weimar Republic Communist Party of Germany
1923 1923 Beer Hall Putsch  Weimar Republic  Nazi Party
1923 1923 Klaipėda Revolt  Lithuania  French Third Republic
1923 1923 September Uprising  Bulgaria
 Bulgarian Communist Party
Bulgarian Agrarian National Union
1923 1932 Pacification of Libya  Kingdom of Italy  Senussi Order
1923 Ongoing Arab separatism in Khuzestan  Sublime State of Iran (1922–1924)
Imperial State of Iran (1925–1979)
Islamic Republic of Iran (1979–present)
 Sheikhdom of Mohammerah (1922–1924)
DRFLA (1979–1980)
APCO[citation needed]
PFLA[citation needed]
AFLA[citation needed]
Iranian Arab protesters
1924 1925 Chechen uprising of 1924[72]  Soviet Union Chechen rebels
1924 1925 Turkoman Rebellion in Eastern Iran[73]  Sublime State of Persia Turkmen rebels
1924 1924 Paulista Revolt of 1924  First Brazilian Republic Tenentista movement
1924 1924 Beytussebab rebellion  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1924 1924 Zazejskie uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1924 1924 Second Honduran Civil War [es] Rebels  Honduras
1924 1925 Khost rebellion (1924–1925)  Emirate of Afghanistan

Allied tribes:

·         Khogyani

·         Shinwari

Rebel tribes

·         Mangal

·         Alikhel

·         Sulaimankhel

·         Jaji[74]

·         Jadran[75]

·         Ahmadzai[76]

1924 1928 1924–1928 Saqqawist insurgency in Afghanistan

Escalated into the Afghan Civil War

 Saqqawists  Emirate of Afghanistan
1924 1924 Vaalgras revolt[10]  Union of South Africa Vaalgras
1924 1924 August Uprising  Soviet Union  Committee for Independence of Georgia
1924 1925 Tungus uprising [ru]  Soviet Union  Tungus Republic
1924 1924 June Revolution Faction of Fan Noli Principality of Albania
1924 1924 1924 Estonian coup d’état attempt  Estonia Comintern
1924 1924 Tatarbunary uprising  Romania  Soviet Union
1924 1925 Saudi conquest of Hejaz  Sultanate of Nejd
British Empire
 Kingdom of Hejaz
1924 1924 Nestorian rebellion  Turkey Nestorians
1924 1924 Second Zhili–Fengtian War Fengtian clique  Zhili clique
1924 1926 Third Yemeni–Asiri War[48]  Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen  Idrisid Emirate of Asir
1924 1924 First Asiri Civil War[48]  Idrisid Emirate of Asir

(Sayyid Ali ibn Muhammad al-Idrisi loyalists)

Rebels led by Mustafa
1925 1925 1925 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         British Army

·         Aden Protectorate

Hukais tribe
1925 1925 1925 Rehoboth Basters rebellion[10]  Union of South Africa Rehoboth Basters
1925 1925 Incident at Petrich  Kingdom of Bulgaria  Kingdom of Greece
1925 1925 Sheikh Said rebellion  Turkey Kurdish tribesmen
1925 1925 Pink’s War  United Kingdom Mahsud tribesmen
1925 1925 Raçkotan and Raman pacifying operations[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1925 1937 Sason rebellion[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1925 1929 Zaraniq rebellion (1925–1929)  Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen Zaraniq tribe

Supported by:

·          Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd

·          United Kingdom

1925 1927 Great Syrian Revolt  France  Syrian rebels
1925 1926 Anti-Fengtian War Fengtian clique
Zhili clique (from February 1918)
Zhili clique (until February 1918)
1925 1926 Urtatagai conflict  Soviet Union  Emirate of Afghanistan
1925 1926 Second Asiri Civil war[48] Rebels led by Sayyid al-Hasan ibn Ali al-Idrisial-Hasani

Supported by:

Sultanate of Nejd

 Idrisid Emirate of Asir

(Sayyid Ali ibn Muhammad al-Idrisi loyalists)

1926 1926 Asiri tribal revolts of 1926[48]  Idrisid Emirate of Asir Rebel tribes
1926 1927 Tarimese Civil War[78] Government of the Sultanate of Tarim

·         “The League”


Tamimi rebels
1926 1926 1926 Simko Shikak revolt  Pahlavi Iran Shikak tribesmen

Herki tribesmen

Begzadeh tribesmen

1926 1927 Nicaraguan civil war (1926-1927) Nicaraguan Conservatives (government) Nicaraguan Liberals (rebels)
1926 1928 Northern Expedition  Republic of China  Beiyang Government
1926 1929 Cristero War  Mexico  Cristeros
1926 1926 1926 Communist Revolt in Indonesia  Dutch Empire  Communist Party of Indonesia
1927 1927 1927 Nuer uprising[1]
1927 1930 Ararat rebellion  Turkey  Republic of Ararat
1927 1930 Ikhwan Revolt  Ibn Saud
United KingdomKuwait
1927 1927 Koçuşaği rebellion[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1927 1927 Mutki rebellion[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1927 1927 Bicar suppression[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1927 1927 Ikhwan raid on Busayya

Part of the Ikhwan revolt

 Ikhwan  Iraqi Police force
1927 1950 Chinese Civil War  Communist Party of China
After 1949:
People’s Republic of China
 Nationalist Party of China
Republic of China
After 1949:
Republic of China on Taiwan
1928 1935 Persian conquest of West Baluchistan[79][80][81][82]  Sublime State of Persia West Baluchistan
1928 1932 Hamed bin Rafda’s rebellion [ar]  Ibn Saud Rebels loyal to Hamed bin Rafda
1928 1928 Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong‘s rebellion  British Empire

·          North Borneo

1928 1928 Battle of Al-Regeai  Kuwait  Ikhwan
1928 1929 Afghan Civil War (1928–1929)  Amānullāh Khān
(Until 14 January 1929)Inayatullah Khan
(14-17 January 1929)Ali Ahmad Khan
(17 January – 9 February 1929)Various anti-Saqqawist tribes·         Wardak·         Maydan·         Jalriz·         SanglakhMohammed Nādir Khān
(March–October 1929)Intervening against Basmachi:
Soviet Union[83]
Shinwari tribesmen
(14 November–December 1928)Saqqawists
(November 1928 – 17 January 1929)Emirate of Afghanistan
(18 January – 13 October 1929)
In cooperation with:
1928 1931 Kongo-Wara rebellion  France Gbaya rebels
1929 1929 1929 Aden protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·          Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Subayhi tribe
1929 1932 Aday rebellion (1929—1932) [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1929 1929 Escobar Rebellion  Mexico Escobar rebels
1929 1929 1929 Basmachi border raids on the Soviet Union  Soviet Union  Basmachi
1929 1929 Chiang-Gui War  Republic of China  New Guangxi Clique
1929 1929 Afghan campaign of the Red Army (1929)  Soviet Union  Basmachi
1929 1929 Sino-Soviet conflict (1929)  Soviet Union  Republic of China
1929 1929 Batpakkarinskoe uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1929 1929 Bostandyk uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1929 1930 Alakat Uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1929 1929 Asi Resul rebellion[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1929 1929 Tendürük rebellion[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1929 1931 Anti-Saqqawist campaigns in Kuhdaman and Herat  Kingdom of Afghanistan  Saqqawists
1929 1930 Women’s War Igbo Women of Owerri and Calabar Provinces Warrant Chiefs
British Colonial Forces
1929 1929 Antananarivo uprising[9]  France

·          Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies

1929 1929 Persian tribal uprisings of 1929  Sublime State of Persia QashqaiKhamsehBuyir Ahmadi and Bakhtiari rebels
1929 1929 Nejd Civil War[84]  Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd Rebels
Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1930 1935 Port Bergé rebellion[9]  France

·          Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies

1930 1930 Shinwari rebellion  Kingdom of Afghanistan Shinwari tribesmen
1930 1930 Savur suppression[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1930 1930 Aramar rebellion[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1930 1930 Pülümür rebellion[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1930 1930 Menemen rebellion[77]  Turkey Kurdish rebels
1930 1930 Afridi Redshirt Rebellion  British Empire Afridi tribesmen
1930 1930 Kuhistan rebellion (February–April 1930)  Kingdom of Afghanistan Rebels
1930 1931 Uprising of the Nghệ-Tĩnh Soviets  French colonial empire  Nghệ-Tĩnh Soviets
1930 1930 Hnov uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1930 1930 Tugsbuyant uprising [ru]  Mongolian People’s Republic Buddhist clergy, former feudal lords, Arats.
1930 1930 Sarysu-Sozak uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1930 1930 Anti-Soviet Sarbaz uprising of 1930 [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1930 1930 Muromtsevsky uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1930 1930 Asanic uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1930 1930 Baribaev uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1930 1930 Balkash-Shokparskoe uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1930 1930 Khorinskoe uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1930 1930 Kuhistan rebellion (July 1930)  Kingdom of Afghanistan  Saqqawists
1930 1930 Yen Bai mutiny  French Indochina  VNQDD
1930 1930 Central Plains War

Part of Chinese Civil War

 Forces of Chiang Kai-shek  Forces of the coalition of Yan XishanFeng YuxiangWang Jingwei, and Li Zongren
1930 1930 Chittagong armoury raid  British Empire Anushilan Samiti
1930 1930 Gugsa Wale’s Rebellion Haile Selassie loyalists Empress Zewditu supporters
1930 1931 Nghe-Tinh Revolt  French Indochina Vietnamese rebels
1930 1932 Saya San Rebellion  British Empire Burmese rebels
1930 1930 Afghan campaign of the Red Army (1930)  Soviet Union  Basmachi
1930 1932 Sino-Tibetan War  Republic of China  Tibet
1930 1930 Brazilian Revolution of 1930  First Brazilian Republic  Liberal Alliance and tenentistas.

·          Brazilian Army

1930 1930 Wushe Rebellion  Empire of Japan
Truku[85] (Taroko)
1931 1931 1931 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Ahl Ma’ir tribe
1931 1933 Idrisid Emirate Rebellion [ar]  Saudi Arabia  Idrisid Emirate

Supported by:

Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen

1931 1931 1931 Saudi–Yemeni border skirmish  Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd  Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen
1931 1931 Alak Uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1931 1931 Abralin Uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1931 1931 Flour Revolt [pt]  Portugal Rebels
1931 1931 March Incident  Empire of Japan Sakurakai
1931 1931 Uranian peasant uprising [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1931 1931 October Incident  Empire of Japan Sakurakai
1931 1931 1931 Cyprus Revolt  British Empire Greek Cypriot rebels
1931 1931 Jafar Sultan revolt  Iran Kurdish rebels
1931 1931 Norte Grande insurrection  Chile Communist Party of Chile
1931 1931 Chilean naval mutiny of 1931  Chile Chilean Navy rebels
1931/32 1932 Najran conflict  Saudi Arabia  Yemen
1931 1932 Japanese invasion of Manchuria  Empire of Japan  Republic of China
1931 1932 Ahmed Barzani revolt  Kingdom of Iraq Barzan tribe
1931 1934 Kumul Rebellion  Republic of China  First East Turkestan Republic
1932 1932 1932 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Qutaybi tribe
1932 1932 Uukwambi uprising[10]  Union of South Africa Uukwambi rebels
1932 1932 Ethiopian conquest of the Kingdom of Jimma[86]  Ethiopian Empire Kingdom of Jimma
1932 1932 Lesko uprising  Second Polish Republic Peasant rebels
1932 1932 Constitutionalist Revolution  Brazil  São Paulo
1932 1932 Ecuadorian Civil War Leftist and Liberal rebels  Ecuador
1932 1932 January 28 Incident  Republic of China  Empire of Japan
1932 1932 Chechen uprising of 1932 [ru]  Soviet Union Chechen rebels
1932 1933 Two-Liu War[87][88]

Part of the Warlord Era

Anti-Lui Wenhui (1st phase):[89][unreliable source]

·         Liu Xiang (until December 1932)

·         Tian Songyao (until February 1933)

·         Jian Zaizhen (October 1932 to April 1933)

·         Hou Zhidan (October 1932 to April 1933)

·         Yan Seng (October to December 1932)

·         Song Xing (November 1932 to April 1933)

·         Deng Xihou (November to December 1932)

·         Yuo Guocai (November 1932 to April 1933)

Anti-Lui Wenhui (2nd phase):[89][unreliable source]

·         Deng Xihau

·         Liu Xiang

·         Tian Songyao (from June 1933)

Pro-Liu Wenhui:[89][unreliable source]

·         Liu Wenhui

·         Qinghai Ma Clique (until June 1933)

·         Wang Jialie (October 1932 to April 1933)

·         He Zhizhong (November 1932 to April 1933)

1932 1932 May 15 Incident  Empire of Japan League of Blood
1932 1932 1932 armed uprising in Mongolia  Mongolian People’s Republic
Soviet Union
Anti-communist rebels
1932 1932 Kirghiz rebellion  Republic of China Kirghiz rebels
1932 1932 Mäntsälä rebellion  Finland  Lapua movement
1932 1932 1932 Salvadoran peasant uprising  El Salvador Salvadoran peasants
1932 1932 Sanjurjada  Spanish Republic Rebel Officers
1932 1933 Leticia Incident  Colombia  Peru
1932 1935 Chaco War  Paraguay  Bolivia
1932 1932 Darre Khel revolt  Kingdom of Afghanistan Rebels
1932 1932 Emu War Emus  Australia
1932 1939 Soviet–Japanese border conflicts  Soviet Union

·          Manchukuo

·          Japanese Korea

1933 1933 1933 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Mawsata tribe
1933 1933 1933 Mohmand revolt in Afghanistan[90]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Mohmand rebels
1933 1933 Crazy Fakir’s rebellion  Kingdom of Afghanistan Forces of the Crazy Fakir
1933 1936 Actions in Inner Mongolia (1933–36)  Empire of Japan

·          Manchukuo

·          Chinese collaborators

·          Mongol Military Government (1936)

 Republic of China
1933 1933 Boworadet Rebellion  Thailand Rebels under Prince Boworadet
1933 1933 Sergeants’ Revolt Rebels  Cuba
1933 1933 Kazym rebellion  Soviet Union Khanty rebels
1933 1933 Anarchist uprising in Spain (1933)  Spanish Republic Spanish Anarchists
1933 1933 Casas Viejas incident  Spanish Republic Spanish Anarchists
1933 1933 De Zeven Provinciën Mutiny  The Netherlands Dutch Navy rebels
1934 1934 1934 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Qutaybi tribe
1934 1938 Second Cristero War [es]  Mexican Government  Cristeros
1934 1934 Asturian Revolution  Spanish Republic Asturian Miners
1934 1934 Mandalada [ru]  Soviet Union Rebels
1934 1934 Soviet invasion of Xinjiang  Republic of China  Soviet Union
White Russian forces
Torgut Mongols
1934 1934 Military Academy incident  Empire of Japan Imperial Way Faction
1934 1934 Austrian Civil War  First Austrian Republic

Fatherland’s Front

 Social Democratic Party of Austria
1934 1934 July Putsch  First Austrian Republic Austrian Legion
1934 1934 1934 Latvian coup d’état Kārlis Ulmanis  Latvia
1934 1934 1934 Estonian coup d’état [et] Konstantin Päts  Estonia
1934 1934 Events of 6 October  Spanish Republic  Generalitat of Catalonia
1934 1934 1934 Khamba Rebellion  Tibet (1912–1951)
Sichuan clique
Communist Party of China
Khamba Tribesmen
1934 1934 Saudi–Yemeni War  Saudi Arabia  Yemen
1935 1935 Narrenrevolte [de]  Nazi Germany Rebels
1935 1935 Mohmand campaign of 1935  British Empire Mohmand tribesmen
1935 1935 May 2 uprising  United States Sakdalista
1935 1935 1935 Yazidi revolt  Kingdom of Iraq Yazidis
1935 1935 Goharshad Mosque rebellion  Iran Bazaaris
1935 1935 1935 Greek coup d’état attempt  Second Hellenic Republic Venizelist rebels
1935 1936 1935–36 Iraqi Shia revolts  Kingdom of Iraq Shia tribesmen
1935 1935 Brazilian uprising of 1935  Brazil Brazilian Communist Party
1935 1936 Second Italo-Ethiopian War  Kingdom of Italy  Ethiopian Empire
1936 1937 1936–1937 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Mansuri rebels
1936 1936 1936 Iraqi coup d’état  Bakr Sidqi‘s supporters  Iraqi Government
1936 1936 Scythe Cross rebellion  Kingdom of Hungary Hungarian National Socialist Party
1936 1936 1936 Naval Revolt (Portugal)  Portugal Revolutionary Armed Organization
1936 1936 February 26 Incident  Empire of Japan  Righteous Army
1936 1939 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine  United Kingdom
British Army
Palestine Police Force
Jewish Settlement Police
Jewish Supernumerary Police
Special Night Squads
Peulot Meyuhadot
Peace Bands
 Arab Higher Committee
1936 1939 Spanish Civil War  National faction

·          Falange

·          Carlists (1936–1937)

·          CEDA (1936–1937)

·          Alfonsists (1936–1937)

·          Army of Africa

Supported by:

·          Italy

·          Germany

·          Portugal

·         Foreign volunteers

 Republican faction

·          Spanish Republican Army

·          Popular Front

·          CNT/FAI

·          UGT

·          ERC

·          Basque Army (1936–1937)

·          Galicianist Party

Supported by:

·          International Brigades

·          Soviet Union (1936–1938)

·          Mexico

·          France (1936)

1936 1939 Waziristan campaign (1936–1939)  British Empire

·          India

1937 1937 March–April 1937 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Shayri tribe
1937 1939 Katawz rebellion[91]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Rebels
1937 1937 Afghan tribal revolts of 1937[90]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Rebel tribes:

·         Mohmand

·         Shinwari

·         Sulaimankhel

1937 1937 Islamic rebellion in Xinjiang (1937)  Soviet Union
White Russian forces
 Republic of China
1937 1937 September–October 1937 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Subayhi tribe
1937 1937 Dieu Python movement  French Indochina Degar rebels
1937 1938 Dersim Rebellion  Turkey Dersim tribes
1937 1945 Second Sino-Japanese War
Part of World War II
 Republic of China

Soviet Union (1937-1941; 1944-1945)
United States (1941-1945)
British Empire (1942-1945)

 Empire of Japan

Reorganized National Government of China

1937 1937 December 1937 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Rebel tribes:

·         Ahl Haydara

·         Mansuri

1938 1938 Brazilian Integralist uprising of 1938 [pt]  Brazil  Brazilian Integralist Action
1938 1938 Shinwari revolt of 1938[91][92]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Shinwari rebels under Muhammad Afzal[93]
1938 1938 Suleiman Khel rebellion  Kingdom of Afghanistan Suleiman khel rebels
1938 1938 Ghilzai rebellion  Kingdom of Afghanistan Ghilzai rebels
1938 1938 February 1938 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Hamumi tribe
1938 1939 Alizai winter uprising[94]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Alizai rebels
1938 1938 1938 Greek coup d’état attempt  Second Hellenic Republic Venizelist rebels
1938 1938 April 1938 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Subayhi tribe
1938 1938 July–September 1938 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Mansuri tribe
1938 1938 Sudeten German uprising  Sudetendeutsches Freikorps


1939 1939 Hungarian Invasion of the Carpatho-Ukraine  Kingdom of Hungary  Carpatho-Ukraine
1939 1939 Slovak–Hungarian War  Kingdom of Hungary  Slovak Republic
1939 1965 Maquis insurgency  Nationalist Spain  Spanish Maquis
1939 1939 Italian invasion of Albania  Kingdom of Italy  Albanian Kingdom
1939 1945 World War II Allied Powers:
Soviet Union
United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
South Africa
Axis Powers:
1939 1939 1939 Ondonga uprising[10]  South Africa Odonga rebels
1939 1940 Winter War
Part of World War II
 Soviet Union  Finland
1940 1941 1940–1941 Aden Protectorate uprising[68]  British Empire

·         Royal Air Force

·         Aden Protectorate

Qutaybi tribe
1940 1944 1940–44 insurgency in Chechnya

Part of World War II and the Chechen–Russian conflict

 Soviet Union  Provisional Popular Revolutionary Government of ChechnyaIngushetia

Supported by:

Germany (1942)

1940 1940 Czortków uprising
Part of World War II
 Soviet Union  Polish rebels
1940 1940 Soviet occupation of the Baltic states (1940)
Part of World War II
 Soviet Union  Estonia



1940 1940 Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina
Part of World War II
 Soviet Union  Romania
1940 1941 Franco-Thai War
Part of World War II
 Thailand  Vichy France

French Indochina

1941 1941 Legionnaires’ Rebellion  Kingdom of Romania  Iron Guard
1941 1941 Ecuadorian–Peruvian War  Peru  Ecuador
1941 1941 Anglo-Iraqi War
Part of World War II
 United Kingdom

British India

 Kingdom of Iraq

Nazi Germany
Kingdom of Italy

1941 1944 Continuation War
Part of World War II
 Soviet Union

United Kingdom


Nazi Germany
Kingdom of Italy

1941 1944 Hama Rashid revolt  Iran Kurdish tribes
1941 1941 June 1941 uprising in eastern Herzegovina  Independent State of Croatia


Serb rebels from eastern Herzegovina and Montenegro
1941 1941 Uprising in Serbia (1941)  Government of National Salvation

Nazi Germany



1942 1954 Hukbalahap Rebellion  Philippines
United States
Soviet Union
1943 1943 1943 Khuzestan revolt[95]
1943 1945 1943 Barzani revolt  Kingdom of Iraq

Supported by:

Kurdish tribesmen (1945)

·         Zibrari

·         Berwari

·         Doski

·         Elements of the ‘Muhajarin’ tribe

Kurdish rebels

·         Barzani tribesmen

·         Allied Kurdish tribes

1943 1943 Woyane rebellion  Ethiopian Empire


Woyanne rebels
1943 1944 Jesselton revolt
Part of World War II
 Empire of Japan Kinabalu rebels
1943 1949 Ukrainian Insurgent Army insurgency  Soviet Union
People’s Republic of PolandPolish Underground StateNazi Germany (1941–1944)
 Ukrainian Insurgent Army
1944 1945 1944–1945 Insurgency in Balochistan  United Kingdom

·          British India

Badinzai rebels
1944 1947 Afghan tribal revolts of 1944–1947  Afghanistan
• Allied Nuristani and Shinwari tribesmen
British Empire
•   India
Rebel tribes:

·         Zadran (1944–1947)

·         Safi (until 1946)

·         Mangal (1945)

1944 1945 Lapland War
Part of World War II
 Finland  Nazi Germany
1944 1946 Anti-communist resistance in Poland (1944-1946)  People’s Republic of Poland

Soviet Union

 Cursed soldiers
1944 1947 Jewish insurgency in Palestine  Jewish Resistance Movement

·         Haganah

·         Irgun

·         Lehi

 British Army
Royal Navy
Royal Air Force
Palestine Police Force
1944 1944 Luluabourg and Jadotville Mutiny[96]  Belgian Congo Force Publique Mutineers
1944 1944 1944 Kivu Uprising  Belgian Congo Watchtower Movement
1944 1949 Ili Rebellion  Communist Party of China
Second East Turkestan Republic
Soviet Union
White Russian forces
Mongolian People’s Republic
 Republic of China
National Revolutionary Army
1944 1951 Goryani Insurgency  People’s Republic of Bulgaria Goryani
1944 1953 Guerrilla war in the Baltic states  Soviet Union  Forest Brothers
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
8 May 1945 1950 Crusader insurgency  SFR Yugoslavia Crusaders
22 October 1947 9 January 1949 Indo-Pakistani War of 1947–1948  India  Pakistan
1945 1945 1945 Khuzestan revolt[1]
November 1945 Spring 1946 1945 Hazara Rebellion  Kingdom of Afghanistan Hazara rebels under Ebrāhim Beg
15 August 1945 Ongoing

[Stalemate in 1953]

Korean conflict  UN Command:

·          South Korea

·          United States

·          United Kingdom

·          Australia

·          Belgium

·          Canada

·          France

·          Philippines

·          Colombia

·          Ethiopia

·          Greece

·          Luxembourg

·          Netherlands

·          New Zealand

·          South Africa

·          Thailand

·          Turkey

Medical support[show]

·          North Korea

·          China

·          Soviet Union

Medical support[show]

17 August 1945 27 December 1949 Indonesian National Revolution  Indonesia  Netherlands
United Kingdom (until 1946)
Japan (until 1946)
15 November 1945 15 December 1946 Iran crisis of 1946  Iran

Supported by:

United States

United Kingdom

 Republic of Mahabad
Azerbaijan People’s RepublicSupported by:Soviet Union
30 March 1946 16 October 1949 Greek Civil War  Kingdom of Greece

·          Hellenic Army

Supported by:

United States (from 1947)

United Kingdom (until 1947)

 Provisional Democratic Government

·          Democratic Army of Greece

NOF partisans

Supported by:




Soviet Union (until 1947)

4 July 1946 17 May 1954 Hukbalahap rebellion (post-WWII)  Philippines

Supported by:

United States

September 1946 November 1946 Autumn Uprising of 1946 in Korea  United States Army Military Government in Korea Peasant rebels
October 1946 October 1946 Punnapra-Vayalar uprising  Travancore: Kingdom of Travancore Laborers in Punnapra and Vayalar
Communist Party of India
19 December 1946 1 August 1954 First Indochina War
Indochina Wars
 Viet Minh
Pathet Lao
Khmer Issarak
United Issarak FrontJapanese holdoutsSupported by:Soviet Union
ChinaEast GermanyPoland
 French Union

French Fourth Republic

State of Vietnam


Kingdom of Laos

Supported by:

United States

7 March 1947 20 August 1947 Paraguayan Civil War (1947)  Paraguayan Government
Military of Paraguay
Colorado Party
 Liberal Party
June 1947 October 1947 1947 Poonch Rebellion People of Poonch and Mirpur; Muslim Conference

Supported by:

Maharaja Hari Singh and his Dogra forces
1947 1947 Integration of Junagadh  India  Junagadh
1947 1962 Romanian anti-communist resistance movement  Romania

Supported by:

Soviet Union

 Anti-communist rebels
22 October 1947 5 January 1949 Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
29 March 1947 November 1948 Malagasy Uprising  France Malagasy rebels
29 November 1947 14 May 1948 1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine
Part of the 1948 Palestine war
 Jews of Palestine

·         Haganah

·         Irgun

·         Lehi

 Arabs of Palestine

·         Army of the Holy War

·         Arab Liberation Army

1948[4] or 1947[5] 1949 Safi Rebellion[4][5]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Safi rebels
20 February 1948 25 February 1948 1948 Czechoslovak coup d’état  Communist Party of Czechoslovakia

Supported by:

Soviet Union

 Czechoslovak government
12 March 1948 24 April 1948 Costa Rican Civil War  National Liberation Army  Government of Costa Rica
2 April 1948 Ongoing Internal conflict in Burma  Union government (1948–1962)

·         AFPFL

Military governments (1962–2011)

·          BSPP (1962–1988)

·          SPDC (1988–2011)

Current government (since 2011)

·          USDP (since 2011)

DKBA (1994–2010)

Anti-government factions:

KNU (since 1949)

·          KNLA

·          DKBA (since 2010)

Communist Party (1948–1988)

·          Red flags (1948–1978)

MNDAA (since 1989)
NDAA (since 1989)
SSA (since 1988)

·          SSAS

·          SSAN

SSNA (1995–2005)   WNA (1975–1988)
UWSP (since 1988)

·          UWSA

KIO (since 1961)

·          KIA

PNO (1949–1991)
MTA (1985–1996)
God’s Army (1997–2006)
ABSDF (Since 1980s)
SSVF (1967–1980)
RNA (since 1998)

TNLA (since 1992)

Supported by:
ROC (1948–1980s)
United States

3 April 1948 May 1949 Jeju uprising  South Korea Workers’ Party of South Korea
9 April 1948 1958 La Violencia  Government of Colombia

Conservative Party

 Liberal Party
14 May 1948 10 March 1949 1948 Arab–Israeli War
Part of the Arab–Israeli conflict
 Israel  Egypt
Arab Liberation Army
Saudi Arabia
YemenForeign volunteers:
Muslim Brotherhood
16 June 1948 12 July 1960 Malayan Emergency  United Kingdom

Federation of Malaya

Southern Rhodesia

King’s African Rifles

New Zealand
Nepali Gurkhas

Supported by:


MRLASupported by:Soviet Union
ChinaIndonesiaNorth Vietnam (from 1954)Viet Minh (from 1954)
13 September 1948 18 September 1948 Operation Polo  India  Royal State of Hyderabad
18 September 1948 October 1948 Madiun Affair
Part of the Indonesian National Revolution
 Indonesia People’s Democratic Front
Indonesian Socialist Party
September 1948 October 1948 Yeosu–Suncheon rebellion  South Korea Communist Rebels
1948 25 June 1950 Pre-Korean War insurgency[6]  South Korea Anti-government insurgents

Pro-North Korean rebels

1949 1949 1949 Hazara Rebellion  Kingdom of Afghanistan Hazara rebels under Qurban Zawar
1949 29 October 1956 Palestinian Fedayeen insurgency
Part of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
 Israel  Palestinian Fedayeen

Supported by:




26 February 1949 Palace Rebellion  Thailand Supporters of Pridi Phanomyong
1949 1951 Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Central and Southern China  People’s Republic of China  National Revolutionary Army
7 August 1949 1965 Darul Islam Insurgency
Part of the Indonesian National Revolution
 Darul Islam
1949 Ongoing Afghanistan–Pakistan skirmishes  Pakistan

Supported by:


Supported by:

Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1950 1961 Buraimi War [ar]
9 January 1950 1958 Kuomintang Islamic insurgency  People’s Republic of China  Republic of China
22 January 1950 23 January 1950 APRA coup d’état
Part of the Indonesian National Revolution
Legion of Ratu Adil
5 April 1950 21 April 1950 Makassar Uprising
Part of the Indonesian National Revolution
 Indonesia Ambonese Veterans
12 June 1950 15 June 1950 La Revolución del 50 [es]  Peru Rebels
6 October 1950 19 October 1950 Battle of Chamdo  People’s Republic of China  Tibet
30 October 1950 Utuado Uprising  United States  Puerto Rican Nationalist Party
San Juan Nationalist revolt
Jayuya Uprising
25 June 1950 27 July 1953[7] Korean War
Part of the Korean conflict
 UN Command:

·          South Korea

·          United States

·          United Kingdom

·          Australia

·          Belgium

·          Canada

·          France

·          Philippines

·          Colombia

·          Ethiopia

·          Greece

·          Luxembourg

·          Netherlands

·          New Zealand

·          South Africa

·          Thailand

·          Turkey

Medical support[show]

·          North Korea

·          China

·          Soviet Union

Medical support[show]

29 June 1951 Manhattan Rebellion  Thailand Rebel naval units
14 April 1951 13 November 1966 Reprisal operations  Israel  Palestinian Fedayeen




1951 1951 1951 Anglo-Egyptian War[9]  United Kingdom  Egypt
1952 1952 Harazajat peasant’s revolt[10]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Rebels
1952 1955 Invasion of Hamasa  Trucial Oman Scouts

Supported by:

British Empire

Sultanate of Muscat and Oman

 Saudi Arabia

Supported by:

·         Al Bu Shamis tribe

·         Na’im tribe

Summer 1952 1960 Mau Mau Uprising  United Kingdom  Mau Mau
10 March 1953 Air battle over Merklín  Czechoslovakia  United States
31 May 1953 2 June 1953 Uprising in Plzeň (1953)  Czechoslovakia Plzeň workers
16 June 1953 17 June 1953 Uprising of 1953 in East Germany  Soviet Union

East Germany

East German demonstrators
26 July 1953 1 January 1959 Cuban Revolution  26th of July Movement  Batista Government
1954 Ongoing Xinjiang conflict  China  Uyghur separatist movements



16 May 1954 26 June 1954 Kengir uprising  USSR  Kengir resistance
3 September 1954 1 May 1955 First Taiwan Strait Crisis  PRC  ROC

United States

13 June 1954 Coup d’état of Yanaon  Indian Separatists  French India
22 July 1954 11 August 1954 Annexation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli  India  Portugal
23 June 1958 22 September 1958 Second Taiwan Strait Crisis  PRC  ROC

United States

1954 1959 Jebel Akhdar War  Sultanate of Muscat and Oman

·         Ibriyin tribe

 Imamate of Oman

·         Ibadi sect

1 November 1954 19 March 1962 Algerian War  FLN




1954 1962 Café Wars  FLN  MNA
1955 1955 Preventive Strike of Marechal Lott [pt]
1955 1955 Afghan tribal revolt of 1955[11][4]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Rebels
1955 1955 Calderonista Invasion of Costa Rica  Costa Rica Calderonistas



1955 1959 Rebellion against British Ruling by Greek Cypriots (EOKA)  Cyprus  British Empire
1955 1964 Cameroonian Independence War  France Union of the Peoples of Cameroon
1955 1957 Upper Yafa uprisings[12]  British Empire Rebels
18 August 1955 27 March 1972 First Sudanese Civil War  SSLM
 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan

Republic of the Sudan

Democratic Republic of the Sudan

1 November 1955 30 April 1975 Vietnam War  North Vietnam
Khmer Rouge
Khmer Issarak
Pathet Lao
North Korea
Soviet UnionSupported by:[show]
 South Vietnam
United States
South Korea
New Zealand
Kingdom of Laos
Khmer Republic
PhilippinesSupported by:[show]
28 June 1956 30 June 1956 Poznań Uprising  People’s Republic of Poland Strike Committee
23 October 1956 11 November 1956 Hungarian Revolution of 1956  Soviet Union
State Protection Authority
 Hungarian revolutionaries
29 October 1956 7 November 1956 Suez Crisis  Israel[13]
United Kingdom
2 November 1956 14 November 1956 Quỳnh Lưu Uprising  North Vietnam Anti-communist rebels
23 October 1957 30 June 1958 Ifni War  Spain
Late 1950s Late 1950s Anti-taxation uprising in Afghanistan[15]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Hazara rebels
15 July 1958 25 October 1958 1958 Lebanon crisis  Lebanon
United States
14 July 1958 14 July Revolution  Free Officers  Arab Federation
December 1958 September 1959 North Vietnamese invasion of Laos
Part of the Vietnam War and the Laotian Civil War
 North Vietnam  Kingdom of Laos
30 December 1958 15 September 1959 Mexico–Guatemala conflict  Guatemala  Mexico
1958 1961 Permesta  Indonesia Permesta rebels
7 March 1959 11 March 1959 1959 Mosul uprising  Iraq  Arab nationalist rebels
10 March 1959 23 March 1959 1959 Tibetan uprising  People’s Republic of China  Tibet

Chushi Gangdruk

23 May 1959 2 December 1975 Laotian Civil War  Pathet Lao
North VietnamSupported by:[show]
 Kingdom of Laos
United States
South VietnamSupported by:[show]
1959 1965 Escambray Rebellion  Cuba Anti-communist guerrillas
1959 1959 Pashtun Revolt in Kandahar[16]  Kingdom of Afghanistan Pashtun rebels
15 June 1959 18 June 1959 Upper Yafa disturbances[17]
(Further info: House of commons debate)
 British Empire

·          Upper Yafa


Supported by:
Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen

1959 1959 Cuban invasion of Panama[18]  Panama  Cuba
1959 1959 Cuban invasion of the Dominican Republic[19]  Dominican Republic  Cuba
31 July 1959 20 October 2011 Basque conflict  Spain
Basque National Liberation Movement
ETA (pm)
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1960 1960 1960 Ethiopian coup attempt  Ethiopian Empire Kebur Zabangna
1960 1961 Bajaur Campaign  Pakistan  Afghanistan
1960 1961 1960–61 campaign at the China–Burma border  People’s Republic of China
 National Revolutionary Army
1960 1965 Congo Crisis 1960–63:

Republic of the Congo

Supported by:
Soviet Union (1960)


Democratic Republic of the Congo Supported by:
United States


South Kasai

Supported by:
Union of South Africa
Stanleyville government
Simba and Kwilu rebels

Supported by:

·          Soviet Union

·          China

·          Cuba

1960 Ongoing Katanga insurgency  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Self-defence groups

Mai-Mai Kata Katanga (2011–2016)

Mai Mai Gédéon

Mai Mai Yakutumba

1960 1996 Guatemalan Civil War  Guatemalan military  URNG
1960 Ongoing South Thailand insurgency  Thailand  National Revolution Front (BRN)
Runda Kumpulan Kecil (RKK)
Pattani Islamic Mujahideen Movement (GMIP)
United Mujahideen Front of Pattani (BBMP)
Islamic Front for the Liberation of Pattani (BIPP)
Patani United Liberation Organisation (PULO)
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI)
1960 Ongoing Xinjiang conflict  China

·          People’s Police

·          People’s Armed Police

·          People’s Liberation Army

Supported by:
SCO (2001–present)

Armed groups:

·          Turkistan Islamic Party

·          ETLO
(2000–2003)[citation needed]

Supported by:


·         ETPRP

·         URFET

·         Various small groups[20]

Supported by:


Civilian groups:

·         Uyghurs

·         Han people

·         Hui people[21]

·         Mongol people

1961 1990 Nicaraguan Revolution  FSLN Contras
Somoza government
1961 1970 First Iraqi–Kurdish War  KDP  Republic of Iraq
Syrian Arab Republic
1961 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion  Cuba  United States
Brigade 2506
1961 1961 Bizerte crisis  France  Tunisia
1961 1962 French military rebellion in Algeria[22][23]
Part of the Algerian War
 France  OAS
1961 1962 Operation Trikora  Indonesia  Netherlands
1961 1991 Eritrean War of Independence  EPLF


Soviet Union
South Yemen
1961 1961 Indian annexation of Goa  India  Portugal
1961 1975 Angolan War of Independence
Part of the Portuguese Colonial War
South Africa
1961 1961 1961 revolt in Somalia  Somali Republic Rebels
1961 1961 Rebellion of the Pilots
1962 1964 Tuareg rebellion (1962–64)  Mali Tuareg guerrillas
1962 1970 North Yemen Civil War  Yemen Arab Republic
Egypt (until 1967)
 Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen
Supported by:
Saudi Arabia
United Kingdom
1962 1962 Sino-Indian War  China  India
1962 1962 Brunei revolt  United Kingdom


 North Borneo Federation


1962 1990 Communist insurgency in Sarawak  United Kingdom
 North Kalimantan Communist Party
1962 1976 Dhofar Rebellion  Oman
United Kingdom
 DLF (1962–1968)
PFLOAG (1968–1974)
NDFLOAG (1969–1971)
PFLO (1974–1976)
1963 1963 1963 Argentine Navy revolt  Azules faction (most of the Army and the Air Force)  Colorados faction (mainly the Navy)
1963 1963 1963 Cuban invasion of Venezuela[24]  Venezuela  Cuba
1963 1963 Sand War  Morocco  Algeria
1963 1963 Ramadan Revolution  Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party  Iraq
Iraqi Communist Party
1963 1963 Ar-Rashid revolt  Iraqi Government Iraqi Communist Party
Iraqi Army
1963 1963 November 1963 Iraqi coup d’état  Nasserist rebels  Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party
1963 1963 1963 Syrian coup d’état  Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party – Syria Region  Syria
1963 1966 Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation  Malaysia
United Kingdom
New Zealand
1963 1967 Shifta War  Kenya Northern Frontier District Liberation Movement
1963 1970 Bale revolt  Ethiopian Empire Oromo Peasants
Somali Peasants
1963 1974 Guinea-Bissau War of Independence
Part of the Portuguese Colonial War
 PAIGC  Portugal
1963 1967 Aden Emergency  NLF
 United Kingdom
Federation of South Arabia
1964 1964 1964 Ethiopian–Somali Border War  Ethiopian Empire  Somali Republic
1964 1964 Simba rebellion
Part of the Congo Crisis
United States
Simba Rebels
1964 1979 Rhodesian Bush War  ZANU
Zimbabwe Rhodesia
1964 1992 FULRO insurgency against Vietnam  North Vietnam (1964–1976)
Viet Cong
South Vietnam
Vietnam (after 1976)
 United Front for the Liberation of Oppressed Races
1964 Present Colombian conflict (1964–present)  Colombia  FARC
1964 1974 Mozambican War of Independence
Part of the Portuguese Colonial War
 FRELIMO  Portugal
1964 Ongoing Insurgency in Northeast India  India  NSCN
1964 1964 Zanzibar Revolution  Afro-Shirazi Party
Umma Party
 Sultanate of Zanzibar
1965 1965 30 September Movement  Indonesia Thirtieth of September Movement
1965 1965 Dominican Civil War (CEFA) Dominican Armed Forces Training Center
(SIM) Dominican Military Intelligence Service
United States
(IAPF) Inter-American Peace Force
 Dominican Armed Forces Constitutionalists
PRD partisans
1965 1965 United States invasion of the Dominican Republic (1965) [es]  United States  Dominican Republic
1965 1966 American occupation of the Dominican Republic (1965–66)  United States
Inter-American Peace Force:
Costa Rica
El Salvador
 Dominican Republic
1965 1965 Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
Indo-Pakistani Wars
 India  Pakistan
1965 1983 Communist insurgency in Thailand  Thailand  Communist party of Thailand
1965 1979 Chadian Civil War (1965–79)  FROLINAT
1966 1967 Guerrilha do Caparaó [pt]  Brazil Rebels
1966 1977 Crisis in French Somaliland[25] Djiboutian nationalists  France

·         French Somaliland

1966 1967 Stanleyville mutinies
Part of the Congo Crisis
 DRC Katangan Mercenaries
1966 1967 Ñancahuazú Guerrilla War  Bolivia
United States
Ejército de Liberación Nacional
1966 1969 Korean DMZ Conflict
Part of the Korean conflict
 South Korea
United States
 North Korea
1966 1989 South African Border War  Angola
Umkhonto we Sizwe
 South Africa
1967 1967 Invasion of Machurucuto  Venezuela  Cuba
1967 1967 1967 China-India border conflicts  India  China
1967 1967 Six-Day War  Israel  Egypt
Arab Expeditionary Forces:
Saudi Arabia
1967 1968 1967 Kurdish revolt in Iran  Iran Kurdish tribesmen
1967 1974 Araguaia Guerrilla War  Brazilian military government  Communist Party of Brazil
1967 1975 Cambodian Civil War  National United Front of Kampuchea
Khmer Rouge
North Vietnam
Viet Cong
 Khmer Republic
United States
South Vietnam
1967 1970 Nigerian Civil War  Nigeria  Biafra
1967 1970 War of Attrition  Israel  Egypt
Soviet Union
1967 Ongoing Naxalite–Maoist insurgency  India  Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Naxalbari

Communist Party of United States of India
Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) New Democracy
Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) (Mahadev Mukherjee)
Centre of Indian Communists (until 1977)
People’s Liberation Army of Manipur
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army
Purbo Banglar Communist Party

1968 1989 Communist insurgency in Malaysia (1968–89)  Malaysia
 Malayan Communist Party
1968 1998 The Troubles  United Kingdom  PIRA
1968 1982 Years of Lead (Italy)  Italy Far-left terrorist

·          Red Brigades

·         Front Line

·         October 22 Group

·         PAC

·         Continuous Struggle

·         PO

·         AO

Far-right terrorist

·          National Vanguard

·         Black Order

·         NAR

·         Third Position

1968 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia  Soviet Union
People’s Republic of Bulgaria
East Germany
People’s Republic of Hungary
People’s Republic of Poland
 Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
1969 Ongoing Civil conflict in the Philippines  Philippines

United States
Government of Indonesia
Government of Malaysia

Communist Party·          NPA·          NDF·         MakabayanMoro people:·          MNLF·          MILF·          Sulu


·          RSM

·          JI

·          BIFF

1969 Ongoing Insurgency of the Communist Party of the Philippines  Philippines
United States[26]
Anti-communist militia·         Alsa Masa (1986–?)
*   NPA
APP [27]
RPA [27]
ABB [27]
CPLA [27]Support:
People’s Republic of China (1969–1976)
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (1980s–2011)
North Korea (Alleged)
Vietnam (1980s)
1969 Ongoing Moro insurgency in the Philippines  Philippines

·          Armed Forces of the Philippines

·         Philippine National Police

Supported by:
United States (advisers)
Malaysia (since 2001)


 Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)
Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) (until 2014)
Ampatuan militias[29]Former support:
Egypt (to MILF)[30]
Libya (to MNLF)[31][32][33][34]
Malaysia (to MNLF and MILF)[35][36]
Rajah Sulaiman Movement
Khalifa Islamiyah Mindanao[37]·          Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters·          Jemaah Islamiyah·          MILF rogue factions[38]Other MILF rogue factions·          Justice for Islamic MovementSupported by::
14K Triad (to ASG)[40]
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant[41]

·          Abu Sayyaf[42][43]

1969 1969 Football War  El Salvador  Honduras
1969 1969 Al-Wadiah War  Saudi Arabia  South Yemen
1969 1969 Rupununi Uprising  Guyana Rupununi separatists
1969 1969 Sino-Soviet border conflict  China  Soviet Union
1969 1969 1969 Greensboro uprising Authorities

·         North Carolina Army National Guard

·         Local Police


·         Student Organization for Black Unity

·         Student protesters

·         Rioting locals

1969 Ongoing Papua conflict  Indonesia  Free Papua Movement
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1970 1971 Black September in Jordan  Jordan  PLO
1970 1972 Reggio revolt  Italy  Christian Democracy
Italian Social Movement
Italian Social Democratic Party
National Italian Workers’ Union
Italian General Confederation of Labour
1970 1982 Dirty War (Mexico)  Mexico
Party of the Poor
Liga Comunista 23 de Septiembre
1971 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War
Indo-Pakistani wars and conflicts
 Provisional Government of Bangladesh
1971 1972 1971 Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna Insurrection  Ceylon  JVP
1971 1971 Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
Bangladesh Liberation War and the Indo-Pakistani wars and conflicts
 India[44][45][46]  Pakistan
1971 1971 Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs conflict  Iran  Sharjah
1972 1972 1972 invasion of Uganda[47]  Uganda  FRONASA
1972 1974 First Eritrean Civil War  EPLF  ELF
1972 1975 1972–1975 Bangladesh insurgency  Bangladesh Bangladesh  Gonobahini

Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party

1973 1973 1973 Samita border skirmish  Iraq  Kuwait
1973 1973 Yom Kippur War  Israel  Egypt
Combat support:·          Iraq·          Jordan·          Algeria[48]·          Cuba[49][50]·          Morocco[51]
1973 1990 Armed resistance in Chile (1973–90)  Chile  Revolutionary Left Movement
Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front
Lautaro Youth Movement
1973 Ongoing Oromo Conflict  Ethiopian Empire (1973–1975)
Derg (1975–1987)
PDRE (1987–1991)
Transitional Government of Ethiopia (1991–1995)
Ethiopia (1995–present)
1974 1978 Gombe Chimpanzee War Kasakela chimpanzees Kahama chimpanzees
1974 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus  Turkey  Cyprus
1974 1974 Battle of the Paracel Islands  China  South Vietnam
1974 1991 Ethiopian Civil War  EPRP
 Ethiopian government
East Germany
Soviet Union
North Korea
1974 1975 Second Iraqi–Kurdish War  Ba’athist Iraq  KDP
1974 1975 1974–75 Shatt al-Arab clashes  Ba’athist Iraq  Imperial State of Iran
1975 1975 Islamist uprising in the Panjshir Valley  Kingdom of Afghanistan Forces loyal to Ahmad Shah Massoud
1975 2002 Angolan Civil War  MPLA
Soviet Union
East Germany
South Africa
United States
1975 Ongoing Cabinda War  Angola
East Germany(1975–1990)
Soviet Union (1975–1991)
1975 1991 Western Sahara War
Part of the Western Sahara conflict
Mauritania (1975–1979)
France (1977–1978)
 Polisario Front
Algeria (1976)
1975 1979 PUK insurgency  Iraq  PUK
1975 1990 Lebanese Civil War  LF
Syria (until 1976)Tigers Militia
ALZIsrael (1982)
SLAUnited States
ADFLNM (until 1982)
LNRF (from 1982)
PLO (1978–1983)Hezbollah
1975 1989 Cambodian–Vietnamese War  Vietnam
 Democratic Kampuchea
United States
1975 Ongoing Insurgency in Laos  Laos
Hmong insurgents
United States
1975 1975 Indonesian invasion of East Timor  Indonesia  Fretilin / Falintil
1976 Early 1980s Rebellion of the Lost [pt]  Brazilian military government Rebels
1976 1983 Dirty War  Argentina  Montoneros
1976 2005 Insurgency in Aceh  Indonesia  Free Aceh Movement
1976 1980 Political violence in Turkey (1976–80) Right-wing groups:

Grey Wolves (MHP)

Left-wing groups:
Devrimci Yol
1977 1977 Safar uprising[52]  Ba’athist Iraq Rebels
1977 1992 Mozambican Civil War  FRELIMO  RENAMO
1977 1977 Libyan–Egyptian War  Egypt  Libya
1977 1978 Ethio-Somali War  Ethiopia
South Yemen
Soviet Union
1977 1997 Chittagong Hill Tracts conflict  Bangladesh  Shanti Bahini
1977 1977 Shaba I  Zaire
1978 1978 Shaba II  Zaire
United States
1978 1978 1978 South Lebanon conflict  Israel
1978 1979 Uganda–Tanzania War  Tanzania
1978 1987 Chadian–Libyan conflict  CAF
1978 Ongoing Kurdish–Turkish conflict  Turkey
1978 1982 NDF Rebellion  North Yemen NDF
1979 1979 Grand Mosque seizure  Saudi Arabia  al-Ikhwan
1979 1979 1979 Herat uprising  Democratic Republic of Afghanistan  Army mutineers
1979 1979 Yemenite War of 1979  North Yemen  South Yemen
1979 1979 1979 Khuzestan uprising  Iran  APCO


1979 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War  China  Vietnam
1979 1990 Sino-Vietnamese conflicts 1979–90  China  Vietnam
1979 1982 Islamist uprising in Syria  Syria  Muslim Brotherhood of Syria
1979 1983 1979 Kurdish rebellion in Iran  Iran  KDP-I
1979 1988 Al-Ansar insurgency  Iraq Iraqi Communist Party
1979 1980 1979–1980 Shia uprising in Iraq  Iraq Shiite rebels
1979 1989 Soviet–Afghan War Peshawar Seven
Tehran Eight
 Soviet Union
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
1979 1992 Salvadoran Civil War  Salvadoran government  FMLN
Start Finish Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
February 1980 24 March 1981 Second Eritrean Civil War  Eritrean People’s Liberation Front  Eritrean Liberation Front
17 May 1980 Ongoing Internal conflict in Peru  Peru
Rondas Campesinas
 Shining Path
Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
18 May 1980 27 May 1980 Gwangju Uprising  South Korea Gwangju Settlement Committees
9 July 1980 10 July 1980 Nojeh coup plot  Iran Royalist Officers
August 1980 September 1980 Coconut War  Vanuatu
Papua New Guinea
 Nagriamel rebels
12 September 1980 Ongoing Maoist insurgency in Turkey  Turkey  TKP/ML-TİKKO



Maoist Party Centre


22 September 1980 20 August 1988 Iran–Iraq War  Iraq
DRFLASupported by:[show]
ISCISupported by:[show]
25 January 1981 5 February 1981 Paquisha War  Peru  Ecuador
6 February 1981 25 January 1986 Ugandan Bush War  National Resistance Army  Uganda National Liberation Army
8 February 1981 12 February 1981 1981 Entumbane uprising  Zimbabwe  ZIPRA
29 July 1981 1 August 1981 1981 Gambian coup d’état attempt  Gambia
National Revolutionary Council
1982 Ongoing Casamance conflict  Senegal
 Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance
25 January 1982 1982 Amol uprising  Iran  Union of Iranian Communists
2 April 1982 14 June 1982 Falklands War  United Kingdom  Argentina
1982 1982 Ndogboyosoi War  Sierra Leone SLPP
6 June 1982 June 1985 1982 Lebanon War  PLO
AmalAl-MourabitounIslamic AmalASALAAl-TawhidPKK
Lebanese Front
18 February 1985 25 May 2000 Security Zone conflict  Hezbollah
June 1982 August 1982 1982 Ethiopian–Somali Border War  Somalia  Ethiopia
Somali Salvation Democratic Front
18 April 1983 1983 Chadian–Nigerian War  Nigeria  Chad
1983 Ongoing Molossian–East German War  Republic of Molossia  East Germany
5 June 1983 9 January 2005 Second Sudanese Civil War  SPLA
Anyanya II
Eastern Coalition
23 July 1983 18 May 2009 Sri Lankan Civil War  Sri Lanka
India (1987–1990)
 Tamil Tigers
September 1983 1985 Kurdish rebellion of 1983
Part of the Iran–Iraq War
 Iraq  KDP
25 October 1983 29 October 1983 Invasion of Grenada  United States
Antigua and Barbuda
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
13 April 1984 25 November 2003 Siachen conflict  India[53][54][55]  Pakistan
25 December 1985 30 December 1985 Agacher Strip War  Mali  Burkina Faso
13 January 1986 24 January 1986 South Yemen Civil War  Abdul Fattah Ismail‘s faction  Ali Nasir Muhammad‘s faction
15 April 1986 1986 United States bombing of Libya  United States  Libya
November 1986 1992 Surinamese Interior War  Suriname Jungle Commando

Tucayana Amazonas

1986 1987 Ciskei-Transkei conflict  Ciskei  Transkei
15 November 1987 Brașov rebellion  Socialist Republic of Romania Demonstrators
1987 1991 Singing Revolution Citizens of the Baltic States:




 Soviet Union
8 December 1987 1 November 1991

(or 13 September 1993)

First Intifada  Israel  Unified National Leadership of the Uprising


Palestinian Islamic Jihad

1987 1989 1987–89 JVP insurrection  Sri Lanka  JVP
1987 1987 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish  India  China
1987 Ongoing Lord’s Resistance Army insurgency  Uganda
South Sudan
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Central African Republic
 Lord’s Resistance Army
20 February 1988 12 May 1994 Nagorno-Karabakh War  Nagorno-Karabakh
1 December 1988 20 April 1998 Bougainville Civil War  Bougainville Revolutionary Army  Papua New Guinea
15 February 1989 30 April 1992 Civil war in Afghanistan (1989–92)
part of the war in afghanistan(1978–present)

Supported by:[show]

 Democratic Republic of Afghanistan

Supported by:[show]

9 April 1989 18 July 1991 Mauritania–Senegal Border War  Mauritania  Senegal
13 July 1989 23 August 1996 KDPI insurgency (1989–96)  Government of Iran  KDP-I
13 July 1989 Ongoing Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir
Part of the Kashmir conflict
 India  Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami
Hizbul Mujahideen
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
16 December 1989 27 December 1989 Romanian Revolution  Anti-Ceaușescu protestors
Romanian Army
Dissident members of the Communist Party
 Socialist Republic of Romania
Securitate and other loyalist forces
20 December 1989 31 January 1990 United States invasion of Panama  United States

Panamanian opposition

24 December 1989 2 August 1997 First Liberian Civil War National Patriotic Front of Liberia

Supported by:


 Armed Forces of Liberia
United Nations
Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia

This is a list of wars that began between 1990 and 2002. Other wars can be found in the historical lists of wars and the list of wars extended by diplomatic irregularity. Major wars from this era include the Second Congo War in Africa, the Second Chechen War in Europe, the Tajikistani Civil War in Asia, and the Cenepa War in South America.

Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
1990 1991 Gulf War  Kuwait
United States
United Kingdom
Saudi Arabia
Coalition Forces
1990 1998 1990–1998 Indonesian military operations in Aceh  Indonesia  Free Aceh Movement
1990 Ongoing DHKP/C insurgency in Turkey  Turkey  DHKP-C
1990 1994 Rwandan Civil War  FPR  Government of Rwanda
1990 1995 Tuareg rebellion (1990–1995)  Mali
Ganda Iso
Arab Islamic Front of Azawad
Popular Front for the Liberation of Azawad
United Movements and Fronts of Azawad
Front for the Liberation of Air and Azaouak
Front for the Liberation of Tamoust
1990 1990 1990 Mindanao crisis  Philippines  Federal Republic of Mindanao
1991 1991 Operation Traira  Brazil


1991 1991 Ten-Day War  Slovenia  SFR Yugoslavia
1991 1992 1991–1992 South Ossetia War  South Ossetia
North Ossetian volunteers
1991 1994 Djiboutian Civil War  Djibouti
 Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy
1991 1995 Croatian War of Independence  Croatia
Bosnia and Herzegovina (1994–1995)
 SFR Yugoslavia (1991–1992)
Republic of Serbian Krajina (1992–1995)
Republika Srpska (1992–1995)
1991 2002 Sierra Leone Civil War  Sierra Leone
South African Mercenaries
Nigerian-led ECOMOG Group
United Kingdom
 Revolutionary United Front
Armed Forces Revolutionary Council
West Side Boys
1991 2002 Algerian Civil War  Algerian government  Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
1991 Ongoing Somali Civil War 1986–1991:

Armed rebel groups:

·          SSDF

·          SNM

·          SPM

·         USC

·         SDF

United Nations

·         UNOSOM I

·         Unified Task Force

·         UNOSOM II

Transitional Federal Government
Allied armed groups:

·          ARPCT

·          Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a

Federal Government of Somalia
United States


Somali Democratic Republic (until 1991)

·         SNA

Allied rebel groups:

·         SNF (after 1991)

Islamic Courts Union
Oromo Liberation Front[1]
Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia
Ras Kamboni Brigades
Jabhatul Islamiya
Muaskar Anole

·          Al-Shabaab

Foreign Mujahideen
Hizbul Islam

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
(since 2015)

1991 1993 Georgian Civil War  Georgian State Council
National Guard of Georgia
1991 1991 1991 uprisings in Iraq  Ba’athist Iraq Shia militias
1992 1995 Bosnian War  Bosnia and Herzegovina
Croatian Herzeg-Bosnia (1992; 1994-1995)
Croatia (1992; 1994-1995)
NATO (1995)
 Republika Srpska
Republic of Serbian Krajina
Western Bosnia (1993-1995)
1992 1992 1992 Venezuelan coup d’état attempts  Venezuela Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200
1992 1992 East Prigorodny Conflict  North Ossetian militia and security forces
North Ossetian Republican Guard
South Ossetian militia
Don Cossacks
Terek Cossacks
Russian Army
 Ingush militia
1992 1996 Civil war in Afghanistan (1992–1996)  Taliban

Al Qaeda
Supported by:
Saudi Arabia

Hezbi Islami(Supported by Pakistan)
Hezb-i Wahdat (Supported by Iran)
Junbish-i Milli (Supported by Uzbekistan and Russia)

 Unit Party

·          Jamiat-i Islami

·          Shura-i Nazar

·         Ittehad-i Islami

·         Harakat-i Islami

·         Hezbi Islami (until August 1992)

·         Junbish-i Milli (until 1994)

·         Hezb-i Wahdat (until December 1992)

1992 1992 War of Transnistria  Transnistria
Russian Volunteers
Russian 14th Army
Ukrainian Volunteers
Don Cossacks
Romanian Volunteers and advisors
1992 1993 War in Abkhazia (1992–1993)  Abkhazia
Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus
Russian Cossacks
1992 1997 Civil war in Tajikistan  Tajikistan
1993 1994 Chechen Civil War [ru]  Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Provisional Council of the Chechen Republic [ru]

National Salvation Committee [ru]

Supported by:


1993 2005 Burundian Civil War Government forces:

Burundian government

·         Burundian military

Supported by:
African Union Mission in Burundi

Hutu militias:


Tutsi militias

1993 1994 Republic of the Congo Civil War (1993–1994) Republic of the Congo government


Congolese Party of Labour
1993 Ongoing Ethnic conflict in Nagaland  India

·         Nagaland


·          Sagaing Region

 Rebels Forces[show]
1993 1993 1993 Russian constitutional crisis  President of Russia
Main Administration of Protection
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of Defence·          Kantemirovskaya Tank Division·          Taman DivisionFAPSI·          Alpha Group

·          Vympel

 Supreme Soviet of Russia
Congress of People’s Deputies of Russia
Vice President of Russia
Supporters of the Supreme Soviet and Alexander Rutskoy
1994 1997 Iraqi Kurdish Civil War  PUK

Iran (from 1995)

·         Support

United States (from 1996)


Iran (until 1995)

1994 Ongoing Armenian-Azerbaijani border conflict
Part of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
 Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

Supported by:


Supported by:

1994 Ongoing Chiapas conflict  Mexico  Zapatista Army of National Liberation[2]
1994 1994 1994 Zapatista Uprising
Part of the Chiapas conflict
 Mexico  Zapatista Army of National Liberation
1994 1994 1994 Bophuthatswana crisis  BDF Mutineers
 Government of Bophuthatswana
Afrikaner Volksfront
1994 1994 Yemeni Civil War (1994)  Yemen  Democratic Republic of Yemen
1994 1996 First Chechen War  Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
Foreign mujahideen
Ukrainian volunteers
1994 1999 Caprivi conflict  Namibia Caprivi Liberation Army
1995 1995 Cenepa War  Peru  Ecuador
1995 2019 Insurgency in Ogaden  Ethiopia  Ogaden National Liberation Front
1995 2018 Second Afar Insurgency  Ethiopia
1995 1995 Hanish Islands conflict  Eritrea  Yemen
1996 Ongoing ADF insurgency  Uganda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
 Allied Democratic Forces
National Army for the Liberation of Uganda
1996 2006 Nepalese Civil War  Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Supported by:
 Kingdom of Nepal (Government)
Supported by:
United States
United Kingdom
European Union
1996 2001 Civil war in Afghanistan (1996–2001)  Islamic State of Afghanistan
After September 11, 2001:
United States of America
United Kingdom
Supported by:
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
al-QaedaSupported by:
1996 1997 First Congo War   AFDL
Army for the Liberation of RwandaInterahamwe
1997 1997 Albanian Rebellion of 1997  Albania
 Ad hoc local Albanian militias
1997 1999 Republic of the Congo Civil War (1997–1999)  Republic of the Congo (Denis Sassou Nguesso government)
Cobra militia
Rwandan Hutu militia
 Republic of the Congo (Pascal Lissouba government)
Cocoye militia
Ninja militia
Nsiloulou militia
Mamba militia
1997 1997 1997 clashes in Cambodia  Hun Sen (CPP)
 Norodom Ranariddh (FUNCINPEC)
Khmer Rouge
1998 1998 1998 Monrovia clashes  Liberian government (Taylor loyalists)  Johnson’s forces (ex-ULIMO-J)

Limited involvement:


United States

1998 1998 War in Abkhazia (1998)  Abkhazia  White Legion

Forest Brotherhood

1998 1999 Kosovo War  KLA

Republic of Kosova
(Until 1999)


1998 2000 Eritrean–Ethiopian War  Ethiopia

CIS Mercenaries
Supported by:


CIS Mercenaries
Supported by:
United States

1998 2003 Second Congo War Pro-government:
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Anti-Ugandan forces:
Sudan (Alleged)·          ADF·         UNRF II·         FNIAnti-Rwandan militias:

·         Mai-Mai

·          Interahamwe

·         RDR

·          ALiR

·         Other Hutu-aligned forces

Anti-Burundi militias:

·          CNDD-FDD

·         FROLINA

Rwandan-aligned militias:

·         RCD

·         RCD-Goma

·         Banyamulenge

Ugandan-aligned militias:

·         MLC

·         Forces for Renewal

·         UPC

·         Other Tutsi-aligned forces

Anti-Angolan forces:
Foreign state actors:

1998 1999 Guinea-Bissau Civil War  Military rebels

Supported by:
United States


Supported by:

1998 1998 1998 Saudi-Yemeni border conflict[4][5][6]
1998 Ongoing Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen  Republic of Yemen

·          Yemen Army

o     Yemeni Republican Guard

·          Yemeni Air Force

Supported by:
United States

Supported by:

 al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

·         Aden-Abyan Islamic Army

·         Islamic Jihad of Yemen

Supported by:

1999 1999 Batken Conflict  Kyrgyzstan
 Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
1999 1999 Kargil War

Part of the Indo-Pakistani Wars

 India  Pakistan
1999 2000 1999 East Timorese crisis  East Timor

Supported by:
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States

 Pro-Indonesian militias

·         Aitarak

·         Besi Merah Putih

·         Laksaur

·         Mahidi

1999 2001 Insurgency in the Preševo Valley  FR Yugoslavia  UÇPMB
1999 2002 Maluku sectarian conflict
1999 2003 Second Liberian Civil War  Rebel groups:

·         Anti-Taylor Armed Forces elements

·         LURD

·         MODEL

Supported by:
Sierra Leone
United Kingdom
United States

 Liberian government:

·         Loyalist Armed Forces elements

·         ATU

·         SOD

·         SSS

·         NPFL/NPP militias

Supported by:

1999 2007 Ituri conflict Hema tribe:
Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC)RCD-Kisangani
UgandaDemocratic Republic of the Congo
Lendu tribe:
Nationalist and Integrationist Front (FNI)
Front for Patriotic Resistance in Ituri (FRPI)
Popular Front for Justice in Congo (PFJC)Mai-Mai Simba
1999 1999 War of Dagestan  Russia

·          Armed Forces

o     Ground Forces

o     Air Force

o     Navy

o     VDV

·          MVD

o    Internal Troops

o    Militsiya

o    OMON

·          GRU

o     Spetsnaz

·          Dagestan

o    Police

o    Volunteers

 Islamic Djamaat of Dagestan

·          CPID

o    IIPB

·          SPIR

·          Islamic religious police

1999 2009 Second Chechen War  Russian Federation

·          Chechen Republic

 Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
(1999–2007)Caucasian Front
Caucasus Emirate
Arab Mujahideen
Start Finished Name of conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
2010 2010 2010 South Kyrgyzstan ethnic clashes  Kyrgyz provisional government
Supported by:
United States
Kyrgyzistani Kyrgyz gangs

·                     Pro-Bakiyev Kyrgyz

Other pro- Bakiyev forces

·                     Tajik contractors

o                  Tajikstani Tajiks

o                  Russian Tajiks

·                     Other mercenaries

Uzbekistani Kyrgyz

·                     Sokh Uzbekistani Kyrgyz

·                     Sogment Uzbekistani Kyrgyz

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (alleged)

Kyrgyzstani Uzbeks

·                     Pro-provisional government civilians

Uzbekistani Uzbek civilians

·                     Sokh Uzbekistani Uzbeks

·                     Sogment Uzbekistani Uzbeks

Uzbekistan (limited involv.)

2010 2010 2010 Kingston unrest  Jamaica

·                     Jamaica Constabulary Force

·                     Jamaica Defence Force

United States

·                     Department of Homeland Security

Shower Posse drug cartel
2010 2012 Tajikistan insurgency  Tajik Government

·                     Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan

 United Tajik Opposition

·                     Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

·                     Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan

2010 2011 2010–2011 Ivorian crisis

Second Ivorian Civil War

Liberian mercenaries
 Military of Ivory Coast
Liberian mercenaries
2011 2011 Libyan Civil War (2011)  National Transitional Council

·                     National Liberation Army

·                     Libyan Islamic Fighting Group

·                     Anti-Gaddafi tribes

·                     Foreign mercenaries (alleged)


Enforcing UNSC Resolution 1973:

·                      NATO

o                   Belgium

o                   Bulgaria

o                   Canada

o                   Denmark

o                   France

o                   Greece

o                   Italy

o                   Netherlands

o                   Norway

o                   Portugal

o                   Romania

o                   Spain

o                   Turkey

o                   United Kingdom

o                   United States

United Arab Emirates

Minor border clashes:

Weapons supplies


 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

·                     Libyan Armed Forces

·                     Paramilitary forces

·                     Pro-Gaddafi tribes

·                     Foreign mercenaries (alleged)

Military support:

·                      Zimbabwe

o                  5th Brigade

·                      Belarus

o                   State Security Committee

o                   5th Spetsnaz Brigade

§                334th Separate Unit

Minor border clashes:
Darfur rebels

Weapons supplies


2011 Ongoing Sinai insurgency  Egypt

·                     Egyptian Army

·                     Central Security Forces

·                     Egyptian Ministry of the Interior

o                  National Security Service

o                  National Police


·                     Israeli Intelligence Community


·                     United Arab Emirates Armed Forces


·                     Ansar Bait al-Maqdis

·                      Al-Qaeda

o                  Tawhid al-Jihad

o                  Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula (from late 2011)

o                  Abdullah Azzam Brigades

o                  Ansar al-Sharia

·                     Hasm Movement

·                     Bedouin tribesmen

·                     Jund al-Islam

·                     Popular Resistance Movement

·                     Takfir wal-Hijra

·                     Army of Islam

·                     Al Furqan Brigades

·                     Soldiers of Egypt

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

·                      Wilayat Sinai

·                     Mujahideen Shura Council

2011 Ongoing Syrian Civil War  Syrian Arab Republic
Russia (2015–present)SupportIraq (2017–19)
 Interim Government (Syrian opposition)
Turkey (2016–present)SupportQatar
United States (2011–17)
Saudi Arabia (2012–17)
United Kingdom (2011–18)
France (2011–18)Salvation Government (Tahrir al-Sham)


Qatar (2012–2017)
Saudi Arabia (2012–2017)
Turkey (2012–2017)

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (2013–present)


Al-Qaeda (2013–2014)

Rojava (Syrian Democratic Forces) (2012–present)


United States (2014–present)
Russia (2015–18, 2019-present)
France (2016–present)
PUK (2013–present)
KDP (2013–15)

CJTF–OIR (2014–present)

·                      United States

·                      France

·                      United Kingdom

·                      Jordan

·                      Germany

·                      Netherlands

·                      UAE

·                      Saudi Arabia

·                      Australia (2015–17)

·                      Belgium (2014–17)

·                      Bahrain (2014–16)

·                      Denmark (2014–16)

·                      Morocco (2014–16)

·                      Qatar (2014–16)

·                      Canada (2014–15)

2011 Ongoing Sudanese conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile  Sudan

·                     SAF


·                      SPLM-N

·                      SLA

·                      JEM

Alleged support:
South Sudan

2011 2017 Shia insurgency in Bahrain  Bahrain

·                     Public Security Forces

·                     Ministry of Interior (Bahrain)

·                     Bahrain Defence Force

Al-Ashtar Brigades

·                     Wa’ad Allah Brigades

·                     Islamic Allah Brigades

·                     Imam al-Mahdi Brigades

·                     al-Haydariyah Brigades

 Iran (alleged)

·                      Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

Saraya al-Mukhtar (al-Mukhtar Brigade)
Saraya al Karar
Asa’ib al-Muqawama al-Bahrainia

Alleged support:[show]

2011 2017 Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon

Part of the Syrian Civil War


·                     Lebanese Army

·                     Internal Security Forces

Supported by:[show]

Pro-Syrian government militias:

·                      Hezbollah

o                  Lebanese Resistance Brigades

·                      PFLP-GC

·                      Amal Movement

·                      Syrian Social Nationalist Party

·                      DFLP

·                      Popular Nasserist Organization

·                      As-Sa’iqa

·                      Fatah al-Intifada

·                     Arab Democratic Party (until 2014)

·                     Arab Movement Party

Supported by:[show]

Other militias:

·                      Lebanese Communist Party

·                      Fatah

Anti-Syrian government militias:

·                      Free Syrian Army

o                  Saraya Ahl al-Sham

·                      Jaysh al-Islam

·                      Future Movement

·                      Islamic Front (until 2015)

Al-Qaeda affiliates:

·                      Tahrir al-Sham

o                   Al-Nusra Front

·                      Fatah al-Islam

·                     Ghuraba al-Sham (until 2013)

·                     Jund al-Sham

·                     Abdullah Azzam Brigades

·                     Osbat al-Ansar

·                     Sunni Resistance Committees

·                     Muslim Youth

 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
(from 2013)

·                     Military of ISIL

·                     Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade

2011 Ongoing Ethnic violence in South Sudan (2011–present)

Part of the Sudanese nomadic conflicts

Various tribes Various tribes
2011 2012 Operation Linda Nchi

Part of the Somali Civil War (2009–present)


Raskamboni Front

2011 2014 Factional violence in Libya (2011–14)  Libyan National Army

·                     Special Forces (Saiqa brigade)

·                     Libyan Air Force

·                     Libyan Navy

Government-sanctioned local militias

·                     Supreme Security Committee

Various militias

·                      Gaddafi loyalists

·                      Toubou Front for the Salvation of Libya

·                     General Haftar forces:

o                  Zintan Brigade

o                  Brigade 93

o                  Pro Haftar Libyan National Army factions

o                  Mashashya tribe (alleged)

o                  Katibat Al-Awfiyah brigade

o                  Al-Awfea brigade (alleged)

Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries

·                     Ansar Al-Sharia Brigades

·                     Libya Shield 1

2011 2014 Iraqi insurgency (2011–2013)

Part of the Iraq War

 Iraqi Government

·                      Security forces

·                     Private security contractors

Iraqi Kurdistan

·                     Sons of Iraq

Supported by

United States

Sunni insurgent factions:

Islamic State of Iraq (ISIL since April 2013)

Ba’ath Party Loyalists

·                      Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation

·                     Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order

·                      Islamic Army of Iraq

·                     Other Sunni insurgents and militia

Shi’a factions:

·                      Special Groups

·                      Promised Day Brigades

·                      Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq

·                      Kata’ib Hezbollah

·                      Mahdi Army

·                      Badr Brigades

·                     Soldiers of Heaven

·                     Other militias

Supported by


2012 Ongoing Northern Mali conflict  Government of Mali

Mali Army



full list[show]




South Africa[60]








Supported by:

full list[show]

Non-state combatants:

Ganda Iso
MSA (from 2016)
GATIA (from 2014)

 National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA)

Islamic Movement of Azawad


Islamist Groups


Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (2017–present)

Al-Mourabitoun (2013–17)

Ansar al-Sharia (2012–present)

Ansar Dine (2012–17)[101]

AQIM (2012–17)

Macina Liberation Front


MOJWA (2011–13)[103][104]

Nigerian jihadist volunteers

Boko Haram (2012–13)[105]

Ansaru (2012–13)[105]

Islamic State

Islamic State in the Greater Sahara

2012 2012 Heglig Crisis  Sudan  South Sudan



2012 2012 2012 Abyan offensive

Part of the Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen


·                     Republic of Yemen Armed Forces

·                     Tribal fighters

·                     Popular Committees

 Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

·                     Ansar al-Sharia

·                     Al-Shabaab

·                     Aden-Abyan Islamic Army

·                     Other Islamic militants

2012 2013 M23 rebellion  Democratic Republic of the Congo


·                      Force Intervention Brigade

o                   South Africa

o                   Tanzania

o                   Malawi

 March 23 Movement

Alleged support:

2012 2012 Baragoi clashes Samburu tribe Turkana tribe
2012 Ongoing Central African Republic conflict (2012–present)  Central African Republic

MINUSCA (since 2014)

MISCA (2013–2014)

MICOPAX (2013)[show]

France (2013–16)

South Africa (2012–13)

 EUFOR RCA (2014–15)[show]








2013 2020 South Sudanese Civil War

Part of the ethnic violence in South Sudan (2011–present)

 South Sudan


Air Force

Mathiang Anyoor

Maban Defence Force[106]

Allied militias



SPLM-N[111][109] (alleged)

EUPF[112] (alleged)

State allies:


Egypt[113] (alleged)


Nuer White Army



SSFDP South Sudan National Army[121][122]

NAS[123] (since March 2017)



Arrow Boys (since Nov. 2015)

Wau State insurgents[124]

Supported by:

Sudan (South Sudanese gov. claim)[125]


Regional Protection Force[127]

·                      Rwanda

·                      Ethiopia

2013 2019 Batwa–Luba clashes Pygmy Batwa militias

·                     “Perci”

Luba militias

·                     “Elements”

2013 2013 Zamboanga City crisis  Philippines  Bangsamoro Republik
2013 2019 RENAMO insurgency (2013–2019)  Mozambique  RENAMO
2014 2015 Houthi takeover in Yemen

Part of the Houthi insurgency in Yemen and the Yemeni Crisis


·                      Saleh Security forces

·                      Republican Guard

 Government of Yemen

·                      Security Forces

·                      Al-Islah militias

2014 2014 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict

Part of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

 Israel  Gaza Strip

·                      Hamas

·                      Islamic Jihad

·                      DFLP

·                     PFLP

·                     PRC

·                     al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades

·                     Abdullah Azzam Brigades

2014 2014 2014 Aswan tribal clashes Arab Al-Halayel (Beni Helal) clan Nubian Al-Dabodeya family
2014 2017 Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017)  Iraq

·                      Iraqi Armed Forces

o                   Popular Mobilization Forces

Allied groups:

·                      Iraqi Turkmen Front

·                      Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas

·                      Iraqi Communist Party

·                      Various self-defense groups and tribal militias


·                      United States

·                      United Kingdom

·                      Australia

·                      France

·                      Italy

·                      Jordan

·                      Kuwait

·                      Netherlands

·                      Belgium (2014–17)

·                      Turkey (2014–17)

·                      Canada (2014–16)

·                      Denmark (2014–16)

·                      Morocco (2014–16)


Syria (2014)

Iraqi Kurdistan

·                      Peshmerga

·                     Kurdish National Council

Sinjar Alliance
Syrian Kurdistan

Further support:
for   Iraq and   Iraqi Kurdistan

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic

 Islamic State

·                     Military of ISIL

Other anti-government groups:

·                      GMCIR

·                      PCIR

·                      Various Ba’athist factions

o                   Naqshbandi Army

·                      Anbar tribial militias

·                      Free Iraqi Army (2014)

·                      Jihad and Reform Front

·                      Ansar al-Islam

·                      White Flags

2014 Ongoing Libyan Civil War (2014–present)  House of Representatives (Tobruk-based)

·                     Libyan National Army

·                      Libyan Air Force (LNA–aligned)

·                     Zintan brigades (until 2017)

·                     Russian PMCs

JEM (from 2016)
Wagner Group Supported by:
United Arab Emirates
United States
Saudi Arabia
United Kingdom (2014–16)
Jordan (2014–16, 2019–present)
Algeria (2014–18)
Greece (since 2019)

Gaddafi loyalists

·                      Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya

·                     Warshefana militias

 Government of National Accord (Tripoli-based) (since 2016)

·                     Libyan Armed Forces

o                   Libyan Ground Forces

o                   Libyan Air Force (GNA–aligned)

o                   Libyan Navy

·                     Presidential Guard

·                     Misrata Brigades

·                     Sabratha Revolutionary Brigades

·                     Petroleum Facilities Guard

·                     Tripoli Brigade (until 2018)

·                     Tripoli Protection Force (since 2018)

·                     Misratan Third Force

·                      Tuareg militias

·                      Toubou militias

·                      Amazigh militias

·                     Zintan Brigades (since 2017)

SNA (since 2019) Supported by:
United States (2016–19)
United Kingdom (since 2016)
European Union
Sudan (until 2019)
Jordan (2016–18)

National Salvation Government

·                     Libya Shield Force

·                     LROR

·                     Libyan National Guard

Supported by:
Qatar (2014–16)
Sudan (2014–16)
Turkey (2014–16)
Iran (allegedly)

Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries   al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

SCBR militia:

Ansar al-Sharia
Libya Shield 1
February 17th Martyrs Brigade
Rafallah al-Sahati Brigade
Shura Council of Mujahideen in Derna (2014–18)

·                     Ansar al-Sharia (Derna) (2014–18)

·                     Abu Salim Martyrs

Benghazi Defense Brigades
Ajdabiya Revolutionaries Shura Council (2015–16)
Derna Protection Force


·                     Wilayat Barqa

·                     Wilayat Tarabulus

·                     Wilayat Fezzan

Supported by:
AQIM (2014–2015; alleged in 2016)

2014 Ongoing War in Donbass

Part of the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine

 Ukraine  Donetsk People’s Republic

Luhansk People’s Republic


2014 Ongoing International military intervention against ISIL Intervening in Syria and Iraq:


·                      United States (also intervening in Libya and Cameroon)

·                      Australia

·                      Canada (2014–20)

·                      Belgium (2014–17)

·                      Denmark

·                      Sweden

·                      France

·                      Germany

·                      Italy

·                      Norway (2014–)

·                      Turkey (2014–17)

·                      Netherlands

·                      Jordan

·                      Morocco (2014–16)

·                      Spain

·                      United Kingdom


Intervening in Syria only:

Saudi Arabia (2014–16)
Bahrain (2014–16)
United Arab Emirates (2014–16)


Military aid:

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Unnamed Middle Eastern countries
Unnamed Eastern European countries

Humanitarian aid:

European Union
New Zealand
South Korea

Intelligence aid:


RSII coalition:

·                      Russia (airstrikes)

·                      Syria

·                      Iran

·                      Iraq

o                   Iraqi Shia militias (see below)

·                      Hezbollah

Local forces:

Local forces in Iraq:

Iraq Government (supported by U.S. and RSII coalitions)

Shi’a militias: (supported by Iran)

Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq

·                      Badr Organization

·                      Kata’ib Hezbollah

·                      Promised Day Brigade

Iraqi Kurdistan
Iraqi Turkmen Front (supported by Turkey)
Nineveh Plain Protection Units

Local forces in Syria:

Syria (supported by Russia and Iran)
Syrian Democratic Forces (U.S. & allies)
Vetted Syrian Opposition (U.S. & allies)
Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (supported by Turkey)

Local forces
in Lebanon

Lebanese Communist Party

Local forces
in Libya

Government of National Accord
Misrata Brigades
Misrata Military Council

(in Libya)


(Boko Haram joined ISIL in 2015)

United States

See also: American military intervention


Islamic Military

 Islamic State of
Iraq and the Levant
·                      Boko Haram
(in Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon)[33]·                      Wilayat Barqa
(in Libya)·                      Wilayat Sinai
(in the Sinai)

·                      Wilayat Khorasan
(in Afghanistan and Pakistan)

·                      Wilayat Kavkaz
(in the North Caucasus)

·                      Abu Sayyaf
(in Southeast Asia)

·                      Abnaa ul-Calipha
(in Somalia)


·                      Tahrir al-Sham (2017–present)

o                   al-Nusra Front (2014–17)

o                   Khorasan group

·                      Jund al-Aqsa

2015 Ongoing Yemeni Civil War (2015–present)  Supreme Political Council

·                      Houthis

·                      Pro-Saleh forces (until 2017)

·                     Some Popular Committees

·                      Sana’a-GPC forces

Alleged support

North Korea

 Ansar al-Sharia

·                     AQAP

Alleged support

Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates


 Cabinet of Yemen

·                      Pro-Hadi Security forces

·                     Yemen National Army (YNA)

·                     Al-Islah

·                     Popular Resistance Committees

·                     Popular Committees

·                     Strategic Reserve (pro-Hadi Saleh forces)

Saudi-led coalition

Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates (limited involvement)
Sudan (2015–19)
Morocco (2015–19)
Qatar (2015–17)
Academi security contractors

Under 1,000 troops:[show]

United States


 Southern Movement

·                     Southern Transitional Council (from 2017)

·                     National Resistance

·                      Tihamah Resistance

Supported by:
United Arab Emirates

2015 Ongoing ISIL insurgency in Tunisia  Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

·                     Wilayat Tarabulus

·                     Wilayah al-Jazair

·                     Wilayat Tunis

Ansar al-Sharia
(only in March 2016)


Tunisian National Guard

Tunisian Army

Tunisian Police

Supported by:
United Kingdom

2015 Ongoing Kurdish–Turkish conflict (2015–present)

Part of the Kurdish–Turkish conflict (1978–present)

 Turkey  Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK)

·                      PKK

o                   HPG

o                   YJA-STAR

·                      PYD

o                   YPG

o                   YPJ

·                      PJAK


·                      YPS

·                      YPS-Jin

Kurdistan Freedom Hawks

2016 Ongoing 2016 Niger Delta conflict

Part of the Conflict in the Niger Delta


·                      Nigerian Armed Forces

Niger Delta Separatists:

Adaka Boro Avengers

Asawana Deadly Force of Niger Delta

Niger Delta Avengers

Niger Delta Greenland Justice Mandate

Niger Delta Justice Defence Group

Niger Delta Volunteers

Niger Delta Red Squad

Niger Delta Revolutionary Crusaders

Reformed Egbesu Fraternities

·                     Egbesu Boys of the Niger Delta

·                     Egbesu Red Water Lions

·                     Egbesu Mightier Fraternity

Supported by:
Indigenous People of Biafra

2016 2016 2016 Armenian–Azerbaijani clashes  Azerbaijan  Republic of Artsakh


2016 2017 The Pool War  Republic of the Congo

·                      Armed Forces

Ninja militia
2016 Ongoing Northern Rakhine State clashes

Part of the Rohingya insurgency in Western Myanmar and the Internal conflict in Myanmar

 Myanmar  Arakan Army

Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army

2016 2016 2016 Kasese clashes  Uganda

·                      Armed Forces

·                      Police Force


·                      Royal Guards

2016 Ongoing Kamwina Nsapu rebellion  Democratic Republic of the Congo

·                     Armed Forces

·                     Police Force

·                     Republican Guard

·                     National Intelligence Agency

Allied militias:

·                     Bana Mura

·                     Local pro-government groups

 Kamwina Nsapu militia

·                     Various independent militias

2017 2017 2017 Afghanistan–Pakistan border skirmish

Part of the Afghanistan–Pakistan skirmishes

 Pakistan  Afghanistan
2017 Ongoing 2017–2020 Qatif unrest

Part of the Qatif conflict

 Saudi Arabia Shia minority

Hezbollah Al-Hejaz

2017 2017 Marawi crisis

Part of the Moro conflict and the Military intervention against ISIL


Supported by:

·                      MNLF

·                      MILF

Foreign supporters:

·                      United States (Military equipment, aid, and technical assistance)

·                      Australia (Intelligence support)

·                      China (Military equipment)

·                      Israel (Intelligence support and military equipment)

 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

·                      Islamic State Province in East Asia

·                      Abu Sayyaf

·                      Maute group

·                      Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters

2017 2017 2017 Iraqi–Kurdish conflict

Part of the Iraqi Civil War


Supported by:



 Iraqi Kurdistan Supported by:
Saudi ArabiaPKK
2017 Ongoing Anglophone Crisis  Cameroon  Ambazonia
2017 Ongoing Islamist insurgency in Mozambique  Mozambique

Supported by:




 Ansar al-Sunna

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (denied by Mozambican government)

Supported by:

Organized crime

Foreign sympathizers

2017 Ongoing Iraqi insurgency (2017–present)  Iraq

·                      Iraqi Federal Police

·                      Iraqi Armed Forces

o                   Popular Mobilization Forces

·                      Pro-Government Tribes

Rojava (cross-border cooperation since May 2018)


·                      United States

·                      United Kingdom

·                      Germany

·                      France

·                      Italy

Supported by:





·                      Canada

·                      Turkey

Kurdistan Region

·                     Peshmerga

Supported by:

 Islamic State

White Flags

Iraqi Baath Party

2018 Ongoing War in Catatumbo  Colombia  National Liberation Army (ELN)

Nororiental de Guerra

Frente 33

Popular Liberation Army (EPL)

2018 2018 Gaza–Israel clashes (November 2018)  Israel  Gaza Strip

·                      Hamas

·                      Islamic Jihad

·                     PFLP

·                     al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades

·                     PRC

2018 2018 2018 Armenian–Azerbaijani clashes  Azerbaijan  Armenia
2019 2019 2019 India–Pakistan standoff  India  Pakistan

|  Jaish-e-Mohammed

2019 2019 Gaza–Israel clashes (May 2019)  Israel  Gaza Strip

·                      Hamas

·                      Palestinian Islamic Jihad

·                      National Resistance Brigades

·                      Tawhid al-Jihad

2019 Ongoing 2019–20 Persian Gulf crisis  United States

International Maritime Security Construct:

United States
United Kingdom
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Supported by:


Iraqi militias

·                      Popular Mobilization Forces

·                      Kata’ib Hezbollah

·                     League of Revolutionaries

Supported by:

2019 2019 Gaza–Israel clashes (November 2019)  Israel  Palestinian Islamic Jihad
2020 Ongoing 2020 China–India skirmishes  India  China